Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rihanna Alledgedly Beaten By Boyfriend Chris Brown.

R&B star "Rihanna" was said to have been assaulted by her current love interest, Chris Brown. Here is what her father said about what happened. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20259316,00.html I also hope that she will be more aware of signs of domestic abuse, and will help other women to be better prepared as to what to do to avoid, and deal with domestic violence. And here is what Chris Brown's father said. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20259160,00.html I am appalled and shocked that his father thinks of it as being just an indiscretion. Domestic violence is a serious problem that doesn't just happen suddenly. It developes over time. There are warning signs that people should be aware of, before they potentionaly are mistreated by there significant others. http://www.rhiannon3.net/cs/signs.html Here is what Chris Brown himself has to say for himself. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20259349,00.html Hopefuly he will be able to eventually overcome his personal/emotional issues, and become a better person as a result. But whether or not Rihanna would, or even should, take him back later, remains to be seen. I will be keeping you all updated as to any further developements in the case.

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