Saturday, October 27, 2007

Rudy Giuiliani's hypocrisy, regarding religion and terrorism

Rudy Guiliani complained about Democratic candidates neglecting to use the term Islamic in describing terrorism. Yet Giuliani is a Roman Catholic. Roman Catholics have also in times past been guilty of commiting acts of terrorism, in the name of religion. Guy Fawkes for example, took part in a plot to blow up the parliment building. I suppose that if Tom Tancredo were alive in England during that time period, he'd suggest attacking the Vatican, in retaliation. My underlying point is that an organised religion can be adapted to be more compatible the modern standards of society. The Roman Catholic church was just a few centuries ago a medevial socio-cultural institution. If you've ever read "A Syllabus of Errors", you'd see what I mean. Now however, largely due to Vatican Two, the Church's social policies have been revised. I feel that through the free exchange of ideas, the Islamic world could likewise become reformed, and be intigrated into the international community. Instead of blaming religion alone for terrorism, we should all address the underlying causes of the terrorist's motivations. That way the free world will be prepared to fight the war of ideas against political islamism.

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