Thursday, January 24, 2008

U.S. Marines Enlist Man With Tourette Syndrome This really strikes home for me, as I also have T.S. I know that not only do I sometimes get nervous from stress, I also make noises that are worse than a crying saddle. The enemy could hear me from far away. I also am offended not only by the military recruiters pressuring impressionable young people, which with all of the other armed groups like the street gangs recruiting people is bad bad enough. No, I'm also upset by the different branches competing against each other for recruits. The Marines should be considered to be no different than any other of the armed forces. With them trying to rival other servicemen with opportunistic mercenary offers, they have become just another part of the professional military industrial complex. Hopefuly the next president will address this, and we will only raise a standing military during a constitutionaly declared just war. There are plenty of valid options for a non-combatant. But indivisuals with special needs should not be put on the front lines, where they'd be a liability not only to themselves, but to there comrades at arms as well.

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