Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Miss California Faces Controversy Over Revealing Photo. Miss California, Carrie Prejean, who aroused controversy over her stated opposition to same sex marriage, has aroused something of a different sort, if you'll pardon my pun. It turns out that, when she was seventeen, she modeled semi-nude. Now, unlike with the Miley Cyrus story, I will only post a link to the photo, rather than posting the photo directly to my blog, lest any of my readership take offense. I will say though that only in a country like America would this sort of thing even be shocking at all. In parts of Europe, it is not at all uncommon for people, women included, to go topless on the beach. So this sort of picture is no more risque than what you might find on "Pravda Online", from which I sometimes post stories from. But regardless as to whether or not you find this sort of thing to be inappropiate, it certainly isn't dressing as becometh the Lord. This revelation should tarnish her personal testimony, and reputation.

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