Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama Nominates David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General.

I just got word, from my conservative sister Amy, that Pres. Obama will be asking the Congress to confirm David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General. As far as I know, Mr. Ogden has no experience prosecuting cases. In fact, he has defended some pretty disgusting clients. Notabley those suspected of violating laws against pornography, including child pornography. Now I know that many prosecutors were at one time or another criminal defense attorneys, and that a good advocate uses even the weakest arguements in order to get the best deal for there clients. But there is no valid legal defense, in my view, for the exploitation of children. Or for that matter a moral defense for the degradation of women. Eventhough I do not think that the government should ban all pornography outright, or even could if it had wanted to. I do feel that certain laws should be in place, in order to protect people, especially children, from abuse, and or exploitation, like for instance laws against hardcore pornography. And as a deputy attorney general, Mr. Ogden might be called upon to enforce these restrictions. At the very least, Congress should ask him if he'd be willing to uphold even laws he personally disagrees with. We need to have justice officials that will maintain law and order, without partiality.

1 comment:

RedKnight said...

Here is an update to this story , as well as a clarification of the exact facts of the matter.