Sunday, March 23, 2008

Two Autistic Women Communicate With The Outside World These two stories serve to illustrate the personal potential of even the lowest functioning autists. Autists, no matter if they be high functioning, like myself, or low functioning, like these two young women, are just as human as neuro-typicals. We are just different, not defective. Hopefuly we will be better able to understand, and respect, each other in times to come. While it may be true that some of us do have comorrid problems, like sensory overload, these related conditions do not characterise autism in it's self. It's like when a woman has breast cancer. She does not have cancer just because she has breasts. She has cancer in addition to being female. Autism is a part of neuro-diversity, just as being black is a part of racial diversity. And I would like to say to Sen. Obama in particular, that just as being negroid is not classified as being pathological, because of sickle cell anemia, autism should likewise not be necessarily classified as being disordered just because we might have compounded problems personaly. Well meaning, yet misguided, politicians, whom sponsored and signed the "Combatting Autism Act", should remember that we are all capable of not only writing, but voting as well. I do not know for whom if any I will be voting for in the upcoming election. But I do hope that whomever does win, will become better informed about both our needs and our rights. Autism should be accomodated, not eliminated. Especially since realisticly they will never change us. The only thing that might be accomplished, heaven forbid, would be our destruction in the womb. Which was what has happened to many Down's Syndrome foetuses. And we're not even retarded either!

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