Thursday, April 30, 2009
Swine Flu is Rumored to Have Been Manufactured to Target Amerindian Genes. As far out as it might seem, something like this has happened before. Contaminated blankets were given to amerindian tribes. So I feel that it may be plausible that certain elements of the government might have developed a strain of influenza to specificly target the native population. The whiteman has always feared uprisings by subject peoples. So I feel that they would have motive to decimate indigenous peoples, through germ warfare. Mexico especially has a superfluous population, largely made up of those with amerindian ancestry. Taking a Malthusian attitude, there government has been attempting to reduce the population, through emigration, for example. But could they also stoop so low as to commit genocide? Nothing would surprise me, though we shouldn't jump to conclusions.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
UAW To Own A Part Of Chrysler. I think that this is a positive, progressive, step in participatory economics. Now organised labor can have the power to direct the company, and profit from it. While I do of course also feel that it would have been better yet if the union could have been able to buy out the corporation outright, at least this is a start in the right direction, In my opinion. Notabley a socialism of sorts is developing without the aid of a social revolution, during the financial crisis. Our economic system is seemingly evolving towards socialism, whether or not all of the American people like it.
Monday, April 27, 2009
American Family Association Opposes Hate Crime Bill, and Misleads People About It's Content. I support this piece of legislation, as it will help to deter hateful acts of violence against groups of people. For example, I have Tourette, and Asperger, syndrome. As you can probally imagine, I have been bullied growing up. This bill would have made this harassment regarded as being a more serious offense, and hopefuly deter any future trouble. Those who commit hatecrimes are not just threatening the safety of other persons, but of specific groups as well. And I'm sure to if anyone were to intimidate and/or attack christians, and there churches, the same people whom oppose this measure would want the perpetrators prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Freedom from fear should be a protected right for all of us.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Raul Castro Wants To Begin Diplomatic Talks With U.S. Government. I view this as a positive developement. Cuba has also, in recent years implemented certain democratic social reforms.,8599,1736186,00.html I am hopefuly optimistic that Cuba will prove to be a democratic socialist republic someday, if it isn't already so. Also I know that the stated eventual goal of Communism is a stateless, as well as classless, society. I do not know how the Communist party leaders propose to accomplish this feat. But it would certainly be nice I think to be able to live in such a society. Also I feel that the embargo should be lifted, as it serves no one, including the people of Cuba. We already trade with the Communist party ruled countries of China, and Vietnam. Greater access to outside goods, and influences would further open up the social system of Cuba to greater personal freedom, and financial prosperity.
Legal Controversy is Raised Over "Sexting".
Vermont is considering legislation to legalise sexting between minors. I support this proposal, not because I think that sexting is a good thing to do, because it's not in my opinion. But because it is a victimless offense. No one is being violated. Embarrassed later perhaps, but not violated. It's like a high tech version of "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours". It is not illegal for teens to look at each other's private parts, in person, or even to touch each other. So just because photos are exchanged, should not make it any different. No one is being paid money for these images to be produced, and distributed. It's just friends sharing there bodies with each other. If anyone is to be punished for doing this, it should be by parental, and not governmental, authority.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Another Take on Piracy. Usually I do not quote from Alex Jone's website, since he is widely believed to be a sensationalist kook. And therefore the accuracy of his information might be questionable. But I do think that in this particular article he makes many good points. The pirates seem to be sea vigilantes, trying to protect the good of there country from foreign oppressors, in the absence of a strong government. And while I do not condone there desparate actions, I can sympathise with there dilemma.
Missouri Information Analysis Center Lists Libertarians And/Or Anarchists As Being Potential Terrorists. The Missouri Information Analysis Center has named liberariarian socialists like myself, among other dissident groups, as being likely to possibly commit terrorist acts. First of all, those who join the Libertarian party are required to pledge not to initiate force, in order to effect social change. This is in part to try and prevent such unfounded suspicions upon there lawfulness. In order that the government not potentialy ban the Party. I myself have taken this pledge. And eventhough I am no longer an official member of the Libertarians, and have since moved to the Left ideologicly, I am still commited to it. My commitment to non-violence, which the Greens also share, is firmly rooted in the "non-aggression priciple". In fact all indivisualist anarchists are non-violent in our tactics. And the only reason why collectivists resorted torevolutionary insurection was because it originated in eastern europe, which was dominated by dictatorial regimes. The anarchists there thought that the only way to prevail against the government was to resort to armed force. One such example of this type of anarchism being exported into the United States was the assination of Pres. McKinley by Leon Czolgosz. However most modern anarchists, like myself, reject the use of force to attain our goals. Instead we use Non-violent resistance. The only time that some of us might use violence would be in the interests of self prservation. And even then, some of us, like the Christian anarchists, believe in practicing nonresistance. So just because we might be dissident doesn't necessarily mean that we are also violent.
Sea Captain Rescued From Pirate Captors. This is a follow up article to another I recently posted. In a good show of gunboat diplomacy, Capt. Richard Phillips was rescued from the hands of pirates, after a stand off of five days. The Navy SEAL snipers who took out the three Somali pirates, used night vision goggles. But a more primitive version of night vision has been used by pirates for centuries. It's called the eye patch. By covering one eye during the day, and switching it at night, you can actually see in the dark. I learned of this from watching "MythBusters". Maybe someone will someday make a movie based upon this escapade. But from the Barbary pirates to the Somali pirates, you don't mess with the might of the U.S. Navy, and Marine Corps. In commemberation of both the courageous sailors of the Merchant Marine, and Navy, including the Marines, and also the daring privateers and/or pirates, throughout the centuries, here is a sea shanty.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Pres. Obama Tells Turkey That We Are Not A "Christian Nation"
As he mentioned in his inaugural address, the United States of America is not, nor have we ever been a christian nation. Recently, he reliterated this in his speech to the Turks, during a press conference. And he is absolutely correct too. In the "Treaty of Tripoli', for example, in Article 11, states this.
"Art. 11. As the Government
of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;
as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or
tranquility, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States
never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is
declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall
ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries." Despite what some may tell you. Our founding fathers did not intend for America to be governed by biblical laws. And our enemies are not muslims per se, but radical islamists. And the dominionist theonomy would be no different from a caliphate, under shariah, except in regards to the religion.
Pirates Attack Americans.
Somali pirates attacked an American cargo ship, and have taken the Captain hostage. This is a story I would have never thought I'd have to report upon. But there are actually still pirates terrorising the seven seas. From Africa to Asia. I feel that merchant ships should be allowed to be armed, for there own protection. The Navy can not be everywhere at one. And with ships, and for that matter airplanes, being withour firearms, they are vulnerable to hijackings. Outlaws do not care about weapons bans. With law abiding citizens not allowed to possess guns, only criminals would have them. Also I support the idea of granting letters of marque, liscencing privateers to collect a bounty for capturing enemy ships. Article 1, section 8, of the U.S. Constitution, authorises the Congress to punish piracy, and give rewards to those who apprehend pirates. My thoughts, and prayers, are with the family of this sea captain, and those in the armed services who protect us at sea. Like the Coast Guard, Navy, and Marines, for instance.
Westboro Baptist Church Plan On Demonstrating at Police Funeral. In case you haven't heard, three policemen were shot dead, while responding to a domestic violence call. Incidently one of the officers was a cousin to the wife of the pastor of the church that my family attends. Probally all three of the policemen killed were christian, and/or straight. But even if they weren't, it's no excuse to disrespect there service, or to bother there loved ones. Illinois was already passed legislation to make all protesters stand at least 200 feet away. I think that other states, like Pennsylvania, should pass similar laws, in light of these developements. It's the least that they can do, to prevent harassment of grieving mourners.
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