Friday, August 17, 2012

The Familiy Research Council's Bitterness is Ironic

You might have heard of the attempted fire arm attack upon the offices of the Family Research Council. While I personally feel that it is unethical to initiate violent force, in any conflict, I also sincerely believe that one should only be blamed for the actions one does, not the opinions one holds. The Southern Poverty Law Center, is now being faulted by the head of the FRC, for daring to call them out on their defamation, if not outright intimidation, of such people as gays, and lesbians. Here is a statement, by the SPLC, in response to these allegations. Also, not only does the SPLC not condone violence, it is selective in whom it deems to be a hate group. An organization has to be more than just critical of others;it must also be hostile, and/or wantonly hateful. Just merely being a conservative religious group, with traditionalist values, will not qualify them as being a hate group, based upon SPLC criteria. I just want to end by making these points. If an attack were commited against a pro-gay group, Lambda for instance, and officials from this group were to blame the Family Research Council for provoking it, I imagine that the same man whom now is trying to lambast the SPLC for their stand, would spread alarm about the possibility of public repression of free expression. Look, it should be apparant that despotic, demagogic, theonomic, entities do not value personal freedom, and tolerance. They just simply try to prey upon the sentiments of naive indivisuals who do.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In London Police SEarched For, And Seized, Anti-Olympic Materials
 But this goes against both the 1st, and 4th, amendments of the Constitution! Oh yeah, that's right, the Constitution does not apply in the U.K. Thanks for reminding me of why America broke away. Though, as I posted before, http:// , the police have been doing similar in certain areas of the country, here in U.S.A. The supposed land of the free, and home of the brave. Yeah right! More like land of rising fascism, and home of the slave. Which is why, along side demonstrations, and non-violent direct actions, I support voting for Jill Stein. As does the Socialist Alternative, which is an affiliate of the Committee for a Worker's International. Though the CWI is not really a specificly libertarian socialist organization. in fact, for what it's worth, they're Trotskyist. But my one friend is a member, and he seems cool anyway.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Police Go On Fishing Expedition, Based Upon Political Prejudices
 Now this is completely invalid. What they're investigating would constitute a "thought crime". And also, some of the items searched for, and seized, are not intrinsticly political. Black clothing, seriously? So what, they're going after goths now? Citizens of this supposedly free country should feel safe to pursue ideas, and express their opinions, without fearing repression from the police forces. Persons should only be investigated, and subsequently incarcerated, upon reasonable indication of terrorist, and/or otherwise criminal activity. In other words, for what one does, not how one feels. If these authorities are genuinely concerned about anti-government sentiment, such abuses of political power will only heighten it. I think that even those who are not in any way anarchistic still might have reason to be concerned about this. I mean, what if the state starts to turn it's attention to other people who they might possibly find to be potentionally dangerous. For instance political groups that are old right, as well as those that are left.. Are perhaps the powers that be might come looking for religious literature even, such as Qurans, or even Bibles. Such guilt be association, directed at undefined enemies, endangers all persons who have strong dissent about any issue, regardless of ideology. As Pastor Martin Niemöller once said, "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;

Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me."