Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sarah Palin Raises Scare About Healthcare.,8599,1915381,00.html This is totaly outrageous what she alledges! There is no valid basis for her fears at all. First of all almost every nation in the world has public healthcare. And in none of them have those with disabilties been put to death. Not even in the U.S.S.R. did this happen. If this had been happening, Helen Keller wouldn't have become a marxist, and support the Bolshevik government. In fact the only country that I know of which outright destroyed mentally challenged indivisuals was Third Reich Germany. But when the United Kingdom, under there socialistic Labour party government set up government run health service, following World War II, there was no involuntary euthanasia. Now I personally might not entirely agree with every part of the proposed legislation. What I do promote are private healthcare co-operatives, and free/community clinics, which might also possibly receive government grants in order to help meet operating expenses. But to embellish concerns, especialy those which shamefacedly involve her infant son Trig, is appalling. She should know that it is a sin to bear false witness against others.

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