Monday, April 23, 2012

Woman With Tourette Syndrome Takes On Superhero Persona to Battle Intolerance I just read about this one woman, Jess Thom, whom experienced inhospitality when she was trying to use the public rail system. First of all I'll comment by stating that one thing which British people, such as herself have, which we Americans oftentimes don't is public transportation. It can be challenging for anyone, with or without a recognised disability, to meet the possible requirements for being issued a driver's liscence, in some states. But besides lack of transportation, another barrier, for those of us with Tourette's Syndrome, is that a number of our tics might be considered to be socially inappropiate, namely coprolalia. But ultimately, I feel that we touretters should be granted the liberty to live, and function, in mainstream society. Plus be enabled to earn livelihood, in order to support ourselves to the best of our abilities, and aptitude. So hopefully "TourettesHero" will be able to raise awareness, and acceptance, of Tourette's Syndrome. I will warn you though. Ms. Thom does happen to have as a symptom coprolalia. So keep that in mind before you decide to start the video. But, by the way, according to the beliefs of Calvinists, God predestines all things, in order to bring Himself glory. So since her outbursts aren't a willful act on her part, it must be an act of sovereign grace, on God's. ;) I sure do hope that the God of the Reformed faith is glorified by her repeatedly uttering such words as biscuit, and f**k, and the phrase "happy Christmas." lol

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