Saturday, October 10, 2015

Common Core Means Corporate Take Over Of Education My commentary on the above linked article will be brief , as the article pretty much summed up the issue nicely. Some of my readers might be surprised that anyone on the political left would come out against the common core standards. Isn't public accountability in education a good thing ? But it is not the state implementing academic achievement goals that is my primary objection to this program. Rather it is the pressing of students , and ultimately workers, minds into the mold of  the social system of corporate power that I am against. From a more specifically libertarian Marxist stand point   , let me quote from the Communist  Manifesto .  "And your education! Is not that also social, and determined by the social conditions under which you educate, by the intervention direct or indirect, of society, by means of schools, &c.? The Communists have not invented the intervention of society in education; they do but seek to alter the character of that intervention, and to rescue education from the influence of the ruling class.
The bourgeois clap-trap about the family and education, about the hallowed co-relation of parents and child, becomes all the more disgusting, the more, by the action of Modern Industry, all the family ties among the proletarians are torn asunder, and their children transformed into simple articles of commerce and instruments of labour."  In other words , the bourgeoisie is attempting to use their corporate workfare state to social engineer state school students into becoming commodities of labor.  The left-libertarian alternative to this would include such things as both free schools , , and homeschooling , including co-operatives , . Then students will be empowered to freely develop as autonomous persons.  But in the mean time , we libertarians , left and right , should join together across the political aisle  in common opposition to the common core. like all forms of government , we feel that at all levels it should be decentralized. So in respects to public education here in America , there should by and large be community control.