Friday, April 4, 2008

Neo-cons Threaten Dissidents. This is the reason why we have the second amendment. The neo-cons, many of whom were at one time either bolsheviks and/or "red diaper babies", are intolerant of opposition. Unfortunately we may have to have another civil war to defeat them. For those who feel that the Constitution will protect us, the Soviet Union also had a constitution with a bill of rights, even under Stalin. Yet in the end "might makes right". I don't know about you, but this makes me want to buy some weapons. I'm not giving up without a fight. It's us libertarians whom are the true defenders of our constitutional liberty, not the military. People should only be prosecuted for acts, not thoughts. And if the reactionary Right is looking for terrorists, they just might get some. Hopefuly we will never again have to wear the red triangle.

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