Friday, August 17, 2012

The Familiy Research Council's Bitterness is Ironic

You might have heard of the attempted fire arm attack upon the offices of the Family Research Council. While I personally feel that it is unethical to initiate violent force, in any conflict, I also sincerely believe that one should only be blamed for the actions one does, not the opinions one holds. The Southern Poverty Law Center, is now being faulted by the head of the FRC, for daring to call them out on their defamation, if not outright intimidation, of such people as gays, and lesbians. Here is a statement, by the SPLC, in response to these allegations. Also, not only does the SPLC not condone violence, it is selective in whom it deems to be a hate group. An organization has to be more than just critical of others;it must also be hostile, and/or wantonly hateful. Just merely being a conservative religious group, with traditionalist values, will not qualify them as being a hate group, based upon SPLC criteria. I just want to end by making these points. If an attack were commited against a pro-gay group, Lambda for instance, and officials from this group were to blame the Family Research Council for provoking it, I imagine that the same man whom now is trying to lambast the SPLC for their stand, would spread alarm about the possibility of public repression of free expression. Look, it should be apparant that despotic, demagogic, theonomic, entities do not value personal freedom, and tolerance. They just simply try to prey upon the sentiments of naive indivisuals who do.

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