Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Noam Chomsky Endorses Stein for President Self proclaimed libertarian socialist, Noam Chomsky, recently gave his blessing to Green Party candidate, Jill Stine's campaign for the presidency of the U.S.A. Now I know that a number of anarchists/left-libertarians do not believe in voting, as a matter a general principle. However, I happen to feel that an anarchist can not simply disregard the government, the way that an atheist disregards God. Whether we all like it or not, for better or worse, the government does exist, and therefore is a practical reality, in our lives. I also feel that the Green Party, with it's Ten Key Values, comes close to putting into action left-libertarian principles, in regards to the social system. And I also believe that it is right to take part in elections. At least as long as there are vital issues of justice at stake. Voting is, in my personal opinion, an act of political activism, alongside other actions, such as demonstrations. So I feel that for as long as there is to be a state, we should strive to make the best of it.

Police Hassle Bystanders

I can actually relate to this somewhat. The police might act like high and mighty bullies, rather than like the public servants they're supposed to be. As anyone who's read my Facebook profile notes knows, I myself was at least once harrassed by a deputy sheriff. And this one other time, this one other deputy, with a German... Shepard police dog, drove by, and I got stopped and questioned a bit. I think because, as the car passed me, the dog barked at me. I really don't know why police conduct such field interrogations. I mean if I had been up to no good, do they seriously think that I'm going to fess up, just because they ask? The only point I have to add to this article, and video, is that I think that police sometimes also pick on white young people too, just for good measure. So that they can honestly say that they are equal opportunity hasslers.