Monday, April 13, 2009

Missouri Information Analysis Center Lists Libertarians And/Or Anarchists As Being Potential Terrorists. The Missouri Information Analysis Center has named liberariarian socialists like myself, among other dissident groups, as being likely to possibly commit terrorist acts. First of all, those who join the Libertarian party are required to pledge not to initiate force, in order to effect social change. This is in part to try and prevent such unfounded suspicions upon there lawfulness. In order that the government not potentialy ban the Party. I myself have taken this pledge. And eventhough I am no longer an official member of the Libertarians, and have since moved to the Left ideologicly, I am still commited to it. My commitment to non-violence, which the Greens also share, is firmly rooted in the "non-aggression priciple". In fact all indivisualist anarchists are non-violent in our tactics. And the only reason why collectivists resorted torevolutionary insurection was because it originated in eastern europe, which was dominated by dictatorial regimes. The anarchists there thought that the only way to prevail against the government was to resort to armed force. One such example of this type of anarchism being exported into the United States was the assination of Pres. McKinley by Leon Czolgosz. However most modern anarchists, like myself, reject the use of force to attain our goals. Instead we use Non-violent resistance. The only time that some of us might use violence would be in the interests of self prservation. And even then, some of us, like the Christian anarchists, believe in practicing nonresistance. So just because we might be dissident doesn't necessarily mean that we are also violent.

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