Sunday, June 13, 2021

Republican Legislators In Ohio Propose Turning Flag Day Into President Trump Day  If I still believed that there might be a line that the the personality cult of Trump's Republican party wouldn't ever cross , that time has now passed .  Can you imagine what the reaction would have been had a number of Democrats had the bad sense to commemorate , and celebrate the birthday of Barack Obama ,  whether or not Obama authorized it , as if it were a holiday like  Christmas , which is the supposedly the day Jesus was born on ? Well , I don't even have to imagine , as I remember the outrage that followed  performances of songs of praise in Obama's honor , by school children , back in the day . { }  Yet under now former President Trump , we not only have had a group of children singing a song glorifying him , at a campaign rally {} , but now , at least in my state of residence , Ohio , we have people trying to make Trump's birthday overshadow Flag Day .  And speaking of Flag Day , I am starting to feel that under Trump , if not before , the flag has gone from being simply an iconic symbol of America , and all the ideals , such as liberty and justice , that this country is supposed to embody , to being an idol of Caesarism .  In other countries , such as notably Germany , you wouldn't see nearly such displays of devotion to the nation . { , , }  The reason , for the most part stems from the aftermath of Third Reich , and the feeling of shame surrounding the Holocaust .  And in my opinion , if seeing someone ripping in twine the Stars and Stripes , in like manner to how Captain Von Trapp tore the Hakenkreuz flag in " The Sound of Music " , would feel you with rage , then you have made the flag into an object of idolatry . And furthermore , if you take offense at football players kneeling in prayer for this country , instead of standing at attention when the national anthem is played , then not only has the flag become a sacred cult relic of a civil religion , but also it has become a source of oppression , in violation of individual free expression .  In closing , President's Day already exists for a reason , so that no one president , living or deceased , is afforded any more acclaim than another . If any figure , especially still alive , is given the worshipful adoration that should rightly belong to the Most High alone , then that figure is the object of a personality cult , and from a Christian standpoint is an Antichrist .

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