Thursday, August 8, 2013

Right-wing Terrorist Groups Threaten to Take Over Rural Villages

Yesterday I saw this on tv. As I've mentioned before, I was born in PA. And spent part of my life growing up there. There tends to not be all that much of a local police force. So mostly the residents just provide for their own self defense. But this situation is not simply a gun club formed with the intention of hunting wild game, and protecting one another. The group in question constitutes a paramilitary political gang. It's starting to resemble the social situation that existed in Weimar Republic Germany. And worse than Jamel, Germany, of today So I feel that if the state has it's hands tied, and/or is unwilling to confront the problem, then the left should form it's own armed partisan group to counter the aggressive hostile threat. Sort of like the "Reichsbanner" Only I fear that the center-left liberal establishment might prove to be lilly livered. So what might come to be would be a far-left militia, reminiscent of the "Red Front" What I find to be frustrating, and foolish though is that it seems that the powers that be, and the public at large, are more alarmed by the militant left than the fanatical right. I mean if someone were to publicly have displayed a Vietcong flag, such as this ,like how certain people on the right display a Confederate battle flag, and then go out into their back yard, and practice shooting with an automatic rifle, and.or handgun, I imagine that a sizable number of residents would become concerned, and inform the police, or perhaps even form a vigilance commitee to take matters into their own hands, rather than to feel compelled to have to simply put up with it, until the stuff hits the fan, so to speak. In answer to Thom Hartmann's question, about what I'd do if beset by such a scene, if I myself were to have a gun in my vehicle,I likely would have openned fire upon his "constitutional security force". Certainly, if there would ever be a time for pre-emptive attack, it would be then, in facing an imminent threat to the safety, and order, of the public. And this is also why I've largely lost confidence in this government's competance in securing our homeland from attacks. They can not seem to even get a handle on the various street gangs, much less private militias. And then when they do attempt to investigate reports of shots fired, they wind up hassling the likes of me. Presumabley because the authorities have become aware of my philosophical anarchist sentiments. I mean, in a way I get it. After all it was a self described anarchist whom assassinated Pres. William McKinley. But that was an example of a fanatical ideologue. Most left-libertarians, including your's truely, only justify using violence in countering aggression, in order to protect ourselves. And the state should only be cracking down on people who are overt threats to the public, not simply for the point of view they might hold. And, just as I'm not like the Weather Underground ,in all fairness, not all conservatives, even the old right, are like this right-wing paramilitary outfit. So we should all be held to account due to our actions, rather than our opinions.