Monday, November 19, 2018

Venezuela , And The People's Republic of China , Implement Social Control Tech I have been concerned might happen , with with regard to possible abuses of such technology , has finally come to fruition , in Venezuela , and also China . Under such a policy , which I imagine could be potentially implemented in any nation , no matter the political , or economic system , left-wing , right-wing , socialist , or capitalist , all persons will be reduced to the status of pets of of the the state . For it's along the same sort sort of lines of RFID microchips , such as my dad had the vet implant my Jack Russell terrier with Kind of gives new meaning to the term , " mark of the beast " , which some Christians suspect this of constituting  , , while others do not  . For some examples of what exactly I am referring to ,  < fMUtpb3urA ,  ,  ,  >   At the very least , even if not diabolical , it is at least a dictatorial development in the world at large .