Friday, October 7, 2011

Americans Rise Up Against Corporate Capitalism Finally there is a popular social movement against Americas predatory economic system. Wall Street is the ultimate power behind Washington. The government seems to primarily serve the interests of property, rather than the safety of the public. I hope that there will be more actions taken by the common people against the social elite. I would also like to think that this revolution will remain non-violent, but much depends upon how the state responds to this challenge to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. I also feel that steps should be taken to establish alternatives to the existing economy. Such as through counter-economics

Friday, September 9, 2011

Tom Propst Commits "Christian Honor Killing" Many of you have no doubt heard of so called "honor killings" taking place amongst muslims, in the Middle East. Well, shocking as it might seem, these last past days, in the same county as I reside, a known Christian killed his wife. His wife, and also presumably his daughter, were also Christians. However, after his daughter, Hannah, turned 18 she demanded the freedom granted to adult Americans. However, her father, Mr. Propst, apparently adhered to the idea of Christian patriarchy , and so felt that she should be subordinate to him, as a "stay at home daughter" . So he had been responding to her asserting her personal autonomy by beating her, and when her mother, Paulette, tried to intervene, he attacked her too. Eventually, Mrs. Propst got up enough gumption to file for divorce, shortly afterward she was killed. From what I was told, at the visitation, by Paulette's sister, I think that Mr. Propst seemed to possess an authoritarian personality , even before marriage. At the very least, he's what my sister refers to as being a choleric. Last I heard, from sources I consider credible, the gun he used to kill his wife with, was given back to him by a corrections officer, and he's currently traveling in a silver Buick, rather than his Toyota pick up truck. So I tend to feel that this is highly suggestive of a dominionist conspiracy. I feel that this illustrates that the Christian extremists aren't any better in practice than there Islamic counterparts. Both seek to establish a repressive theonomy, and can become violent fanatics. I actually consider dominionists to be a greater threat to America's democratic freedom than Islamists.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Pres. Obama Sells Out Workers to Vietnam I heard a few days ago that the Obama administration is planning out a free trade deal with the so called Socialist Republic of Vietnam. First of all workers in such un-democratic countries as Vietnam do not enjoy the same standards of labor rights that those in free countries have. They are paid less, and might not have the same work place safety requirements, for example. Another problem, caused by relying upon Asian countries for foot wear is that the Mongolian race have feet that are the inverse opposite of other people. There feet are narrow, where others are wide, and vice versa. Currently I myself am wearing New Balance shoes. I need to not only have size 13 , but also extra wide. So I am concerned to an extent by this developement. I feel that what is needed is fair trade, rather than free trade. And also that companies should take into consideration the special personal requirements of there customers, and take steps to accomodate them. I've found it next to impossible to find suitable shoes at major chain stores. So I've been shopping at one of the few family owned stores that still exist, called "Neals".

Monday, June 20, 2011

NAACP Condemns Neal Boortz's Violent Comments. I just heard on the radio this evening that a number of people found what Neal Boortz said to have been racially charged. I myself feel that they are implicitive, but not explicitly indicitive, of refering to inner city blacks. Here is why. 1. He refers to them as being urban. Whom else would you expect to find in an urban setting? And since Atlanta is a city itself, the word urban is redundant. 2. The word thug is historicly associated with perpetrators whom were of a colored people. It is borrowed into English from the Hindi word "thuggee". Dark skinned people from southern India would prey upon the priviledged light skinned people from the north. I also feel that his calls for "thugs" to be shot dead in the streets is ambiguous in context. Did he just mean that they should be met with deadly armed force in the course of armed robberies on there part, or does he favor retaliatory attacks upon the villages where they live? I think that some people are afraid that someone might become motivated by this to engage in vigilante actions. Sort of like in the book, and film, "Death Wish". Incidently, I know that Mr. Boortz is ideologicly a neolibertarian. So unlike other libertarians, he might not necessarily oppose taking the initiative in combating criminal gangs. Other libertarians, including left-libertarians, oppose the idea of commiting aggression for any reason. Though we certainly do recognise the personal right to defend oneself with purportionate force. But to single out an entire segment of people infringes upon the concept of indivisual responsibility. A particular group of people should not therefore be held to be guilty by association. I hope that Neal Boortz will clarify his remarks, if he did not intend for it to be taken to mean what some are insinuating.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Americans in Canada Are Being Denied Citizenship, As One Son Has Both Asperger, and Tourette Syndrome. So much for me potentionally going into exile to Canada, if some repressive right-wing regime were to take power here in America. (eyeroll) I feel that those with disabilities do not pose an undue burden upon the healthcare system, as long as they can contribute by paying taxes. So just because one has a recognised disability, it shouldn't mean that one should not be permitted to immigrate. Also though I myself likewise have symptoms of both A.S. , and T.S. , I have never taken any prescription medication as a result. So this might not even be an issue in this case either. So to summarise, socialised medicine creates an economy of scale, in which all adult citizens pay into. And which all citizens mutually benefit from, including autists, and/or other neuro-diverse people.

Touretters Face Continued Job Discrimination Now just how then are those of us with Tourette Syndrome supposed to be able to support ourselves financially, if we're not guarenteed earned income? If we are not granted employment opportunities, then we'd have not choice but to go on disability. But it is difficult to win an SSI claim, and besides we shouldn't be expected to. At least the subject of the above article doesn't suffer from coprolalia, unlike the man in this case. I just feel that all people should have the right, and duty, to work for a living. Something which was recognised under the Soviet constitution no less. "ARTICLE 118. Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right to work, that is, are guaranteed the right to employment and payment for their work in accordance With its quantity and quality. The right to work is ensured by the socialist organization of the national economy, the steady growth of the productive forces of the Soviet society, the elimination of the possibility of economic crisises, and the abolition of unemployment." And furthermore I believe that indivisuals should not expect to have the right not to feel offended. Coprolaliacs work, live, and shop, all around you. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt". So though some might not like me stating so, I feel that any woman whom complains when touretters blurt out the word "b***h" , and/or a black person whom gives grief over hearing a touretter utter the word "n****r", is behaving like the epiphets in question. For those with coprolalia do not intend to speak inappropiately. When this particular symptom strikes it happens in a blink of an eye, and often there is not enough time to do anything about it. This song describes the experience well.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Some Simple Solutions to the Energy Crisis Here is a website which lists personal steps that can be taken to reduce the excess use of energy. Though the government should certainly take steps to promote the sustainable developement of renewable resources; much of what needs to be done depends upon the responsibility of private citizens. I've noticed how certain persons carelessly waste energy, such as by using ATVs just to take the trash to the end of there driveway for pick up. Such lazy wastefulness, besides contributing to global warming, also drives up the price of fuel, by increasing demand. So you should either walk, or use a bicycle, for transportation. You'll be healthier, and the air will be clearer. Personal sacrifices must be made for the common good, and so people need to stop being so spoiled, and learn to make due with less. Live more simply, so that others may simply live.

NATO Goes Beyond The Initial Scope of There Mission, in Libya. I feel that I can no longer stand in support of the western military action in Libya, as it has since gone beyond it's original purpose of securing the safety of the civilian population. The intentions of the NATO nations are clearly not motivated by altruism. Instead they seem hell bent upon extending there reach of power, and wealth. There needs to be a negotiated settlement of the conflict, one which respects the rights of the people of Libya, as well as guarantee the protection of the Gaddafi family.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Religious Superstition Contributes to African Oppression. This allignment between religious right reactionaries, and corrupt dictators, shows the true colors of dominion theology. The dominionists do not care about the people, and there will. Instead they want to try to impose the supposed will of there so called god. But subjugation to a deity is the negation of liberty. And any belief system which condones the killing of harmless people is not a system of thought that any good natured person should want to adhere to. Now some otherwise well meaning persons may say that foreign forces have no rightful business intervening in the Ivory Coast. I however feel that stopping mass murder should be everyone's business. Brutal attrocities must not be allowed to stand. If it is possible to step in to protect lives, without further contributing to the war carnage, all that is necessary to do so should be done. The international community has a shared humanity, regardless of nationality. I know that if my country, the U.S.A. , were to fall under the rule of an unjust tyrant, I would welcome an invasion by some other country, such as Canada perhaps. And, can you imagine what might happen if someone like Sarah Palin were to win the presidency, and then refuse to step down, if and when she were to be defeated for re-election? No matter whether it's Africa, or America, it's still the product of the same repressive religion. On a related matter, I feel the same way about darling dictators of the left, such as Gaddafi, in Libya. Though I know that numerous comrades will disagree with me, I feel that there reasons for standing against the U.N. authorised action in Libya are as dubious as the extreme right's reasons for standing by Gbagdo. I say that the workers of the world have no country. And that no national boundries should stand in the way of human rights. Legitimate governments derive there powers from the popular consent of the people whom they represent. It is not against the people that the U.N. peacekeepers fight, but against war criminals, from outlaw states. So while generally speaking, libertarians are against intervention in foreign nations, I myself feel that those nations relinquished some sovereignty, when they joined international organizations, such as the U.N. , amongst others. The people of the Ivory Coast, and Libya, are not against military assistance, so why should any of us be? Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains. As the words of "The Internationale" says, "the internationale unites the human race".

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Second Grader Maced By Police. This is actually at least one case in which I will publicly support actions taken by police. The police, as well as the teacher, were being threatened by a boy who was holding a makeshift weapon. I think that had the officer tried to engage him in hand to hand combat, there would have been a chance of injury, for both the boy, and especially the police. In any violent confrontation, you want to try to end it as swiftly, and safely as possible. So I feel that with the means the police had, they did the right thing. I am also disturbed to hear that the boy is said to have autism. Obviously, if he actually is autistic, he must be high functioning, as he not only threatened to kill both the policeman, and his teacher, but swore at them as well. Personally, as I believe that I myself have Asperger Syndrome, which is listed on the Autistic spectrum of the DSM-IV, I feel that this incident might give people like me a bad reputation. I feel that having a neuro-psychiatric condition is no excuse for delinquent behavior. Even neuro-diverse persons should be expected to take responsibility for there actions. And if they can not, then they should be institutionalised. The security of the public, especially children, should take priority over the opportunity of any indivisual to be accommodated in the public school system. And also I feel that having so called behavioral disabilities covered by the Indivisuals with Disabilities Education Act was an oversight by Congress. One which was probally unintended. I think that the only real disorder, in regards to behavior, that certain students with A.D.H.D. , R.A.D. , and/or O.D.D. have is Bad Attitude Disorder, or B.A.D. The proper treatment for this condition is firm disipline. Something which seems to have been lacking in the life of Aiden Elliot. He shouldn't be allowed to give a bad name to other autists, most of whom are respectable, and responsible, citizens. Really we're not all that scary once you get to know us. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ohio Civil Servants React Against Proposed Bill I feel that in this poor economy, we can not afford not to have labor protections, including collective bargaining. So many of our workers, private sector, public sector, and even public-private partnership, are being forced to work longer hours, for less money. And in case some of my friends on the right, including especially the libertarian right, do not care about this matter; let me add this, those whose livelihoods do not meet the costs of living, still are eligible to receive public assistance. So the taxpayers will still be left to foot some of the bill, and the people will not be able to be self supporting. I feel that all people should be appreciated for the services they provide, no matter what they might be. And eventhough some of us might perfer it if there were no government; until if and when we may take responsibility for governing ourselves, we must adequately provide for the wellbeing of those in public service.