Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Opposition Rises Over Planned Islamic Community CEnter

http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/06/06/new.york.ground.zero.mosque/index.html I wonder if we should then also bar any churches from building on sites where Amerindians were slaughtered by Christian invaders. I just recently read a book, titled "The True Story of Pocahontas". http://www.fulcrum-books.com/productdetails.cfm?sku=632-5&reviews=1 It details how the English transgressed, and attacked, the Powhattan. So I think that if the planned site is not built, neither should there be any churches in Jamestown, VA. I do understand the concerns of the protesters though. But do we really want to become like the People's Republic of China; where all religious bodies must register, and be approved by the Bureau For Religious Affairs? So though I both hope, and trust that it will be checked out by concerned citizens; I support there right to construct a MUslim meeting place.

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