http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/13/world/africa/13pirates.html This is a follow up article to another I recently posted. In a good show of gunboat diplomacy, Capt. Richard Phillips was rescued from the hands of pirates, after a stand off of five days. The Navy SEAL snipers who took out the three Somali pirates, used night vision goggles. But a more primitive version of night vision has been used by pirates for centuries. It's called the eye patch. By covering one eye during the day, and switching it at night, you can actually see in the dark. I learned of this from watching "MythBusters". http://www.discoverychannel.co.uk/video/mythbusters-top-10-eyepatch-master/ Maybe someone will someday make a movie based upon this escapade. But from the Barbary pirates to the Somali pirates, you don't mess with the might of the U.S. Navy, and Marine Corps. In commemberation of both the courageous sailors of the Merchant Marine, and Navy, including the Marines, and also the daring privateers and/or pirates, throughout the centuries, here is a sea shanty. http://www.contemplator.com/sea/blowdown.html
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