Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Americans in Canada Are Being Denied Citizenship, As One Son Has Both Asperger, and Tourette Syndrome. So much for me potentionally going into exile to Canada, if some repressive right-wing regime were to take power here in America. (eyeroll) I feel that those with disabilities do not pose an undue burden upon the healthcare system, as long as they can contribute by paying taxes. So just because one has a recognised disability, it shouldn't mean that one should not be permitted to immigrate. Also though I myself likewise have symptoms of both A.S. , and T.S. , I have never taken any prescription medication as a result. So this might not even be an issue in this case either. So to summarise, socialised medicine creates an economy of scale, in which all adult citizens pay into. And which all citizens mutually benefit from, including autists, and/or other neuro-diverse people.

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