Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Attendance at a "TEA Party" Demonstration.

This afternoon, motivated mostly by personal curiousity, and a desire to keep abreast of socio-political developements, I decided to attend a "TEA party I saw a vast hodge podge of people present. Everyone from Ayn Rand style objectivists to what I suspect might have been some sort of neo-nazi. The objectivist, an elderly man who held a sign with the words "who is John Galt?", spoke about the premise behind the novel "Atlas Shrugged". If you haven't ever read it, let me tell you I had started to, a few years ago. I gave up reading it however, after I discovered that it was more like a sleasy soap opera story than a political dystopian novel. But anyway, he provided stark contrast to the christian rightists whom predominated the gathering, being that Ayn Rand was an atheist, and so were many of her followers . In fact, while they were all up in arms about the size and scope of government, I suppose that most of those involved with these assemblies would have no problem with authorities regulating us all in the name of God. They protest against the strong influence of the state, but seem to have no problem with the church issuing edicts governing public policy. Yet as I mentioned above, there was also one young man who came across to me anyway as being a white supremacist. He stood before us topless, I presume in order to effect the look of an ancient warrior. When he took his turn at the podium, he paid notice to the exclusively white children playing at the public park where it was held at, and said that we must secure a future for them. He also complained about the code of conduct at the state run schools. To which I would respond that if his younger school aged brothers are causing trouble, especially ethnic intimidation/bullying, they deserve to be disciplined, in my judgement. Next he encourged us to not buy groceries from stores, assumingly owned and operated by Jewish merchants, and to instead buy directly from the farmers themselves, which I reckon he expected to be white caucasian. He also charged us not to tune into television. Now one of the reasons why I do sometimes watch TV is because I like to watch C-span. That way I can keep an eye on what's happening in Washington, literaly. But I suppose he never thought of that. This also reminds me of how the Nazis would ban and confiscate all personally owned contraband radios, lest any of the German people be enabled to listen to broadcasts, other than the official propoganda line, given by Joseph Goebbels. I however echo the advice given by the U.S. military vetern who was there, who encouraged us to check out the political publications of the Left as well as the Right. This is also what I do in order to get all of the facts, and draw my own conclusions regarding political opinions. The suspected nazi closed by mentioning that his younger wife, he was 25, she was only 21, told him that she doesn't want to give birth to children in this country. Well first of all, I'd like to say thank you for at least not bringing any more little fascist freaks into the world. Secondly this is America; love it or leave it. Of course this couple has no other country to go to live in, after we defeated Third Reich Germany in World War II. ;) Really the only middle of the road moderate that was present was a schoolteacher, whom was admitingly somewhat liberal. She spoke up in order to rebut a prior speaker who claimed that the Constitution was not being taught in the public schools, but that the Communist Manifestoe was favorabley taught. So you can certainly see that ultraconservative kooks are present within this movement. However, with all of that being said, there were many political posistion points that were expressed which I agreed with as well. Namely the ones against the budget deficit, the TARP bailout, and the trade imbalance. So the tax protest wasn't all that bad, as I'm sure that many of you probally have thought about it. But I still would oppose forming common cause with the christian reconstructionist theocrats, not to mention the christian identity neo-nazis. For a good left-libertarian alternative to the"TEA parties", check out the Alliance of the Libertarian Left. They best represent my own feeling regarding political philosophy.

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