Monday, July 7, 2008

Veterns Get Preferential Treatment in Special Court. I am of the opinion that this is unfair, and unjust. Judges should have the judicial discretion to decide whether or not leniency should be shown, on a case by case basis, based upon the personal circumstanes involved. But people shouldn't be given an automatic break, just because they're veterns. What if a vetern is found in possession of child pornography. That is a non-violent felony. Yet it is not a victimless crime, like a drug offense. So would a vetern not have to be registered as a sex offender, as long as s/he completes a rehabilitation program? Sometimes alternative sentencing is in order. But veterns should not be shown any favors. While I do appreciate there service to our country, regardless as to whether or not I approve of the war, I do not think that they deserve to be held to a double standard, compared with civilians.

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