Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Martial Law Act of 2006http://www.lewrockwell.com/bovard/bovard56.html

http://www.lewrockwell.com/bovard/bovard56.html This law gives the president the authority to rule through the military, as Commander in Chief. All that he would need to do is just declare a state of "national emergency". This is similar to the Roman Dictators, during the days of the Republic. Eventually the dictators, which were supposed to hold power for a limited amount of time, became despotic emperors, called Caesars. I feel that America is also on the way to becoming an empire, under Pax Americana. This is also similar to how, in the "Star Wars" series, Palpatine came to hold absolute power. History tends to repeat itself. And Art seems to imitate life. Will we someday need to form a "Rebel Alliance"? Only time will tell.

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