Friday, April 17, 2009

Legal Controversy is Raised Over "Sexting".

Vermont is considering legislation to legalise sexting between minors. I support this proposal, not because I think that sexting is a good thing to do, because it's not in my opinion. But because it is a victimless offense. No one is being violated. Embarrassed later perhaps, but not violated. It's like a high tech version of "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours". It is not illegal for teens to look at each other's private parts, in person, or even to touch each other. So just because photos are exchanged, should not make it any different. No one is being paid money for these images to be produced, and distributed. It's just friends sharing there bodies with each other. If anyone is to be punished for doing this, it should be by parental, and not governmental, authority.

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