Sunday, December 20, 2009

Navy Commander Refers to Himself As a "Christian Warrior". Can you imagine the uproar that would most certainly ensure if someone in the U.S. military were to refer to himself as being an Islamic warrior, or a white aryan warrior? The men and women in our armed forces are supposed to be defending America, and it's constitution, not any particular religion, and/or race. They are also not supposed to be trying to advance there beliefs through warfare. As even the Bible states,
10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;).
Whenever a soldier goes off to war, he's to do so in the name of the United States, not in the name of any God. Those whom we have entrusted with securing our land, and it's freedoms, should not have divided loyalties.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Uganda Prohibits Homosexual Conduct, Under Guidance of American Missionaries. Now not only are some African Christians targeting alledged witches, they are now starting to persecute gays, and lesbians, as well. It's bad enough with predominately Islamic countries in the northern part of Africa repressing human rights, in the name of religion. But now evangelical missionaries, from my own country of America, are encouraging southern Africans to oppress people as well. I feel that foreign governments should not give Repressive Tolerance to such totalitarian sects. They should instead bar them from entering the sovereign borders of there nations, and undermining democratic principles. And people in the free world should keep in mind that this is what we too might become, if the religious reactionary Right were to gain control of our nations. Governments should be governed according to the will of the people, not according to the supposed will of God. Indivisuals have an inherant inalienable right to exercise free will. As long as it does not infringe upon other's rights, and wellbeing, one should be allowed to do as one pleases, according to one's own conscience. To live, and let live. Religions which deny this basic truth must not be permitted to propogate there beliefs, in the interest of a Free society .

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why I Feel Fossil Fuels Should be Rationed.

I am just fed up with neighbors of mine using ATVs for routine travel, even for taking out the trash. Not only is this bad for physical fitness, it also contributes to global warming, and high gas prices. Petrol, unlike ethanol, is a finite natural resource, which must be conserved. I was born in Oil City, Pennsylvania, home of the first oil well in the U.S.A. It used to be a boom town, until the oil field ran dry. Then the boom went bust. We should not be drilling like there's no tommorow. The production of gasoline,needs to be carefully planned, in order to conserve essential oil reserves. Which is why I feel that there needs to be a rationing of all fossil fuels. Especially since we're still at war. During World War II, there was rationing. And I think that there should be ration cards issued again. Humvees need fuel more than SUVs, and/or ATVs. And citizens used to be willing to sacrifice for this country, and especially for those who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. If they are willing to give up blood, we on the homefront should be willing to reduce oil consumption.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Death Camps Were Set Up By South Korea, During the War.

Usually it's the Communist ruled regimes that are slammed for having re-education concentration camps. But now it turns out that under Syngman Rhee, there were death camps for those thought to be left-wing sympathisers. This just goes to show you that any state can become corrupted, and abuse it's power, in the attempt to establish control over society. I wish that the Korean People's Republic would have been allowed to remain, without any foreign interference. Then the war would have never happened, and peaceful democratic social change might have been made possible. I also feel that the remaining U.S. troops should be withdrawn.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tratorous Islamist American Army Officer Opened Fire at Fort Hood.

In the aftermath of the F.B.I.'s shooting of an Imam, A medical officer, Maj. Nidal Hasan, opened fire at Fort Hood, in Texas. I feel that this was the biggest act of treason, during wartime, since Bennedict Arnold. With the risk of militant religious fundamentalists receiving military training, we must be vigilantly on guard, in the case that some of them might try to forcibly impose there religion upon us all. Violence is the ultimate intolerance. And no one should ever use armed force to promote an extreme ideology of hatred.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ohio Becomes State Mafia

Yesterday the majority of residents voted to allow state sanctioned casinos to be set up in all of the four major cities. You might be familiar with the term "state capitalism". Well in my opinion Isssue 3 has just transformed Ohio into a "state mafia". No other firms will be permited to compete with the casinos owned by Dan Gilbert, and the state government will be collecting tax revenue in order to fund local projects, like schools. This therefore makes us relient upon wasteful personal financial descisions for our government's sunstanance. Money which could be better spent on more productive things, like shopping. I wonder if state approved brothels might be the next vice to infect the state of Ohio? Things appear to be shaping up just like Cuba under Batista.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Christian Action Network's Pot Calls the Islamist Kettle Black.

The Christian Action Network has come out against the "Islam on Capitol Hill Day" assembly. They fear an Islamic takeover of America. However , they themselves feel that the U.S.A. is by right a christian nation. Therefore the opposition of groups like CAN to groups like Jamaat ul-Fuqra, is in my determination to be of one rival religious fascist group to another. In my personal opinion, if the dominionists and islamists were to wipe each other out in a "holy war" it would be poetic justice. It would also save decent freedom loving people the trouble of violently fighting them. The only problem would be if they were to aquire weapons of mass destruction. That would then devistate the surrounding area, and risk collateral damage. But though it may be wrong for there to be religious violence, it would certainly seem good to me if such reactionary extremists were to thusly cancel each other out. Then secular leftists, like myself, could then destroy a much weakened enemy, whomever of them wins in the end

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Reverends Sharpton & Jackson Try to Stop Rush Limbaughs Bid to Buy the St. Louis Rams. This time the intrusive, meddling, religious leaders in question are coming from the Left. Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson are claiming that Rush Limbaugh is racist, and that he should not be allowed to purchase a NFL team. First of all it is not true that Mr. Limbaugh is racist. If he were then why has he had Walter Willians fill in for him, while he's on vacation? He is certainly strongly conservative, but rightism is not necessarily racist in nature. And further more, even if Rush were to hold extremist sentiments, I feel that it should not impede him from involvement with the Nation Football League. In Italy for example, association football clubs are known to have players and/or fans that are known to have opposing political positions. Livorno for instance is predominately Communist. And Lazio has a reputation for being pro-Fascist. As a consequence, the two teams are fierce rivals. I feel that if someone like Limbaugh were to invest in a team, it would increase ticket sales, because dittoheads would pay to cheer on the Rams to victory, and detractors would pay to see them go down in flames. I think that it would certainly be a far better reason to be a fan than to be motivated by regionalism. And if Italy can have a backbone, why can't we seem to get past our own rigid political correctness?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ohio Electric Companies to Distribute "Free" Lightbulbs. First Energy, and it's subsideraries are planning on handing out lightbulbs to there customers. The cost of these lightbulbs however will be added to your bill. In addition there is surplus-value attached to the price of our energy, which is non-competitive, since the energy industry is naturally monopolistic. Therefore no competition is possible, as it operates from a singular power grid. First Energy, which is a private corporation, has a state contract to provide us with electricity. This legal arraingment was what Karl Marx refered to as the "dictatorship of the bourgeois". For all of these above mentioned reasons, I as a socialist personally feel that the energy companies should be publicly owned. For the private industries are, in my opinion, price gouging. Now my grandfather, in Pennsylvania, receives his energy from a co-op. From a left-libertarian perspective, this would be better yet. But no company should be allowed to take advantage of our personal dependence on them for our household needs.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

American Family Association Spreads Misinformation About Healthcare

I am so infuriated by this new barage of falsehood from the AFA. They are now claiming, incredulously, that the proposed healthcare plan will ration coverage for senior citizens, and penalise those whom do not sign up for the public option. This is blatantly false. President Obama does not favor fining those who opt out buying insurance. The reason that Max Baucus suggested making health coverage mandatory, like auto insurance, is that many people do not seek insurance until they need it. The HMOs do not want to be saddled down with covering those with pre-existing conditions. Having everyone pay in to a health plan, would help to pay down the cost of covering everyone. And no one's care will be rationed either. I really do not get what conservatives are getting at. First they complain about the high costs of the government paying for medical expenses, then they claim that the elderly, and disabled, will be neglected. Also how can they claim to be christians when they bear false witness against others? I think that the religious leaders should stay out of public policy. After all this is not Iran. And they should not be speaking on things they know nothing about. They should just stick to God, and leave the government to our elected representitives.

Monday, September 28, 2009

"Black Lies, White Lies" Book

I've finished reading a remarkable book, by Tony Brown, called "Black Lies, White Lies". In it he lays out ideas as to how the Black community can empower itself economicly, and politicly. Interestingly, though he castigates the Black leadership for what he perceives to be socialism, his plans are actually like my own libertarian socialism. Though his system of thought can be more specificly described as being Black communalism. Mr. Brown bases this upon the Yoruba tribal concept of esusu., as well as the Japanese concept of "jichikai", which are mutual help organizations. Notabley, Tony Brown is a registered Republican. As a consequence he is oftentimes refered to as a "Black conservative". Now if his brand of conservatism is distinctly Black in nature, and I agree with his opinions, would that then make me a "White Black conservative"? It's something to think about. But as I stated above, I feel that though he likely does not realise it, Mr. Brown epitomises left-libertarianism. And also just as not all Democrats are liberals, not all Republicans need to be conservative. Whatever you want to call it, I feel that his principles of self reliance, and community investment, would not only be good for Blacks but for all Americans. And I wish him the best of luck in promoting his message in the Republican part, while I choose to do the same amongst Democrats.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Concerned Citizens Complain About Obama Praise Songs.

I just heard today about school children, at B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington Township, NJ, having to sing songs extoling Pres. Barack Obama. Some people are concerned that this promotes a personality cult of hero worship. Which would be similar to practices in authoritarian regimes, like in Stalin's Russia. Here are the songs in question, so that you can judge for yourself. All that I have to say is that I rather doubt that President Obama is encouraging such fawning. There are many American folk songs about historical figures. Take for example these two songs. Plus there was this song composed during Lincolns presidential campaign. Usually though important indivisuals are not glorified until after there deaths. So it runs the risk that this sort of thing will be thought of as idolising our country's leader. Just as long as we do not regard our President any higher than any other influential person, I feel that it is probally well intentioned. But that also no one should feel compelled to sing his praises. One should follow the convictions of conscience, just like in saying the pledge of allegiance to the flag. And also remember that the government is supposed to be of, by, and for the people. Our elected representitives, including the President are meant to be servants of the public, not the other way around. Our lives, and views, should matter too.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sen. Conrad Proposes a Co-operative Healthcare Option. Imagine my pleasant surprise to notice that I am not the only Democrat to come up with such an idea regarding health coverage. I feel that this alternate plan will be more positive, as well as cost effective, compared to the public option that is stirring up so much heated controversy. The Conrad proposal should also garner bipartisan support. It seems like the only possible Republican misgivings are in relation to funding it. Personally, the only reason why I even mentioned government subsidising healthcare, in a previous blog entry, is that I wish to allay left-liberal scepticism as to how adequate an entirely privately funded program would be. For example, farms in this country are routinely supported by federal subsidies. Yet, if it can be shown that the co-operatives are able to stand alone from the public sector, then all the better. I just consider this developement to be a progressive step towards realising my dream of eventually attaining libertarian socialism.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pres. Obama to Address School Children. I just heard today that Pres. Barack Obama is going to be giving a televised address to our nations state school children, on September 8th. Now I do not know exactly what he will be saying. However, some fear that he will be attempting to indoctrinate, and/or influence students politicly. Even more frightening though, is a loyalty oath to the President, which children might be made to recite. Now as you may know, I am a registered Democrat. However I do not support these activities. I feel that it is reminescent of Hitler's Germany. As Americans our allegiance should be to the constitution, the people, and to any god/s of our choice. Not to any one person. We should also be allowed to feel free to disagree with the government, and it's policies. No one should be told how or what to think. The President is not any better, and/or higher, than anyone else. He is our servant, not the other way around. And if he were to take advantage of the powers given to him by us voters, he should be thrown out of office. Those of you who've been reading my blog from the beginning know that I started out as a Republican who opposed George W. Bush. And now that I am now a libertarian progressive Democrat, I shall likewise express dissent against Democratic officials, whenever I feel that they are wrong. I am an objective commentater. As we all should be, regardless of political affiliation. P.S. This might also be a good time to look into unschooling your children.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pastor Anderson Curses Pres. Obama With Death. Here is yet another prime example of christian reconstructionist/dominionist damnation of our country, and it's President. This so called man of God tells his congregation to curse Pres. Obama. But here is what the Bible says. "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to
them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute
you;" Matt. 5:44 (King James Version) So then therefore we are not to curse those whom we dislike and/or disagree with. And here is what the Bible says about those in positions of leadership over us. "Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." Matt. 22:21 (King James Version) "
Romans 13 (King James Version)
1Let every soul be subject unto the
higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained
of God.
2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the
ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou
then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have
praise of the same:
4For he is the minister of God to thee for good.
But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in
vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that
doeth evil.
5Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath,
but also for conscience sake.
6For for this cause pay ye tribute also:
for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
7Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due;
custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour" One of the things which we are to render unto Caesar, who in our case is the President, is due respect. We are to pray that God will guide him to do what is right, and to let God deal with him. This is what the Bible says for a godly christian to do. Now if there happens to be a policy which you might feel is unwise, and/or even unjust, you should let your elected representitives know how you feel, in a civil manner. But as the "Law of Three" states, what ever you direct towards others you bring back upon yourself. So in other words, "what goes around comes around". This is what I have to say to any and all christians who may be reading my blog. And for all of my readership, I say that we should keep a watchful eye upon these people. They seem as if they might possibly rise up in a "holy war" upon the United States government, in order to impose a christian theonomy. As Rosie O'Donnell once said, "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have a separation of church and state. We're a democracy here." And let all freedom loving Americans say amen.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sarah Palin Raises Scare About Healthcare.,8599,1915381,00.html This is totaly outrageous what she alledges! There is no valid basis for her fears at all. First of all almost every nation in the world has public healthcare. And in none of them have those with disabilties been put to death. Not even in the U.S.S.R. did this happen. If this had been happening, Helen Keller wouldn't have become a marxist, and support the Bolshevik government. In fact the only country that I know of which outright destroyed mentally challenged indivisuals was Third Reich Germany. But when the United Kingdom, under there socialistic Labour party government set up government run health service, following World War II, there was no involuntary euthanasia. Now I personally might not entirely agree with every part of the proposed legislation. What I do promote are private healthcare co-operatives, and free/community clinics, which might also possibly receive government grants in order to help meet operating expenses. But to embellish concerns, especialy those which shamefacedly involve her infant son Trig, is appalling. She should know that it is a sin to bear false witness against others.

Why Can't Fundamentalists Simply Have Fun?

A few days ago, I attended a party, which I was invited to by a woman my sister and I know, named Valerie. Both she and my sister are Holiness christians. However, what Valerie neglected to tell me, in her invintation, was that she had invited a pastor from another church to come and speak. Now besides being put off by her deception by omission, I was also offended since I happen to be a deist. I think that she even knew this when she sent me the invite, through Facebook, and that this might have been why she arraigned it in the first place. Luckily for me, I was able to sneak away unnoticed, while they were assembled. Yet that was still time which I was cheated out of. I had expected to be attending a friendly gathering, not Vacation Bible School. Also before we were to start the three legged race, some wise guy asked if Valerie was trying to encourage homosexuality, with us being tied so close together. What homophobia many of these Holiness people have! Please, can't christians just have a good time without it turning into an evangelistic outreach? I've noticed that about anything you can imagine doing they attempt to christianise. Like for example, Valerie and her family are members of "Cowboys for Christ", there is also "Fellowship of Christian Athletes", and even christan clowning. Now just what exactly does any of these interests have to do with Christianity? Like I should know who amongst you are christian, just as you all know that I'm a deist. If I want to know anything about your religious beliefs, I will ask. In fact I once had friends who were Catholic. And I questioned them about what they believe until they probaly grew tired of it. And if I were to visit any friends who are muslim, would I have to expect to be exposed to there "salat"(prayer), and/or "dawah"(witnessing)? Or what about wiccan friends? Would I possibly encounter them casting spells? I feel that people should respect other people's sensitivities, and not subject them to religious activities. Especially against there will, and knowledge.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Special Needs Students Are Being Beaten in State Schools. As some people, especially in countries which have officialy banned corporal punishment, might not know, children in certain states in the U.S.A. are still subject to physical beatings, like with paddles, for various disciplinary infractions. Paddles, in case any of my readers might not know, are actually more like squared off wooden broad swords. Children are smacked with the flat side of it. From what I've read, this implement was originaly used on black slaves, because the masters wished to inflict the most pain possible, without needlessly shedding blood. In predominately muslim countries, women are still permitted to be hit by there husbands. And most notabley, in Singapore, convicted criminals may be caned. Yet in a supposedly free country, like America, which prides itself in being civilised, children are still permitted to be hurt by adults whom are in posistions of power over them, like parents or teachers. In my personal opinion, this is largely due to the fact that we are still largely a conservative christian country. And so just as Islamic countries condone domestic violence against wives who displease there husbands, we still enable people to assault minors. Now I know that not all muslims, and christians, choose to use brute force to correct the misbehaviour of there household subjects. But as long as public policy is influenced by religious statutes, I fear that people will be subject to abuses such as this. So therefore I feel that nations need to be governed by natural law, instead of by divine right. All indivisuals, of all ages and sexes, should be allowed to have freedom from fear, and feel secure in there person. Even behind the "Bible curtain", of the American South.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Black Conservative Group Claims Martin Luther King Jr. Was A little know fact, which I know yet most other people don't, is that MLK Jr. was actually a democratic socialist. I do not know why these african-american Republicans wish to claim him as one of there own. I do know know that black people in the southern states were typicly not allowed to vote in the Democratic primaries, and so they were only able to vote in the Republican ones. So if King ever were to have voted in a party primary, he would have most likely have been a registered Republican. A liberal one none the less. And also the Republican party of yesteryear was quite different from today's GOP. For instance the Fourierian socialist Horace Greeley was a member of the Republican party. But while MLK was not entirely open about his socio-economic views, for obvious reasons, he was not by any means a conservative.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Attendance at a "TEA Party" Demonstration.

This afternoon, motivated mostly by personal curiousity, and a desire to keep abreast of socio-political developements, I decided to attend a "TEA party I saw a vast hodge podge of people present. Everyone from Ayn Rand style objectivists to what I suspect might have been some sort of neo-nazi. The objectivist, an elderly man who held a sign with the words "who is John Galt?", spoke about the premise behind the novel "Atlas Shrugged". If you haven't ever read it, let me tell you I had started to, a few years ago. I gave up reading it however, after I discovered that it was more like a sleasy soap opera story than a political dystopian novel. But anyway, he provided stark contrast to the christian rightists whom predominated the gathering, being that Ayn Rand was an atheist, and so were many of her followers . In fact, while they were all up in arms about the size and scope of government, I suppose that most of those involved with these assemblies would have no problem with authorities regulating us all in the name of God. They protest against the strong influence of the state, but seem to have no problem with the church issuing edicts governing public policy. Yet as I mentioned above, there was also one young man who came across to me anyway as being a white supremacist. He stood before us topless, I presume in order to effect the look of an ancient warrior. When he took his turn at the podium, he paid notice to the exclusively white children playing at the public park where it was held at, and said that we must secure a future for them. He also complained about the code of conduct at the state run schools. To which I would respond that if his younger school aged brothers are causing trouble, especially ethnic intimidation/bullying, they deserve to be disciplined, in my judgement. Next he encourged us to not buy groceries from stores, assumingly owned and operated by Jewish merchants, and to instead buy directly from the farmers themselves, which I reckon he expected to be white caucasian. He also charged us not to tune into television. Now one of the reasons why I do sometimes watch TV is because I like to watch C-span. That way I can keep an eye on what's happening in Washington, literaly. But I suppose he never thought of that. This also reminds me of how the Nazis would ban and confiscate all personally owned contraband radios, lest any of the German people be enabled to listen to broadcasts, other than the official propoganda line, given by Joseph Goebbels. I however echo the advice given by the U.S. military vetern who was there, who encouraged us to check out the political publications of the Left as well as the Right. This is also what I do in order to get all of the facts, and draw my own conclusions regarding political opinions. The suspected nazi closed by mentioning that his younger wife, he was 25, she was only 21, told him that she doesn't want to give birth to children in this country. Well first of all, I'd like to say thank you for at least not bringing any more little fascist freaks into the world. Secondly this is America; love it or leave it. Of course this couple has no other country to go to live in, after we defeated Third Reich Germany in World War II. ;) Really the only middle of the road moderate that was present was a schoolteacher, whom was admitingly somewhat liberal. She spoke up in order to rebut a prior speaker who claimed that the Constitution was not being taught in the public schools, but that the Communist Manifestoe was favorabley taught. So you can certainly see that ultraconservative kooks are present within this movement. However, with all of that being said, there were many political posistion points that were expressed which I agreed with as well. Namely the ones against the budget deficit, the TARP bailout, and the trade imbalance. So the tax protest wasn't all that bad, as I'm sure that many of you probally have thought about it. But I still would oppose forming common cause with the christian reconstructionist theocrats, not to mention the christian identity neo-nazis. For a good left-libertarian alternative to the"TEA parties", check out the Alliance of the Libertarian Left. They best represent my own feeling regarding political philosophy.

Monday, June 29, 2009

President of Honduras is Deposed in Military Coup. President Manuel Zelaya was just recently otherthrown, in an amed coup. Pres. Zelaya was, as far as I'm aware, a fair minded, and freedom respecting leader. In fact, I first found out about him, from reading the "Missionary Herald", which is the publication of "Evangelistic Faith Missions". You see my family is Holiness, so I have access to such reading materials. Pres. Zelaya allowed himself to be photographed with the missionaries and there children. The missionaries had seen him about there radio liscence. So he permitted private ownership of at least some of the broadcast media, for instance. Manuel Zelaya was at the very most a social democrat, not an extreme leftist. Believe me when I say that if even the typicly very conservative Holiness churches do not have a problem with him, he must be an OK guy. If only you knew what all they were saying about our own Pres. Obama, during his campaign for president. It wasn't very complimentary, to say the least. But Zelaya tolerated them all, in Honduras, anyway. No matter what there views might be. So I hope that the rule of law will triumph over the rule of force, and that Pres. Zelaya will at the very least be allowed to finish his term of office.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson Died Yesterday. He was not yet 51 when he passed away from cardiac arrest. Michael Jackson was an innovator in the music industry. He had more chart topping albums than any other single person. He also was involved with more charitable endeavers than any other entertainer, with projects like "USA for Africa". He touched the lives of many people, through his songs, and other activities.

Update to the Post About the School Strip Search. Savana Redding won her case in the Supreme Court. Now state school officials should be thinking twice before searching students for illegal contraband, without just cause, and/or due process.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Popular Uprisings Occur, in Iran, After Disputed Election. Over the past few days, there have been vast demonstrations held against the rule of Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinijad, following allegations of election fraud. The religious court in Iran certified the election in Ahmadinijad's favor. This somewhat reminds me of the contraversy following the 2000 Presidential election, between George W. Bush, and Al Gore. Just think of what might have happened had people peaceabley demonstrated in favor of a recount. The people have great potential power to stand up against abusive, and or oppressive authority. As a first resort, by using "soul force" to counter brute force. And only as a last resort, by counterattacking excessive undue brute force. This was what had happened in regards to the African National Congress's struggle against the unjust system of apartheid. Initialy they used passive resistance, and only later did they form a paramilitary organization, the "Spear of the Nation", after the National party regime employed lethal force against there movement. Benazir Bhutto believed that it was possible to have democracy be compatible with Islam. She wrote a book, which I've read, called "Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy and the West", which outlined her beliefs in regards to both democracy and Islam. I stand in supportive solidarity with all people who are trying to cast off the stranglehold of oppression, no matter the political nature of the authority in question. Whether it be autocratic, theocratic, or even patriarchal, no governmental, and/or parental authority should ever be permitted to violate the natural rights of there subjects. I feel that all peoples deserve to enjoy the "four freedoms"., no matter what there social status might be.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Reflections on Graduation

Recently there was a graduation at the local state High School. So I thought I might give a few thoughts about graduation. I myself graduated years ago, from a correspondence school. So I didn't just graduate. But I appreciate all that students must go through, in order to graduate. Especially the Honor Society members. They really go the extra mile to merit there high esteem. But I also feel that all graduates are deserving of recognition. We all have unique attributes, and abilities. We should accept all persons equally as being important in there own way. The major thing to remember is to learn all that you can learn, the best you can, for knowledge is power. The one thing that I do not like about High School is the clique system. I feel that it is comparable to the class system, which charecterises bourgeois society. Being home educated I was able to avoid this exclusive situation. Which is one of the reasons why I encourage people to unschool themselves, and/or there children. I am proud to have graduated from a distance learning program though, so that I could gain recognition for all that I learned. I was even given a school ring. Not many other homeschoolers ever get a class ring, or even an actual diploma for that matter. I also like that coincidently my school's colors, Penn Foster, is the same as the local state school, which are blue and white.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chuck Norris Calls For Right-Wing Revolution. For those out there who doubt that radical Christianity is as dangerous as radical Islam, take a look at this. Chuck Norris is strongly hinting that the christian Right should consider rebeling against the federal government, in order to set up there own theonomy in Texas. My one cousin, Adam, claims that christian reconstructionists like himself aren't violent, and use persuasion, rather than coercion, to attain power. Well, this obviously is not always the case, historicly, or politicly. Of course, no serious activist will overtly call for violent action, in order to advance a cause. But that doesn't mean that there aren't fanatics who support the ideology. And whether or not they come to power through ballots or bullets, it will still result in the death of our personal freedom, under the natural law. So we must all be ready to face off against the reactionary religious Right. Preferably by voting, but if necessary by fighting. And I'm prepared to take Chuck Norris on. I've received good basic training in Isshin Ryu Karate. So I feel that if I were to have to, I could hold my own against him. If he thinks that the Left are wimps, he has another thing coming.

Somali Sufis Fight Back. In a way, I am certainly glad that there are mujahedin to fight the lesser jihad, against extremists. However, from what I've read, this group still favours an islamism of a more moderate variety than that promoted by the political Wahhabists. It would be like favoring paleoconservative constitutionalists against christian theonomists. So while I support there struggle against religious terrorism, and even Sufism over Wahhabism, I would rather Somalia be a pluralistic democracy, rather than an Islamic theonomy.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Couageous Boy With Cancer Defies Judicial Tyranny, to Avoid Chemo. As you all might have heard, Daniel Hauser has escaped with his mother, in order to avoid his being forcibly administered chemo therapy, and radiation. The intrusive judiciary had violated young Mr. Hauser's right to personal autonomy, and his parents power of custodial authority. Daniel Hauser rightfuly has ownership of himself, under the guardianship of his parents. The descision as to how to best handle his cancerous condition should rest with them alone, not the state.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thirteen Year Old School Girl is Strip Searched. This is an outrageous violation of this young lady's right to privacy, as well as bodily integrity. What if officials were to suspect that drug mules are smuggling contraband narcotics in there vaginal cavity? Would you feel comfortable allowing your daughters to be searched for illegal drugs down there? And this wasn't even a search for banned substances. This was a search for Ibuprofin, which incidently was not found on her person. Some vengeful enemy probally told on her, out of spite, just to humiliate her. This action, perpetrated by state school officials, was a gross overreaction. Even minors should have civil rights.

Police Foil Plot to Bomb Synagogues, and Attack Air Base. One thing that is first apparant to me is that none of these perpetrators are Arab. Most, if not all, are black. One is a Haitian. Haiti is not a predominately muslim country. So as you should all be able to see, we can not accurately profile potential terrorists based upon ethnic background. Since most muslims in this country are actually black, most of whom converted to Islam. And many Arabs, and Persians, are christians who've come here to escape persecution. A problem with some of the converts to Islam is that they are being indoctrinated by extremist preachers. These new believers do not know any better, and on top of that are eager to prove themselves as dedicated muslims. They are therefore ideal candidates for terrorism. And also many prison inmates are readily converting to Islam as well. Since these men already have a record of violent crime, they might think nothing of commiting more violence, in the name of there new found faith. The American people need to realise that many born muslims are good natured, and that some converts might become misguided in there religious zeal. One notable example of what I'm talking about is Aukai Collins Though, as far as I know, he did not commit atrocities, he was recruited to jihad, after being converted while in prison. Oh, and incidently he's white too. Just like John Walker Lindh So in conclusion, islamists can come in all colours, from different backgrounds. And we need to encourage people, muslims in particular, to speak out against militant extremism, and inform the propper authorities about any possible terrorist plots.

Madonna Plans on Adopting Another Child. Pop star Madonna is yet again seeking to adopt a child from Malawi, this time a girl. I feel that this is part of an alarming trend of putting material extravagance above the good of the family unit. The material girl, Madonna, seems to think that she is better suited to have children than the natural born family. In my personal opinion, this is no better than those who prey upon orangutans, in order to sell there young as pets. It seems to me that foreign adoptions are desired for the exotic nature of it. People want to possess a child who is from some remote country, because it seems fashionably chic. Well I say that there are plenty of actual orphans, in domestic lands, whom need to be placed with suitable homes. There are children of all ethnicities too. So why should people be scouring the globe in search of black children, when there are hundreds of identical children in our own country desparately in need of a family? Of course, one should not adopt based upon race. Children are indivisual human beings, not novelty items, and/or fashion accessories. And this topic hits home for me personaly. You see, my foster brother/cousin was given up to be adopted, by my one half-uncle and his wife, to there friends. We were not informed about this arrangement. We did not find out about what was going on until we received a call asking for us to take him off of there hands, because he was becoming too much for them to handle. Joey, my birth cousin, has Reactive Attachment Disorder. This condition is common amongst children who grew up in inadequate social conditions. So after finding that he was more than they bargained for, they eventually decided to do the right thing, and return him to his rightful family. In fact there lawyer said that if he had known that Joey had extended family still living, he wouldn't have even processed the adoption. I for one am pleased that our family has now been reunited, in spite of the difficulties. But one thing that we have in this country, which they probally don't have much if any of in Malawi, is a social safety net. Families here in America are able to receive food stamps, and/or other public assistance. These social welfare programs help poor families to stay together, instead of being broken up, and sold off. Now of course as a libertarian, albeit one of the Left, I would perfer if we all were able to depend upon mutual aid, rather than having to rely on the welfare state Eventhough, as a matter of fact, churches have also helped our family before, when we were in need. Especially the Roman Catholic church. Catholics in particular, value families, and try to do whatever possible to keep families together, and help those in need. As I understand it though, they also receive grants from the government, so they're not entirely a private charity.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Christian Zionism is Un-Scriptural. Now usually I do not post topics dealing with matters of religion, as I do not wish to mix religion and politics together. I only times I've ever dealt with religions, on my blog, is when it pertains to clericalism. However this article gives a detailed description of just what is wrong with zionism, from a christian standpoint. Christian Zionism is oftentimes connected with the christian right. These neoconservatives collaberate with Likudniks, in support of right-wing Israeli policies. I feel that America should end it's one sided support of Israel, and should instead impartialy deal with conditions in the region. Both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs alike should be allowed to have a secure existance in there homeland.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Miss California Faces Controversy Over Revealing Photo. Miss California, Carrie Prejean, who aroused controversy over her stated opposition to same sex marriage, has aroused something of a different sort, if you'll pardon my pun. It turns out that, when she was seventeen, she modeled semi-nude. Now, unlike with the Miley Cyrus story, I will only post a link to the photo, rather than posting the photo directly to my blog, lest any of my readership take offense. I will say though that only in a country like America would this sort of thing even be shocking at all. In parts of Europe, it is not at all uncommon for people, women included, to go topless on the beach. So this sort of picture is no more risque than what you might find on "Pravda Online", from which I sometimes post stories from. But regardless as to whether or not you find this sort of thing to be inappropiate, it certainly isn't dressing as becometh the Lord. This revelation should tarnish her personal testimony, and reputation.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu is Rumored to Have Been Manufactured to Target Amerindian Genes. As far out as it might seem, something like this has happened before. Contaminated blankets were given to amerindian tribes. So I feel that it may be plausible that certain elements of the government might have developed a strain of influenza to specificly target the native population. The whiteman has always feared uprisings by subject peoples. So I feel that they would have motive to decimate indigenous peoples, through germ warfare. Mexico especially has a superfluous population, largely made up of those with amerindian ancestry. Taking a Malthusian attitude, there government has been attempting to reduce the population, through emigration, for example. But could they also stoop so low as to commit genocide? Nothing would surprise me, though we shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

UAW To Own A Part Of Chrysler. I think that this is a positive, progressive, step in participatory economics. Now organised labor can have the power to direct the company, and profit from it. While I do of course also feel that it would have been better yet if the union could have been able to buy out the corporation outright, at least this is a start in the right direction, In my opinion. Notabley a socialism of sorts is developing without the aid of a social revolution, during the financial crisis. Our economic system is seemingly evolving towards socialism, whether or not all of the American people like it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

American Family Association Opposes Hate Crime Bill, and Misleads People About It's Content. I support this piece of legislation, as it will help to deter hateful acts of violence against groups of people. For example, I have Tourette, and Asperger, syndrome. As you can probally imagine, I have been bullied growing up. This bill would have made this harassment regarded as being a more serious offense, and hopefuly deter any future trouble. Those who commit hatecrimes are not just threatening the safety of other persons, but of specific groups as well. And I'm sure to if anyone were to intimidate and/or attack christians, and there churches, the same people whom oppose this measure would want the perpetrators prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Freedom from fear should be a protected right for all of us.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Raul Castro Wants To Begin Diplomatic Talks With U.S. Government. I view this as a positive developement. Cuba has also, in recent years implemented certain democratic social reforms.,8599,1736186,00.html I am hopefuly optimistic that Cuba will prove to be a democratic socialist republic someday, if it isn't already so. Also I know that the stated eventual goal of Communism is a stateless, as well as classless, society. I do not know how the Communist party leaders propose to accomplish this feat. But it would certainly be nice I think to be able to live in such a society. Also I feel that the embargo should be lifted, as it serves no one, including the people of Cuba. We already trade with the Communist party ruled countries of China, and Vietnam. Greater access to outside goods, and influences would further open up the social system of Cuba to greater personal freedom, and financial prosperity.

Legal Controversy is Raised Over "Sexting".

Vermont is considering legislation to legalise sexting between minors. I support this proposal, not because I think that sexting is a good thing to do, because it's not in my opinion. But because it is a victimless offense. No one is being violated. Embarrassed later perhaps, but not violated. It's like a high tech version of "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours". It is not illegal for teens to look at each other's private parts, in person, or even to touch each other. So just because photos are exchanged, should not make it any different. No one is being paid money for these images to be produced, and distributed. It's just friends sharing there bodies with each other. If anyone is to be punished for doing this, it should be by parental, and not governmental, authority.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Take on Piracy. Usually I do not quote from Alex Jone's website, since he is widely believed to be a sensationalist kook. And therefore the accuracy of his information might be questionable. But I do think that in this particular article he makes many good points. The pirates seem to be sea vigilantes, trying to protect the good of there country from foreign oppressors, in the absence of a strong government. And while I do not condone there desparate actions, I can sympathise with there dilemma.

Missouri Information Analysis Center Lists Libertarians And/Or Anarchists As Being Potential Terrorists. The Missouri Information Analysis Center has named liberariarian socialists like myself, among other dissident groups, as being likely to possibly commit terrorist acts. First of all, those who join the Libertarian party are required to pledge not to initiate force, in order to effect social change. This is in part to try and prevent such unfounded suspicions upon there lawfulness. In order that the government not potentialy ban the Party. I myself have taken this pledge. And eventhough I am no longer an official member of the Libertarians, and have since moved to the Left ideologicly, I am still commited to it. My commitment to non-violence, which the Greens also share, is firmly rooted in the "non-aggression priciple". In fact all indivisualist anarchists are non-violent in our tactics. And the only reason why collectivists resorted torevolutionary insurection was because it originated in eastern europe, which was dominated by dictatorial regimes. The anarchists there thought that the only way to prevail against the government was to resort to armed force. One such example of this type of anarchism being exported into the United States was the assination of Pres. McKinley by Leon Czolgosz. However most modern anarchists, like myself, reject the use of force to attain our goals. Instead we use Non-violent resistance. The only time that some of us might use violence would be in the interests of self prservation. And even then, some of us, like the Christian anarchists, believe in practicing nonresistance. So just because we might be dissident doesn't necessarily mean that we are also violent.

Sea Captain Rescued From Pirate Captors. This is a follow up article to another I recently posted. In a good show of gunboat diplomacy, Capt. Richard Phillips was rescued from the hands of pirates, after a stand off of five days. The Navy SEAL snipers who took out the three Somali pirates, used night vision goggles. But a more primitive version of night vision has been used by pirates for centuries. It's called the eye patch. By covering one eye during the day, and switching it at night, you can actually see in the dark. I learned of this from watching "MythBusters". Maybe someone will someday make a movie based upon this escapade. But from the Barbary pirates to the Somali pirates, you don't mess with the might of the U.S. Navy, and Marine Corps. In commemberation of both the courageous sailors of the Merchant Marine, and Navy, including the Marines, and also the daring privateers and/or pirates, throughout the centuries, here is a sea shanty.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pres. Obama Tells Turkey That We Are Not A "Christian Nation"

As he mentioned in his inaugural address, the United States of America is not, nor have we ever been a christian nation. Recently, he reliterated this in his speech to the Turks, during a press conference. And he is absolutely correct too. In the "Treaty of Tripoli', for example, in Article 11, states this.
"Art. 11. As the Government
of the United States of America
is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;
as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or
tranquility, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States
never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is
declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall
ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries." Despite what some may tell you. Our founding fathers did not intend for America to be governed by biblical laws. And our enemies are not muslims per se, but radical islamists. And the dominionist theonomy would be no different from a caliphate, under shariah, except in regards to the religion.

Pirates Attack Americans.

Somali pirates attacked an American cargo ship, and have taken the Captain hostage. This is a story I would have never thought I'd have to report upon. But there are actually still pirates terrorising the seven seas. From Africa to Asia. I feel that merchant ships should be allowed to be armed, for there own protection. The Navy can not be everywhere at one. And with ships, and for that matter airplanes, being withour firearms, they are vulnerable to hijackings. Outlaws do not care about weapons bans. With law abiding citizens not allowed to possess guns, only criminals would have them. Also I support the idea of granting letters of marque, liscencing privateers to collect a bounty for capturing enemy ships. Article 1, section 8, of the U.S. Constitution, authorises the Congress to punish piracy, and give rewards to those who apprehend pirates. My thoughts, and prayers, are with the family of this sea captain, and those in the armed services who protect us at sea. Like the Coast Guard, Navy, and Marines, for instance.

Westboro Baptist Church Plan On Demonstrating at Police Funeral. In case you haven't heard, three policemen were shot dead, while responding to a domestic violence call. Incidently one of the officers was a cousin to the wife of the pastor of the church that my family attends. Probally all three of the policemen killed were christian, and/or straight. But even if they weren't, it's no excuse to disrespect there service, or to bother there loved ones. Illinois was already passed legislation to make all protesters stand at least 200 feet away. I think that other states, like Pennsylvania, should pass similar laws, in light of these developements. It's the least that they can do, to prevent harassment of grieving mourners.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Co-operative Buisnesses Deal With Recession Believe it or not, there are still co-operatives in Spain, the country where the CNT originates from. A co-operative is an enterprise which is jointly owned, and managed by the people who work there. Therefore the profits are shared amongst themselves. So that all of the employees mutually benefit. The recession has affected these buisnesses as well. But I hope that they will be able to remain solvent, and competitive in the current economic circumstances. This example also shows however that socialism can be built within the existing system. And that the workers can also benefit from the free market.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Christian Reconstructionists, Like Rushdoony, are Looney.

Christian Reconstructionism is a type of dominion theology, which is rooted in the reformed faith of Calvinism in particular. (note This is not to say that all calvinists are like them. Christian Recon is an extreme example of politicised religion.) Dominionists seek to replace our representitive democracy with a theonomy Officially they propose to do this peaceably, by getting people to vote for candidates that support there agenda. They have already come to dominate the Republican party, down in Texas. (note 2. Once again, not all Republicans are dominionists. Not even all of the "religious Right". And there is a difference between dominionism and traditionalism even.) All freedom loving americans, including christians and/or conservatives, need to stand against this reactionary religious extremism. On a personal note, my maternal cousin, Adam, is christian recon. So I have to deal with these attitudes first hand. In fact, I think that by and large my entire family tends to support political Christianity. So I would appreciate it if you'd keep in your prayers and/or thoughts, as I stand up against this threat to our personal freedom, and human rights. It's just so shocking that there are actually christians who are similar in many ways to the islamists. P.S. Here is a link to my radical right cousin's blog, and also here is an article that informatively illustrates what Rushdoony's ideology is all about, and why it's so alarmingly extreme.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pagans and St. Patrick's Day. Today people celebrated St. Patrick's day. Even I wore green. But not all people think of him fondly. St. Patrick, according to legend, was said to have driven away all of the snakes from Ireland. However the "snakes" actually refers to the Druids, and there followers. The Druids were priests of the pagan folk religion of Ireland. Supposedly, St. Patrick persecuted all those who would not convert to Roman Catholic Christianity. Like I said in the post about the Baptist pastor who was killed, beliefs can not be destroyed by force. And even now there are still neopagans who practice a renewed faith in the old ways. This is known as Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism.

Critique of Rush Limbaugh's CPAC Speech.

A few days ago, Rush Limbaugh gave an address to CPAC. I am now going to comment upon some of his remarks. Here is a transcript of it, in case you wish to follow along. "When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when
we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see
human beings. We don't see groups. We don't see victims. We don't see people we
want to exploit. What we see -- what we see is potential. We do not look out
across the country and see the average American, the person that makes this
country work. We do not see that person with contempt. We don't think that
person doesn't have what it takes. We believe that person can be the best he or
she wants to be if certain things are just removed from their path like onerous
taxes, regulations and too much government." This attitude ignores other barriers to success, like substandard wages, debt, and lack of suitable training/education. Also under our current socio-economic system, buisness and labour alike receive welfare, in order to subsidise there earnings. So the government does give grants to people, rich and poor alike. And the biggest "welfare queens" are corporations. "We want every American to be the best he or she chooses to be. We recognize that we are all individuals. We love and revere our founding documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. We believe that the preamble to the Constitution contains an inarguable truth that we are all endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life. Liberty, Freedom. And the pursuit of happiness. Those of you watching at home may wonder why this is being applauded. We conservatives think all three are under assault." We non-conservatives also love and revere the Constitution, plus life, liberty, and the "pursuit of happiness", which I like to identify as being livelihood. Ironicly enough we feel that these have been undermined by the supposedly conservative Bush administration. Because of the PATRIOT act, and deficit spending.
"President Obama has the ability -- he has the ability to inspire excellence in
people's pursuits. He has the ability to do all this, yet he pursues a path,
seeks a path that punishes achievement, that punishes earners and punishes --
and he speaks negatively of the country. Ronald Reagan used to speak of a
shining city on a hill. Barack Obama portrays America as a soup kitchen in some
dark night in a corner of America that's very obscure. He's constantly telling
the American people that bad times are ahead, worst times are ahead. And it's
troubling, because this is the United States of America. Anybody ever ask -- I'm
in awe of our country and I ask this question a lot as I've gotten older. We're
less than 300 years old. We are younger than nations that have been on this
planet for thousands of years. We, nevertheless, in less than 300 years -- by
the way, we're no different than any other human beings around the world. Our
DNA is no different. We're not better just because we're born in America.
There's nothing that sets us apart. How did this happen? How did the United
States of America become the world's lone super power, the world's economic
engine, the most prosperous opportunity for an advanced lifestyle that humanity
has ever known? How did this happen? And why pray tell does the President of the
United States want to destroy it? It saddens me. The freedom we spoke of earlier
is the freedom, it's the ambition, it's the desire, the wherewithal, the
passions that people have that gave us the great entrepreneurial advances, the
great inventions, the greatest food production, the human lifestyle advances in
this country. Why shouldn't that be rewarded? Why is that now the focus of
punishment? Why is that now the focus of blame? Why doesn't -- Mayor Bloomberg
the other day, ladies and gentlemen, resisting his Governor's call for an
increased tax on the rich in New York had some astounding numbers. Eight million
people live in New York. 40,000 of those eight million pay roughly 60 to 70% of
New York's operating budget. He was afraid that if he raised taxes on those
people some of them might leave. Mayor, one already has, by the way." As a result of the financial crisis, we are in bad times. The Obama administration is trying to stimilate the economy. While you may not like how he plans on accomplishing this, fiscally, he is being realistic. "President Obama is so busy trying to foment and create anger in a created atmosphere of crisis, he is so busy fueling the emotions of class envy that he's forgotten it's not his money that he's spending. [Applause] In fact, the money he's spending is not ours. He's spending wealth that has yet to be created. And that is not sustainable. It will not work. This has been tried around the world. And every time it's been tried, it's a failed disaster. What's the longest war in American history? Did somebody say the war on poverty? Smart group. War on poverty. The war on poverty essentially started in the '30s as part of the New Deal, but it really ramped up in the '60s with Lyndon Johnson, part of the Great Society war on poverty. We have transferred something like 10 trillion, maybe close to 11 trillion, from producers and earners to nonproducers and nonearners since 1965. Yet, as I listen to the Democratic Party campaign, why, America is still a soup kitchen, the poor is still poor and they have no hope and they're poor for what reason? They're poor because of us, because we don't care, and because we've gotten rich by taking from them, that's what kids in school are taught today. That's what others have said to the media. You know why they're poor, you know why they remain poor? Because their lives have been destroyed by the never-ending government hay that's designed to help them, but it destroys ambition. It destroys the education they might get to learn to be self-fulfilling." Actually it is not your money. The federal government prints, and mints it. So if the government can be in charge of it's production, why can't it also be allowed to control it's distribution? The rest of his remarks are just negative slander that I will not even dignify with a response, except to say that it's not true of me, or of other Democrats as a whole.

Taliban Targets Schools For Attack.

Recently I posted about how Pres. Obama plans on striking a deal with certain factions of the Taliban. Here is a follow up article, written by a National Guard officer, who witnessed an attack upon a co-ed school, by the Taliban. As I've mentioned in the preceding post, we must not even try to negotiate with these human monsters. The American people, civilian and military alike, do not support appeasing the Taliban. And while we all want for our troops overseas to come home safe and sound, as soon as possible, not before they finish what they started against the terrorists, and the rogue regimes that support them. This should be a no brainer. However some people do not support the mission of our military forces, in combating the Islamist enemy. Just the other night, I had watched the Veggie Tales video, "Minnesota Cuke, and Samson's Hairbrush". It seemed to suggest that our response to the attacks on 9-11 makes us just as much terrorists as Al Qaeda, and that we should just try and be nice to the Taliban, and make friends with them. While I do know that there are some christians who believe in non-resistance, to give the same moral equivalency to the U.S. military, as the Islamist mujahedin, is outrageous. For any of my readers who don't make the same connection as I do, and think that I am mischarecterising things, and are perhaps also Veggie Tales fans. Let me tell you this. I've seen all of the classic "Indiana Jones" movies. And Indie's enemies have always been Nazis. Except for 'The Temple of Doom", in which they were a thugee cult, and "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", in which they were Bolsheviks. So it's not hard to put two and two together. Just like the Nazis, the Taliban are fascist. And just like the thugees, Al Qaeda is a death cult. So if anyone expects us to just take this lying down, they've got another thing coming. We should use all due force necessary to counter-attack the enemies that threaten our safety, and freedom. No matter how hard it might be, or whatever some may say. And Barack Obama, plus Phil Vischer ,and Mike Nawrocki, the creators of Veggie Tales, should be ashamed of themselves. We need to stand up against "bullies", and if necessary fight them, if we are to be able to have a secure homeland, not to mention playground.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baptist Pastor Killed While Delivering Sermon. As some of you may know, I knew the notorious gunman, Matthew Murray, personally on-line. So this really hits home for me. We do not know why the perpetrator chose to kill this particular pastor. Perhaps the shooter was deranged. Maybe he was also a satanist. Self described satanists, mostly ignorant teenagers, have burned down churches before. There are many possible motives for this senseless crime. But if the killer hoped to destroy Christianity, it would have been in vain. As Thomas Dewey once said, "you can't shoot an idea with a gun." We all must not use carnal means to advance ideas. Ideas will rise and fall according to it's merits. No force can stop it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Barack Obama Reaches Out To Taliban. This is outrageous. As the article says, even the most "moderate" elements of the Taliban are still religious extremists. If the Taliban are able to hold, and/or even share power, it will be bad news for the personal freedoms of Afghans, especially those of minority faiths. The Taliban oppressed people, women in particular, and have also threatened world peace. None of them should be allowed to have political power. The United States should work together multilateraly with neighboring countries, in the surrounding region, to counter the prescence of the Taliban. Our military forces should do more than just fight against terrorists, they should also fight for democratic freedom.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Remarks on Gov.Jindal's Response.

Recently I've been hearing negative reaction to Louisiana Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal's Republican response to Pres.Obama's address to Congress. I feel that this is unfortunate, and inconsiderate. Gov. Jindal seems like a nice, friendly, and caring man, who loves his country, and sincerly feels that conservative policies are what's best for it. But he also says that he gets along well with Democrats too, and is willing to work with us, in order to come up with an acceptable plan to help deal with the challenges America faces. So since many of my fellow bloggers, Republican's and Democrats alike, are panning his speech, let me give a honest yet positive opinion of his points. First here is a transcript, so that you all can follow along. First he starts out by mentioning how monumentous an occasion it is, because of the significance of Barack Obama being of african descent. I think that we all get how incredible it is that a black man was elected President. It's all we've been hearing about for the past few weeks. He didn't need to try and butter him up. I think that he was just trying to be nice, but it came accross as being patronising to me. Then, in the spirit of Ronald Reagan, he recounts stories about his life, past and present. I think that this would be fine, if he were President, and were the one giving the address instead of the response. But he's not the President, and I don't think that we appreciate his grandstanding. We also get that his personal accomplishments are impressive, being that he's the son of immigrants from another country, as well as culture. I'm sure that if and when he runs for President, we'll all be talking about it. And knowing the religious right like I do, the attitudes probally won't be all positive, since he was born and raised a Hindu, and many people don't even know and/or care about the differences between Hinduism and Islam. They just see a swarthy looking, foreign seeming person. I speak from personal experience. I've had to explain to my christian conservative mother that muslims do not worship idols, and that Hindus do not behead people. Well all except for the thugee, which if you've ever watched "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, you'd know all about. And yes, I also know that Jindal, as well as Obama, converted to Christianity. But I think that some people might still have there doubts about him. Anyway, we should be having to deal with that when the time comes. Let's just take things one step at a time. Next he extols tax cuts, and slams spending increases. Now we are getting to the heart of the matter. This is the bread and butter we've all been waiting for. If only he had started out with this. First he criticises the rail line between Las Vegas, and Florida. I happen to know that some libertarians believe that transportation should be privatised, and that improvments should be privately funded by land developers. But Bobby Jindal is not delivering the Libertarian position. He is supposed to be giving the Republican response. And most Republicans have no problem what so ever with improvements of our public transportation system. Then he goes on to criticise funding for volcanoe monitoring. Volcanoe monitoring is a part of the governments role in handling possible natural disasters. Like with FEMA and the flooding of New Orleans. While Gov. Jindal might feel that private companies can do a better job of dealing with such crisises, currently the federal government handles such duties. And incidently, it was a Republican administration that supoposedly mishandled Hurricane Katrina. So I'm sure that the GOP did not appreciate him citing this as an example of government incompetance. According to Keynesian economics, which from F.D.R. until Reagan was the basis for Presidential fiscal policy, Republican and Democratic alike, spending does help grow the economy. It especially helps to counteract the "downward sticky nature of prices", whatever that means. We'll have to see just how well this works in regards to the current financial crisis. If it doesn't pan out as expected, modern economics will be largely discredited, and Bobby Jindal will be vindicated. When it comes time for him to possibly run for President himself, he can tell Barack Obama "I told you so". But for right now Obama, and the Democratic leadership in the Congress, are running the show. So we'll all just have to deal with it the best we can. Also Pres. Obama had promised not to deficit spend, and to go by a "pay as you go" plan. This was incidently the same plan that liberal Republicans have always went by, since Thomas Dewey. So unless Obama is going to break his word, I do not think that the national debt will increase. At worse, it will remain the same. Lastly Jindal insists that we can provide healthcare coverage to all Americans, and improve education, all without increasing the size and scope of government. I certainly will be interested in hearing his plans on just how to do this. It seems like it's going to be an interesting campaign season, if and when he does declare his candidacy for the Presidency, in 2012. And if he does secure the Republican nomination, I also believe, and hope, that it will be a nicer, more respectful, campaign too. Unlike if Sarah Palin were to get it, from what I remember from her remarks at the Republican National Convention, and all of the mud that was slung by conservative Republicans during the election season. I think that this actually hurt there reputation amongst non-Republicans, and even moderate Republicans. And Jindal also claims that Americans can do anything. Well, while I appreciate his confidance in the power of the American people, we are not avatars. Only God can do anything. That's if one even believes in an omnipotent God in the first place. It's only with Him that all things are possisle, as my state's motto, Ohio, states. To repeatedly state that we as a people can do anything, is to suggest that we are all potential gods in the making. Which is a New Age belief. It's utterances like this that could cost him the support of conservative christians. But finally, I rather doubt that Gov. Jindal even bothers to read all of the blog posts about his speech. So I don't seriously expect him to even see anything I or any of you type. But if he does see this, I just want for him to know that I like him personally. And who knows, I might even decide to vote for him, if he is able to challenge Barack Obama for the presidency. I'm not a hardline liberal Democrat. And I am also interested in hearing about his proposals, if they're good ideas, regardless of my party affiliation.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama Nominates David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General.

I just got word, from my conservative sister Amy, that Pres. Obama will be asking the Congress to confirm David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General. As far as I know, Mr. Ogden has no experience prosecuting cases. In fact, he has defended some pretty disgusting clients. Notabley those suspected of violating laws against pornography, including child pornography. Now I know that many prosecutors were at one time or another criminal defense attorneys, and that a good advocate uses even the weakest arguements in order to get the best deal for there clients. But there is no valid legal defense, in my view, for the exploitation of children. Or for that matter a moral defense for the degradation of women. Eventhough I do not think that the government should ban all pornography outright, or even could if it had wanted to. I do feel that certain laws should be in place, in order to protect people, especially children, from abuse, and or exploitation, like for instance laws against hardcore pornography. And as a deputy attorney general, Mr. Ogden might be called upon to enforce these restrictions. At the very least, Congress should ask him if he'd be willing to uphold even laws he personally disagrees with. We need to have justice officials that will maintain law and order, without partiality.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Remarks Upon The Presidents Remarks to Congress. Overall I felt that him speech was sensible. Without going into much detail, he seemed to be saying that the government should work together with buisness, in order to build up private enterprise. But what can you expect. Pres. Obama is a social liberal, and as such believes that the government should involve itself in trying to solve social problems. Rather than trusting private persons, and institutions to work things out on there own. He feels therefore that the federal government has a positive, proactive role to play in dealing with the financial crisis. And I myself feel that, for the time being at least, perhaps there does need to be a welfare state, before we can have a stateless, and classless, society. Just as Karl Marx said of the "worker's state", in regards to socialism, so might the welfare state be, in regards to social democracy A social revolution, even a non-violent one, is not forthcoming. So I think that the best we can all hope for is bourgeois socialism, for our bourgeois nation. Untill such time as the state is abolished all together, and social welfare is replaced by mutual aid I therefore feel that the government should encourage voluntarism, and gradually phase out government social programs.

Fury Raised Over New York Post Political Cartoon. Over the past few days, outrage has been raised over this political cartoon. I personally feel that it is offensive, but yet not necessarily racist, in nature. It is very irreverent to compare our elected leaders to apes. Whether or not we agree with some of there policies, and I sure don't often agree with the descisions of the federal government, they are still in positions of respect, and should be treated as such. However this is nothing new. Pres. George W. Bush has been compared to a chimpanzee as well. So all I can say in response to this is, welcome to the White House President Obama. You have arrived. Though unlike the above mentioned picture, the New York Post cartoon shows the chimp being shot. This could therefore be taken to mean that the officials who crafted the economic stimulus bill deserve to die as well. But in response to the contraversial cartoon, people have called not only for Mr. Sean Delonas to be fired, but for him to be arrested as well. I feel that this is an overreaction. Do liberals really want to be known for censoring unpopular/disrespectful opinions/persons? Do we wish to bring him before the House Unamerican Activities Commitee, and blacklist him. This is a type of McCarthyism that we've always faulted Republicans for. We Democrats should show more tolerance, even for distasteful expression. Unless there is an overt, direct threat, indivisuals should not be punished for there disloyal sentiments. Otherwise we'll risk becoming a totalitarian police state, with re-education camps for dissidents.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Navahoes Suit U.S. Government. Here is further proof that our government functions as a "dictatorship of the bourgeois". The U.S. government cheated the Navaho, in order that the coal company could undercut the royalties rightly owed to the tribe. This therefore shows me that the government serves the class interests of big buisness. Big government and big buisness are intertwined as far as I'm concerned. No matter which party is in power, the federal government seems to serve special interests over the public interest.

Prominent Commentators Call For Bank Nationalization. As I've been saying repeatedly, the banking system should be nationalized. Only I do not think that it should only be temporary. It's rightfuly ours as American tax payers. It's our money the federal government used to bail out the banks. We paid for it, and so we should all own it. The credit crisis, in my opinion, shows that the banks should not be trusted to private ownership. The American people should not have to keep cleaning up the messes caused by private in competance. Investers should not be allowed to gamble with our money.

McDonalds Denies Worker Medical Compensation. Here is a clear case of someone being attacked on McDonalds property, and a consciencious employee being seriously wounded in the process. While this is certainly not something one would expect to have to deal with, this is in my mind not much different than if it were a hold up. A patron was being assaulted by another patron, and an intervening employee was feloniously assaulted as a result. Therefore, indirectly at least, he was injured on the job. If McDonalds does not give him a well deserved compensation, I hope that the public will take up a collection for him.