Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Condemnation of the Israeli Attack Upon Gaza. Violence only begets violence. While both palestinians and israelis have the indivisual right to defend themselves. The retaliatory airstrikes by Israel, and the rocket attacks by Hamas, only serve to spawn an endless sequence of violence. The palestinians should try non-violent strategies of passive resistance, and the israelis should show self restraint in responding, and dealing, with terrorist actions. An eye for an eye and the world goes blind.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Police Label Which Cars Are Unlocked. Oh thanks alot police. (sarcasm) Who is the head of this police force anyway, Inspector Clouseau? This activity violates the publics right to privacy, not to mention security. What were the police thinking? With cops like these, who needs criminals?
The Communal Values of Kwanzaa Kwanzaa is an african-american celebration. This most people know. But some do not realise the social teachings of this ethnic holiday. I feel that it is a good thing that black people are developing a sense of community, and equality, among other principles of Kwanzaa. Co-operative economics need not be aggressive, and/or oppressive. It could, and should, be voluntary, as well as humanitary.
Santa Claus is a Communist. It's not just his suit that is red. Santa Claus epitimises the Gift economy He distributes items without monetary compensation, and his elves work without receiving wages. And even NORAD is tracking his movements. Season's Greetings/Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas, to all of my readers.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
ShopRite Refuses to Make Birthday Cake For Boy Named Adolf Hitler Campbell. Stores should be able to show discretion in making such descisions. To refuse to serve certain people is there sovereign right as buisness owners. And it's not like they couldn't make up there own cake. I'm also afraid that this unfortunate boy will be mistreated, and/or ostracised, by other people as he grows up. Parents should also show some sound judgement in naming and raising there children.
Airborn Fungus Infects Church Volunteers. If you ever get a fungal infection of any kind, make sure to avoid all sugar. Sugar feeds the fungus. Fungus damages the immune system. There are both allopathic and naturopathic treatments for fungal infections. There is fluconazole, olive leaf extract, garlic, and acidophilus
Monday, December 8, 2008
Greeks Riot, After Teen Boy Is Shot By Police. I am glad that direct action is being taken against the corrupt government of Greece. However I would urge passive resistance, rather than violent uprisings, if at all possible. Non-violence worked in India, against the British. And it should be tryed as a first resort. Governments should not be allowed to get away with killing there own people. But violence begets violence. So all efforts should be taken to prevent the turmoil from escalating. I wish the people of Greece the best of luck this Holiday season.
Indian Muslims Rally Against Terrorism. It is a refreshing relief to see people of faith stand up against sectarian violence. The Islamists do not represent muslims, any more than the dominionists charecterise Christianity, or hindutva Hinduism.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Michael Moore Calls For Public Ownership Of Auto Industry.
If you've been reading my blog before, you'd know that I support the ideas of participatory economics, and worker's self management, on a purely voluntary and private co-operative basis. I feel therefore that the workers themselves, instead of the government, should be given shares of the company, and then be able therefore to share the profits. Here is what Michael Moore proposes however. As I've mentioned before, I do feel that socialization is perferable to subsidization. However, I also feel that free-market private enterprise, without government involvement, is better yet.
Headaches And Backaches Might be caused By Ill Fitting Bra. Now being male, this is not the reason for my health problems. Trust me, I'm not fat enough to wear a bra. But some women, maybe out of vanity, and or ignorance, are not wearing properly fitting bras. And therefore they do not have good posture. This puts a strain on the spinal cord. And as any chiropractor will tell you, spinal cord problems can cause many different health problems. So remember ladies, check and see if your breasts are getting good support from your bra.
Natalie Maines Is Sued For Defamation. Natalie Maines was recently named in a lawsuit, because she suggested that evidence might indicate that the "West Memphis Three" are innocent of killing three children, and that instead one of the children's step-father might have done it. The Memphis Three are three young men who are thought to have fallen under suspicion because of there interest in paganism and heavy metal music. However I would note that pagans tend to believe that it's wrong to harm other people. Both christians and muslims however have been known to engage in "honor killings", of those who are regarded as being at odds with the faith, and/or parental authority. So I'd be more inclined to think that a fanatical christian/muslim cultist killed these children than neo-pagans. Eventhough some idolotors, like the thugee, have historicly been know to offer up humans as blood sacrifices to there deities. So you just never know. Hopefuly all of the facts will be known, and justice will be done in this case. And I also feel that people should be allowed to speak freely about there feelings regarding certain situations. I mean what are people afraid of? If the step-father did not do it, he should have nothing to fear. However, if he did kill his step-children, for whatever reason, the truth should come out regardless.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
People Clash Over School's Re-enactment of Thanksgiving Feast.,0,1458033.story Many Americans do not know about the whole story, surrounding the Pilgrims, and the Amerindians. Here are a couple links for reference. So as we can all clearly see, the first Thanksgiving was a celebration of the destruction of the indigenous pagan population. This was one of the first instances of genocide, and or murder, by the early day dominionists. And yet many christians are not aware of there church's bloody past, and continue to view themselves as being the victims in History. Well, they have not always been innocent. They have been just as unjust as there islamist counterparts, whenever they have attempted to blend there religion with the nation. Church and state does not mix together, anymore than manure and ice cream. We must remember the past attrocities, as not to potentionaly have them be repeated. P.S. Note that also, as I have documented in my blog before, christians have faced persecution, both then and now. It's just that they also, in my opinion, tend to have a martyr's complex. Which causes them to hold a paranoid fear that the "World" is out to get them. But I think that most people, in the U.S.A. at least, only want to live in peace with christians, just as long as they return the favor. The problem is not that they have religious freedom, but that they have held religious power over others. Power which rightfuly belongs to God, not any man.
Islamist Terrorist Group Holds Jewish Centre Hostage. A few days ago an islamist group attacked buildings in Mumbai. India was lately been the sight of violent attacks upon rival religious groups. Earlier I had blogged about Hindu attacks upon christians. Now it appears that, for whatever reason, certain muslims have chosen to target Hasidimic Jews. Ironicly both the hindutvatists and the islamists have much in common, in so much as they both seek a religiously dominated society. All religious groups should be able to enjoy both freedom of religion, and freedom from fear. I hope that the Indian government will decide to adequately deal with the problem of religious chauvinism. And as my sister, Amy, said to me, they will have alot to answer for on judgement day.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Religious Right Gone Whiny. (My Critique of Another Blog's Post) This blog post will be in response to this post, which was written by my cousin, Adam. First off let's address the issue of squadism Through out history, rightly or wrongly, militant activists have engaged in street fights with each other. An early example of this was the Red Front, which battled with the S.A. The problem with this tactic is that those on the authoritarian ultra-Right tend to have what I'd like to call a martyrs complex. Basicly they will act like total jerks, and try to provoke confrontations. Then if and when they get there butts whooped, they feel that they have born there cross. Eventhough it's partialy there own fault that they are treated so roughly. Yet in the end, they are still able to play the victim. Well I'm here to tell you that it's the clerical fascists, like the dominionists among others, who are the persecutors, not the persecuted. Just remember though, you all, we should not be initiating force in dealing with our adversaries. Aggression is not only wrong, it is also just plain stupid. Plus it makes us look bad. Lastly it was not only pro-proposition 8 supporters who were attacked. Opponants were as well. So remember, be on guard, but do not pick fights with the bone headed reactionaries.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hezbollah Forms Islamo-Fascist Equivalent To Hitler Youth. This is just as the Nazis had in Germany, and to be fair, the Communists had in the Soviet Union. This is an organisation that promotes indoctrination, rather than education, in an attempt to control the minds of the next generation. The fanatical islamists like to start them out young.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
SPLC Helps To Win Judgement Against The Klan. Ironicly, it appears that the more ethnicly american you look, the more likely people might think you're foreign. I myself, am about 5% amerindian, and even I sometimes have gotten people commenting on how I look. They wonder if I was adopted, which I wasn't. Surprisingly, I just seem to look more ethnic than the rest of my family, according to certain people. It was the amerindian that was here first. Yet those of us of native descent are oftentimes made to try and prove that we really are citizens of our native homeland. We have to bring photo ID to vote. We must have Social Security cards to work. We even have to produce an original copy of a birth certificate, in order to get a drivers liscence/learners permit. The white caucasians should remember just what an American is. The American people have come from many different backgrounds. It's no more a white christian country than a black muslim country. All various groups should feel free to live here, in peace, and freedom.
Bus Driver Chokes Mentally Challenged Boy. On a personal note, I myself have had coprolalia, as someone with Tourette Syndrome. I'm alright now, but for a time I was having symptoms of situational coprolalia. So I somewhat know what it's like to deal with having neuro-psychiatric difficulties. This boy, while he may have been causing a commotion, and disrupting things, was not a threat to anyone. The driver should have shown more patience, and self control, in handling things. Especially since stress only makes the symptoms worse. And when we display coprolaliac utterances, we don't get to choose the word/s we use. It's not something that can be controled entirely. It just happens instantaneously, just like that. You barely have time to react, if and when you feel it start to come on. So if someone with this particular problem shouts out something like "black b**ch", do not take it personally. It's just as traumatic for us, if not moreso, than it is for y'all.
DEA Tries To Extradite Canadian Seed Distributers. The U.S. federal government should have no juristiction outside the American border. If the government doesn't want cannabis seeds to be exported into the U.S., Customs should stop it, not the DEA. Cannabis has industrial uses, besides it's use as a recreational drug. Cannabis is just a plant. It's what you do with it that matters, not the plant itself. Also people shouldn't be extradited for distributing materials from where it's legal, to a place where it's restricted. It would be like if we were to allow some foreign dictatorship to imprision American citizens who smuugle Bible into countries where that is not allowed. It's bad enough that Americans are being excessively punished, under our draconian laws. Canadians should only be subject to there own laws. If the United States government doesn't like it, they can all just shove it. Now go and put that in your hemp pipe, and smoke it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Green Party Clarifies Stance on Israel, Amid Dershowitz Criticism. The mischarecterisation of anti-zionists as being anti-semitic is inaccurate. One can oppose the zionist regime in Israel, and it's policies, without being hostile towards Jews. And besides Meretz-Yachad is also a Green party. Anti-zionists are no more anti-Jewish, than anti-fascists are anti-white.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
"Pan's Labyrinth" Review's_Labyrinth This week, I borrowed "Pan's Labyrinth" from the library. It's about a Princess, named Moanna, who is reincarnated as a girl, named Ophelia, in Falangist Spain. She encounters various monsters. But the worst monster is her step-father, who is a Captain in Franco's army. First he kills two farmers, for having an almanac with a quotation he did not like, and a rifle, which the farmers had used to hunt rabbits. Then he tortured a wounded prisoner, as a part of interrogation. Lastly he decided to cut rations in half, so that the villagers would not have any food to spare for the resistance. The Priest, who supports the Captain's descision, told him that God already has the people's souls, and does not care about there bodies. But Ophelia has to learn a valuable moral lesson as well, before she may be reunited with her father, the King of the Underworld. She must learn when to obey, and when not to. When she was sent to retreive a knife, she was told not to eat anything there, lest she die. Well, she ate some grapes, and awakened a monster, who came after her. For this transgression the Faun, who in my opinion looked more like a satyr, banished her from the Kingdom. Later on however the Faun changes his mind, and gives Ophelia one last chance to prove her worthiness. He tells her to bring her baby brother with her, and to do whatever he tells her, without question. She agrees to do this. But when she gets to the portal, the Faun instructs her to give him the boy, so that he might spill his blood, in order to open the portal. Horrified she refuses to allow her brother's innocent bllod to be shed. Then the Captain catchs up with her, and shoots her. Ophelia's soul is then transmigrated back to her father, the Underground King. And the Captain is shot by the resistance. The only bad thing about this film, is some of the foul language used. The people who need to see it the most might not want to, because of the profanity used. I think though that the theme of the story is a good one, because it helps to illustrate the oppression of christo-fascist dictatorship. And it also demonstrates that obedience to authority is not always right. Especially since, if the dominionist Right ever comes to power, we would have the same situation. Lastly, I think that this film shows that just because someone is against abortion, it does not mean that they are neccessarily pro-life. The Captain was against abortion, eventhough his wife became very ill as a result of her pregnancy, because he wanted a son to carry on his family name. He even told the Doctor that if only one of them could be saved, to choose the baby's life over the woman's. But as I've mentioned above the Captain brutaly killed all who opposed him, and the Fascist dictatorship, of Francisco Franco. So all of you remember this, especially those registered as Republicans, here in the U.S. Make sure that the candidates you vote for not only respect human life, but human liberty as well. Because the two go hand and hand.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Barack Obama Wins The Election. Barack Obama won today's Presidential election. No matter who had won however, you will always be able to count on me to unbiasly, and criticly, comment upon there administration. In the end I just couldn't bring myself to vote for Sen. Obama though. Because he, like John McCain, voted in favor of the bail out, he's not as much a non-interventionist as I had thought, and lastly I think that he might approve of publicly funding abortions. Now whether or not the person reading this is pro-life or pro-choice, I feel that if abortions are to be allowed, they should at least be privately funded. So that the tax payers are not made to contribute against there will to something which they might disagree with moraly. I don't think I'll post for whom I voted for though, as some of you might disagree with my choice, and possibly stop reading my blog. I like it that indivisuals of all political ideologies read my blog, friend and foe alike. The most important thing is that you all vote according to your conscience. And I just could not in good conscience vote for Obama or McCain. I'm a libertarian-Democrat though, if that tells you anything about how I might have voted. But I'm just relieved that the campaign season is over. It had been a long bitter race. And the McCain-Palin campaign, and the Republican National Commitee were being very unkind, and untruthful, toward Barack Obama. So personaly, I am happy for President elect Obama. He deserves the respect, and support, of all loyal, patriotic Americans. So congratulations to Barack Obama. I wish he, and my country, the best of success. As we all together as a people try to deal with the chalenges we will all face together. P.S. As an added treat, for all us registered Democrats, here is our theme song. Enjoy.
Monday, November 3, 2008
U.S. Army May Be Used As Domestic Police. If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you'd notice that I cite sources from the Right, as well as the Left. This is one of these times. Chuck Baldwin, who wrote this article, is running for President as a candidate of the Constitution Party. If any of you are looking for a good christian-conservative to vote for, who's a tradtionalist, but not a dominionist, he's your man. As for the linked article I re-posted here. If the President, whomever he might be, has the power to utilise the armed forces, in this way, it would not only be the end of Posse Comitatus Act, but the possible begining of martial law as well. Hopefuly whomever is elected, by the People, will protect not only our national security, but our constitutional liberty as well.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Louis "Studs" Terkel Has Passed Away.,0,3592218,full.story Here was a very intriguing person. Studs Terkel was a radio broadcaster in the city of Chicago. He'd comment on social issues. Kind of like I do on this blog of mine. Also like me, he was a leftist. And here's an interesting tidbit, he never learned to drive. I also have not gotten my driver's liscence yet. He provided a lot of interesting living history, and will be missed by all of his many admirers.
Sarah Palin, and Barack Obama, Were Both Hung in Effigy. These incidents further show the violent intolerance of segments of both the Right and Left. These threatening displays should not be allowed to exist. It's like shoughting fire in a crowded theator. I hope that the police will keep a close eye on both of the perpetrators. I don't know whether or not these people were just joking or not, but it certainly wasn't at all funny.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Rogue Military in Colombia Kill Civilians There have been continuing violations of the human rights, and life, of common Colombian citizens, and/or activists. This situation should be rectified before if and when the "Colombia Free Trade Agreement" is ratified.
Christians in Iraq are Being Attacked. In post Baathist Iraq, christians, and other ethno-religious groups, are being terrorised by sectarian gangs. The occupation forces, and provisional government, instead of working alongside the Iraq Freedom Congress, has been suppressing them. The hope of a peaceful, and democratic, Iraq is being dashed by the forces who are supposed to be there liberators.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"Cars Review"
I just saw a DVD of "Cars". I think that it has very good morals to the story. A race car, "Lightning McQueen" gets stranded in a small town, along historic Route 66. First he learns to take responsibility, after he tears up the road speeding, and has to repair it. Then he learns about fraternity, after getting to know the towns residents, including especially a retired race car, who is also the town's leader. Later "Lightning McQueen" shows respect by helping to push a wrecked vetern race car across the finish line. He loses the race, but gains his honor, and the admiration of other cars.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
White Supremacists Threaten to Massacre Blacks, and Assasinate Sen. Obama. This news is distressing. I fear that there may be even more threats of political terrorism, and/or violence. The level of hate mongering in my country is alarming. The ultra-Rightists have been slandering Obama, and stirring up hatred of blacks, and/or Democrats. I fear that there might be a civil war, and/or civil unrest, generated by the concerns of various groups about the government. There are conspiracy theories perpetrated by the Right and Left alike.
Ashley Todd's Attack Was a Fraud. I somewhat suspected that this alledged incident was faked. For those who have not heard about this, supposedly some black guy had robbed a white Colledge Republican official, and slashed a B into her face, after noticing that she had a John McCain bumper sticker. Here it turns out that she's mentaly disturbed. Even moreso than some other Republicans. (sorry, I just couldn't resist.:)) The reson why I had initially doubted this story was that I had read about a similarly unsubstantuated urban legend, about a gang initiation ritual, from
Friday, October 24, 2008
New York Times Endorses Obama, And So Now Do I. I have now decided for my blog to officialy endorse Sen. Barack Obama for President. For those who wonder what reasons I have for favoring Obama Over McCain, this article sums it up well. We need a President who will uphold the Constitution, as well as protect personal freedom, and promote social justice. Though both I as well as my caucus, the Democratic Freedom Caucus, would have prefered Bill Richardson to have been nominated instead, Obama is the best choice we Americans have. Which is why the Obama-Biden ticket will be getting my vote, come November Fourth.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Nikki Blonsky Gets Into Fight At Airport With The Family Of A Model.,,20231966,00.html,,20230248,00.html Seriously, eventhough it may seem like the topic of a satire, Nikki Blonsky got into a scuffle with the Golden family. The Blonskys were returning from a vacation, when they got into an altercation. From the sounds of it, according to Nikki's account of what happened, Bianca and her brother, George, commited an anti-semitic hate crime against the Blonskys. I don't know why Miss Blonsky, and her father are being charged with assault. At the very most, both the Blonskys and Goldens are both guilty of disorderly conduct. I think that the law should just call it even, and leave them all alone to lick there wounds. This does bear the question though, if a black attacks someone of another race, does it constitute a hate crime? I'd advise all white colored people, especially Jews, to avoid fights with blacks. Or else you just may wind up being victimised twice, once by the assailants, and the other by the law. This is also one of the reasons why I tend to be philosophicly an anarchist. If there were no government, we could just settle disputes on our own. If the police can not manage to prevent violence, they should at least not punish people for it. No one should be punished for trying to protect themselves. Let's just let by gones be by gones, and let both familys get on with there lives in peace.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Watch List Or Black List Non-violent activists should not be lumped together with dangerous terrorists. Passive resistance has a long, noble, history in our country. And as I've stated before, when peaceful actions are impossible, armed revolution may sometimes be necessary. Are you and/or I on a terrorist watch list? You never know. I do know that I, like the nuns, believe in the principle of non-aggression. So if there is a problem between me and the government, it's there fault, not mine.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Republicans Accused Of Voter Registration Fraud.,0,1216330.story?track=ntothtml It's not just ACORN which has been alledged to have deceptively registered voters. A Republican group has now been accused as well. This is what can happen when you give voluteers a monetary incentive to register people. They will tend to mislead in order to receive more money.
Joe The Plumber Causes The Presidential Debate To Get Dumber. I can tell you from personal experience that the idea that a single worker can start up a buisness, and make a profit, all by himself is a pipe dream. My father once tried to do this, and it brought about the most trying time in our family's life. You see my father's place of employment, a dairy equipment refrigeration repair servive, had closed down, because the small family farms were suffering financialy. And so he thought to himself that he would continue to work on his own, only he would service homes instead of farms, plus he would also do plumbing as well. Well the thing was that the homeowners were also going through tough economic times, and so they had a hard time paying him as well. The buisness expenses exceded the profits, and we fell into debt. In desparation, we had to go on food stamps. Later on, since at the end of the year you must show that you are at least trying to get a better source of income, as a result of welfare reform, he got a job working in a furniture company. As Karl Marx mentioned in "The Communist Manifesto"
"The lower strata of the middle class -- the small tradespeople, shopkeepers, retired tradesmen generally, the handicraftsmen and peasants -- all these sink gradually into the proletariat, partly because their diminutive capital does not suffice for the scale on which Modern Industry is carried on, and is swamped in the competition with the large capitalists, partly because their specialized skill is rendered worthless by the new methods of production. Thus the proletariat is recruited from all classes of the population" None of the skilled tradesmen, it seems, wants to work for somebody else. They want all of the profits for themselves. But when everyone tries to be self-employed, there is less money to be made for all of the plumbing trade. What I think the plumbers, and other skilled laborers, should do is form there own guild, and share the profits amongst themselves. Only in partnership with other tradesmen can they hope to better there lives. They should therefore work in co-operation, instead of competition, with each other. And also, as Sen. Obama said in the the final debate, when the other workers are having a hard time with there livelihood, they can not afford to pay anyone else. So therefore the fate of the small buisness class is symbioticly interlinked with that of the working class.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hindu Nationalists Persecute Christians. Let it not be said that I only pick on the muslims and christians. These hindu tribesmen are making some serious bad karma. This is what can happen when religion and nation become intertwined. Any offense against one becomes an offense against the other also. This is also a case of genocide, as one tribe is christian, while the other is hindu. Both peoples should learn to tolerate the prescence of the other, and live in peace with them.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Election Information, In Regards To The Issues.
Here are links to the posistions of both McCain and Obama's plans. You should read them both before voting. Now I know that many of you will be abstaining from voting, and that others will be voting for minor candidates. But for those who are planning to get involved in the contest between the Democratic, and Republican nominees, here is information to help you come to a descision. Readers of my blog should also know that I officially have not endorsed either candidate. Neither one entirely exemplifies Left-libertarian principles. But, for what it's worth, the Democratic Freedom Caucus had endorsed Gov. Bill Richardson, whom has since endorsed Obama. I myself am also strongly leaning towards voting for Sen. Barack Obama. One word of advice though. Do not tell your family whom you plan on voting for, as they may react negatively to you. Seriously, I had let my family know that I favor Obama over Sen. Hillary Clinton, and over Sen. John McCain as well, and I've been getting hasseled, intimidated, and even threatened, ever since. So if your family is fiercely partisan, like mine is, you'd do well not to let them know about your politics. Anyway, as I promised ,here are the links.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
McCain Has Own Association With 60's Radical People should not be held guilty by association. One should be judged by one's own personal charector, not by the company one keeps.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Word of Faith Might Be Partialy Responsible For The Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis.,8599,1847053,00.html?cnn=yes The ways that certain Charismatic Christians give credit to God for everything, both good and bad, which happens in life is appalling. We people should take responsibility for our own lives. We must try and make informed descisions. Not act like every benefit is a blessing, or like every crisis is a curse. There are even some people who've told me that problems, like the high energy prices, are God's judgement upon us all, because of supposed vices, like homosexuality. What?! Those people need to crack open a book, other than just the Bible, and learn a thing or two about the economy, and science.
The Medicinal Uses of Marijuana. If one has the need of drugs, I feel that it is far better that it be nature made than man made. Not only has marijuana helped in the cases mentioned, it has helped manage symptoms of Tourette Syndrome as well. I mean if you're going to be using pharmacutical therapies anyway, why not use the most natural?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Don't Extradite Gary McKinnon Gary McKinnon is suspected of hacking into U.S. government installations. True it is an act of espianage. But he did it to try and uncover a conspiracy. He should, and will, be sentenced in his native U.K. But for him to be sent to the U.S. would not only be overkill, it might even endanger his civil right of due process under the law. The U.S. has an abismal record, when it comes to the rights of prisoners suspected of terrorist activities, especially when it applies to foreigners.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
U.S. Military Prepares For Civil Disturbances Federal armed forces are being mobilised to suppress possible popular uprisings. As we approach a world wide economic depression, the government apparantly fears a revolution. They are preparing for martial law, and/or a secret police. There must be due process, and rule of law. Or else we may all end up in detention camps. Once again Fascism is on the rise, after a great depression.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Clay Aiken Comes Out As Gay.,,20228488,00.html This is just my personal opinion, and not the position of the libertarian Left as a whole. I think that it should not matter what Aiken's sexual orientation is. He's not in a relationship with anyone, as far as I know. So why would his son even need to know about his proclivities? I do hope that he will be an involved father. However, idealy, children should have two parents, and have both positive male and female rolemodel figures in there lives. Traditionaly, and usualy, these rolemodels are the mother and father, in a stable and loving heterosexual family. I feel that it would have been better for the boy to grow up with both parents at home. But that's just the way things are in life these days.
Paul Newman Passed Away. Paul Newman was notable, not only for his acting, in such movies as "Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid", but for his philanthropy as well. His company "Newman's Own", donates all of it's profits to charitable and progressive causes.'s_Own He was a known liberal, who supported Eugene McCarthy in 1968, and supported Ned Lamont's candidacy in the 2006 Connecticut Democratic Primary against Senator Joe Lieberman. He also favored gay rights, and same sex marriage, though he himself was straight.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sarah Palin Was Annointed Against Witches. Here is even more alarming information about this relatively unknown Governor of Alaska. It would seem that not only might we all have cause to worry about the revival of the Inquisition, but the Salem Witch Trials as well. That some people, in this supposedly enlightened age still believe in such ignorant superstition is shocking. I was reluctant to believe this at first. Especialy since there had been false rumors that John Ashcroft, an U.S. Attorney General, who is also Pentecostal, believes that calico cats are of the Devil.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ultra-Orthodox Extremists, In Israel, Threaten Women's Rights. If any of you think that this post is going to be about abortion, you'd be wrong. This is about much more basic rights. Certain religious fundamentalists are trying to impose there strict standards upon Israeli women. These rules are very similar to rules in Islamic countries. Like that women may not sing in public, which by the way was originaly how the counter-tenor voice was developed. Women are expected to cover up there entire bodies, from head to toe. They are even being segregated on public busses. Israel is supposed to be democratic and modern, in comparison to the rest of the Middle East. But now the ultra-orthodox Rabbis are behaving like Muslim Mullahs, in nations governed by Shariah.
School Boy Is Threatened By BB Gun. All children should be able to have a safe learning enviroment. The boy who threatened the other boy in question, should be expelled, and sent to a re-education facility. The faculty should be permitted to be liscenced to carry firearms. I myself also have Tourette/Asperger Syndrome. We should not be lumped together with the behaviouraly disturbed. The neuro-diverse should be allowed to attend the state schools. The emotionaly disorded might not be. All students have indivisual needs which must be met, according to there level of ability.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
American Media Covers Up For State Sponsored Terrorism In Bolivia. Once again the Yankee imperialists try to destablise a regime which they do not like. The people should be able to choose there representitives in free and fair elections. Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change necessary.
Non-Resistance Can Jeopardise Revolution. Preferably change should come about peaceably. However we should not have to feel like we must always put up with the aggressive actions which threaten our personal security, and/or liberty. If we are not prepared to counter the brutality of those in authority, we might just end up on the couch, with our throats in the grips of death. We should learn to ascertain the threat level posed by our adversaries. And show apropriate descretion in dealing with it. If and when we do have to respond accordingly, we must strike first, strike fast, and strike hard. This is the way to achieve quick, and successful, victory. Otherwise they may overwhelm us, and overcome us, before we can react to there attack.
Douglas Wilson Advocates Dominionism. Douglas Wilson, who recently debated Christopher Hitchens, is an ultra-Right-wing political christian. If he, and those like him, were to ever get there way, America would become a christianised version of countries like Iran. Certainly state religion is not good for the world, as it violates personal freedom, including the freedom of the will. We must not think of christians as being naturaly any better than there muslim counterparts. Christianity is much more than just Christmas trees, and Easter eggs. It has through out it's history also meant, in practice, destruction, and/or oppression.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Georgians Condemn There Country's War With Russia.,_unified_communist_party_of_georgia/988georgia26aug08.doc War is pointless, and uncalled for. What's worse was that the government of Georgia had assistance from the U.S.A. The Americans should tend to there own affairs, and leave the rest of the world alone. It's really none of the U.S.'s buisness, meddling in other sovereign nation's problems.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pres. Bush Snubs War Widow This is an outrage. Americans of all beliefs and backgrounds couragously serve our country. There sacrifices should be appreciated by all patriotic citizens. They are all fighting to defend our freedom, including the freedom of religion.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Activists Act To Try And Stop The Demolishment Of A Village, In Israel. The Israeli government is a racist regime. If any other people were to behave as they do, and or try and set up a separate homeland for themselves, they'd be tarred as being a part of a hate group. People of all religions, and races, deserve equal human rights, within there land of residence. The Jews should not have special priveledges. I can only hope that the zionists can be resisted peaceably, rather than fought forcibly. But I believe that the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by any and all means necessary. Through passive resistance, as a first resort, and through armed resistance, as a last resort. For no force should be allowed to threaten life, and/or personal possessions.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Jordin Sparks Defends Jonas Brother's Promise Rings,,20224098,00.html First off, kudos to both "The Jonas Brothers", and Jordin Sparks, for commiting themselves to sexual purity. It's refreshing to see young celebrities/pop stars not follow the "sex, drugs, and rock n roll, lifestyle." However I do not believe that we need to wear a "promise ring" in order to save ourselves for marriage. First of all, I feel that promise rings are self righteous. It's like "look at me, I'm a virgin". When for all we know, it could just be for show. Just like when I was a teenager, and W.W.J.D. wristbands were in fashion. Now were all of the youths wearing them godly people? Many maybe, but certainly not all of them were. A lot of teens are given these accessaries by there parents. So it's moreso there parents imposisition, than there own expression. And secondly, promise rings, like other jewelary, can cost quite a bit of money. Not all girls, and/or boys, can afford them. Frankly, we'll be doing good just to be able to afford an engagement/wedding ring. I also happen to believe that one's spirituality, and sexuality, is personal, and needn't be shown off to the entire world. What's in the heart is the most important thing. And we can not know what's in there heart, and therefore whether or not they're sincere. Hopefuly they will someday find someone to share both heart and body with though.
9-11 "Patriot's Day" Today commemerates the tragic suicide attack upon the World Trade Center, and Pentagon. It was one of the events which touched off the age of terror which we now live under. The Islam practiced by the Al Qaeda terrorists is reactionary, and medeival, in nature. But this also reminds me of Guy Fawkes Day, which is when we remember when Catholic terrorists attempted to blow up the English Parliment. Note however how Roman Catholicism has adapted, and modernised itself, since then. I can only hope that some day Islam might likewise come to peaceful terms with the western world. The U.S.A. currently has two congressmen who are muslim, Andre Carson, and Keith Ellison. People around the world sould realise that we give opportunities for success, and freedom, to people of all faiths, and/or beliefs. It's this american way, and american dream, which we all should struggle to defend.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Federal Government To Take Charge Of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac This planned action is charectoristic of Fascist style corporatism Under the Bush administration, America is fast becoming more and more Fascistic. Fortunately George W. Bush is a lame duck President. Here is what Democratic Nominee, Barack Obama has responded to the crisis. I myself feel that banking/financing should be nationalised, within the public sector, just like energy, and healthcare.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
"Liberation Day" On Labor Day.
I, as the governor of myself, proudly proclaim Labor Day to now be celebrated as Liberation Day. In which we socialists may remember all of the liberation struggles, past and present, around the world. We socialists, of course, recognise Labor Day as rightly falling on May Day
"Joel's Army" Seeks To Set Up Christo-Fascist Theocracy. And you thought that it could never happen here. (sigh) If we are not careful, the dominionists could set up a dictatorial regime, right here in America. Republican Vice-Presidential hopeful Gov. Sarah Palin even has ties to this group. In fact on second thought, if John McCain knew about this before he chose her to be his running mate, I do consider him to be a Fascist. Madonna would then be absolutely right. Seriously though, I do fear that a culture war is coming, and it probally could even get violent. So be prepared for anything.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Liberty Wal-Mart Resists City's Plan. Wal-Mart is resisting the JEDD contract because they refuse to accept the requirement that at least 25% of it's employees be local residents. Unlike affirmative action, which pertains to race, this agreement would only deal with region. Is Wal-Mart planning on transplanting white workers, from out of town, instead of hiring local blacks? Who knows? But if they they aren't prejudiced against some people, then why don't they just go along with the conditions? Certainly they should be able to find at least 25% of the local applicants to be qualified. Local buisnesses should directly benefit economicly the communities in which they serve. Not only so that the local government can generate more tax revenue, but so that there residents can have more jobs, which is the best social program of all.
Employees of Fannie Mae Are Being Cheated. This is reminescent of the Enron Scandal. If workers are not able to diversify there stock investments, they will lose out financially, if and when the company does. And if Fannie Mae goes under, our entire market economy would then fall like a house of cards. This is also why Social Security must not be privatised. The stock market is not a secure investment, when it comes to long term savings.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Madonna Slams John McCain During Performance. I would never go so far as to charecterise Sen. McCain as being fascist. Certainly some of his supporters in the Republican party are, and I know this firsthand. But while I do vehemently disagree with John McCain on many issues, and his campaign has been very bitter, and dirty, he is not as extreme in nature as the despotic tyrants he was compared with. Misapplying the moniker of fascist, diminishes the severity of actual fascism. If you cry wolf to many times, folks might not listen to you when there really is danger of a fascist government coming to power.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hopes For The 2008 Election No matter who you decide to vote for, if any, we can all work to help improve our world. For instance we can build alternative societies. We can stage demonstrations. And other acts of passive resistance I am not entirely opposed to strategicly voting, as a tactic against the ultra-Right. I'm not going to formally endorse any one candidate. But if you do decide to vote, be informed, and conscientious. And political campaigns are so substitute for direct action. We should not just reform government. We should try to destroy it.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Police Spying Standards Might Be Relaxed. If the secret police gain anymore of a free hand, our civil liberties may be eroded further, and political repression may increase.
National Religious Broadcaster's Convention Blocks Evangelical Enviromental Group. This incedent illustrates how Christianity, in America, has been politicised and hijacked by the ultra-Right. Protection of our natural enviroment should be something people from all faiths should support. With religion and politics so interlinked, can you blame those of us on the Left, for being critical of certain denominations? I think that in the unlikely event that I come to accept the tenets of the Christian faith, I will choose not to be that open about it. Because I probally wouldn't be very accepted by the politico-religious establishment anyhow. Jesus, who was rejected by the religious leadership of his day, said that you can not serve God and mammon, at the same time. Lest you love one and hate the other. It would appear that some of his followers would rather have temporal power than stand for the right things.
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Texas School District Allows Teachers to Carry Guns. Israel already arms teachers, and allows for guns to protect schools and school buses from terrorists. Plus, I'm also sure that probally many educators are also trained in Krav Maga, as well. So they should be well prepared to deal with physical bullying as well. In schools which have a zero tolerance policy towards violence, you can get suspended for geting involved in a fight, even if you were acting in self defense. If given the choice between getting into trouble, and getting a goose egg, what would you choose. When I was in school, I saw many students holding a cold pack to there heads, because they were injured in an attack. School officials have failed to prevent violence. All that they manage to be able to do is to punish students after the fact. The student body, and faculty alike, should be allowed to defend themselves from any possible harm. Especially from the "behaviouraly disabled", whom are permitted by I.D.E.A. to attend school, at public expense.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
State Chairman Dies in Shooting at Democratic Party Headquarters, Here is yet another shooting that was apparantly motivated by political hatred towards liberals. This is startling because before when a party headquarters were attacked, it would just involve a rock being thrown through a window. These killings are acts of terrorism, and should be treated as such. Also, we on the Left should consider arming ourselves, so that we might be able to defend ourselves from right-wing aggression.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Even If We Drill Domesticly, We Still Won't Own The Oil A few days ago, I was talking with my mother and sister about the oil crisis, and both the Republican, and Democratic parties, plans to deal with the high gas prices. My sister, who is a staunch Republican, told me that she feels that the Republican party's ideas make more sense to her, because then we would not have to rely upon foreign sources of oil. But as the above mentioned article states, we still wouldn't necessarily have more access to the oil market. The transnational companies would try to get the highest price possible, in the global market. The Democrats however want to ensure that Americans get first dibs on the oil which is to be drilled. Here is there plan. As I've posted in a previous blog post,, I feel that the oil industry should be nationalised. It's actually one of the few industries which I believe should be under direct governmental ownership.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Right-wing Fanatic Shoots Up Church This proves that there are violent extremists on the Right as well. It would appear that we are now living in an age or terror. People on all sides of the aisle are in danger of attack. Unfortunately, we all might need to arm ourselves in self defense from potential attackers. When Matthew Murray attacked New Life Church, he was put down by an armed security guard, before he could do more harm. In this church he was tackled by congregants, some of whom lost there lives in the attempt, and died a martyrs death. The important thing is not whether or not you live or die, but whether or not you died with honor. I myself believe in non-aggression, while others believe in non-resistance. So if someone were to try to kill me, I'd try to take him down too.
British Parliment Passes Terror Detention Law This law violates the right to a fair and speedy trial. The government could arrest suspects, and then manufacture a case later. Thereby violating the due process, and other civil rights of British citizens.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Barack Obama Rejects Federal Matching Funds This might be old news, but I thought I'd post it anyway. I support Sen. Obama's descision to not accept public money, to finance his campaign. The taxpayers should not be forced to contribute to political contests, without there consent. Lets see just have much more money he can receive willingly, as opposed to how much money Sen. McCain receives from the public dole.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Franz Schubert Might Have Been Gay Franz Schubert is like my most favorite composer, of all time. His music is so soothing, and moving. Plus, since my mother seems to believe that all rock music is of the devil, I can buy his music without any scrutiny. Isn't it ironic though how some religious fundies, recomend classical music, instead of pop/rock songs, eventhough the composers of the pieces might not have been completely upright, according to there moral standards. This one such book, that my mother owns, "Satan's Music Exposed", actually recomends Schuberts music. I will especially want to purchase even more of Schubert's recordings, now that I know of his alledged homosexuality. Which is just icing on the cake, as far as I'm concerned. Mainstream society should recognise the important contributions made to the arts, by homosexuals. The world would be a much duller place without there input.
Ohio Food Banks Are Concerned About Costs It is alarming that in a land that is struggling economicly, there is a shortage of adequet resources, to help those who are impoverised. All compassionate indvisuals should give as they are able. And the government should also give grants to at the very least help the food banks meet there operating expense. After all, the government already subsidises buisnesses and farms. So why not private charities as well?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Lindsay Lohan Aknowledges Same Sex Relationship With Samantha Rosnan,26278,23986368-7484,00.html The only thing about this which concerns me is that Lindsay Lohan is said to be acting as a "lipstick lesbian" submissive. I myself feel that all couples, homosexual and heterosexual alike, should be a co-equal partnership. This is also why I tend to oppose gay marriage, and instead support domestic partnership. Let the heterosexuals have there patriarchial civil institution. We should not seek to imitate the straights, but to transcend them. Let us all strive to form relationships based upon true fraternity. That being said I wish the two of them the best in there lives together. Hopefuly they will last longer than Ellen Degeneres and Ann Heche's relationship. Which according to Ms. Heche, in her book "Call me Crazy", they broke up because Ellen was being domineering towards her. So I think that in order to have a stable and loving relationship, you must be on equal terms with each other.
Holiness Homophobe Hits Gay Son With Baseball Bat And these fundamentalist freaks think that they are being persecuted by those whom are intolerant of there spirituality. It is because of such superstitious religious attitudes that there is much suffering in this world. Is it then any wonder when the world considers them to be outragous. No it is not conservative christians that need protecting. It is those whom the religious right devalue that are deserving of protection from the aggression of reactionary religion.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Jodie Sweetin Gives Birth to Girl.,,20204474,00.html I just read in "People Magazine", about her recent delivery, plus about her life before and after overcoming her meth addiction. I want to wish her congratulations, not only for safely delivering a healthy baby, but also in bettering herself. Hopefuly she will make even more children, and motion pictures, if she so chooses.
Holy Hypocrites Complained About Gay Seminar. I find the controversy which surrounded this planned event to be frivilous. First of all, no one can teach someone how to be "queer". It is something which is inate. Secondly, the conservative christians have programs which proport to help turn self hating queers straight. And so to all heterosexist heterosexuals, I have these two questions. When did you first decide to be straight? And if you wanted to, do you think that you could become gay/lesbian? Because if the answer to this is that you do not remember any one time in which you chose to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex, and that you can not imagine ever being oriented towards the same sex instead, then you are holding the rest of us to a double standard. This is my critique of this ignorant, and intolerant, article.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Man With Tourette Syndrome Tased by Security at Hospital All people, including those of us with neurological differences, should have access to adequet medical care. Professional people should be trained to understand those with special needs. Also tasers should not be a first resort. Tasers should only be used in lieu of firearms. Security/Police should use better conflict resolution. The hospital staff definately overreacted.
Use it or Loose it. Oil is a scarce natural resource. We as a people must be good stewards of it. The oil cartels are artificialy keeping the price of fuel high, by limiting production. This is why I feel that both oil and coal should be nationalised The energy industry, in my opinion, should be a public trust, operated for the good of the people. The oil industry is already subsidised by the federal government. I feel that it would be far better for the government to socialise it, instead of propping it up with the taxpayers money. We are already paying enough for gas to the corporations. We shouldn't have to give them grants as well. Here is the full text of the "Responsible Federal Oil and Gas Lease Act."
DHS Agents Confiscate Laptops. This misconduct violates the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans. The government should not be permitted to gather circumstantial evidence against people, based upon there computer files. Suppose I were to have a laptop, and travel by airplane with it. If the government were to search my activities on-line, they might discover that I am a political radical. This information could be held against me, as for my being considered to be a possible security risk. Now I know that I strictly adhere to the Non-aggression Principle, which means that I would never initiate force in order to effect social change. But the government might still consider my views to be subversive, due to the far-Left nature of my politics. The founding fathers of the United States had this sort of problem with agents of the Crown. The British soldiers would search the possessions and/or papers of the Patriots. So based upon there personal experiences, they decided to limit the powers of government, in the investigation of possible criminals.
Monday, July 7, 2008
General Motors Reachs Out to the LGBT Community. This is obviously an attempt to create a niche market. American companies have similarly tried to direct advertising efforts towards hispanics. While I understand there desire to attract the patronage of influentual social groups, I sincerly hope that they don't ask about sexual orientation, along with race, in market surveys. I always get annoyed when I'm asked if I'm hispanic, citizen or not, and then being told that I don't qualify, because I'm white (non-hispanic), and they have enough of my kind in there quota. There also could be a backlash from the "moral mafia", like the American Family Association, who stage boycotts against buisnesses whose policies they find to be offensive to there feelings. Like when some stores had there cashiers wish customers "happy holidays", instead of "merry christmas". The AFA already targeted Ford Motors, for similar actions. I hope to see the day when sexual orientation, as well as race, will be irrelevant.
Veterns Get Preferential Treatment in Special Court. I am of the opinion that this is unfair, and unjust. Judges should have the judicial discretion to decide whether or not leniency should be shown, on a case by case basis, based upon the personal circumstanes involved. But people shouldn't be given an automatic break, just because they're veterns. What if a vetern is found in possession of child pornography. That is a non-violent felony. Yet it is not a victimless crime, like a drug offense. So would a vetern not have to be registered as a sex offender, as long as s/he completes a rehabilitation program? Sometimes alternative sentencing is in order. But veterns should not be shown any favors. While I do appreciate there service to our country, regardless as to whether or not I approve of the war, I do not think that they deserve to be held to a double standard, compared with civilians.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
School Children Are Being Forced to Recite Prayers Against There Will. If only Madelyn Murray O'Hair were still around. There is no need for them to even pay lip service to Allah. In fact from a genuine muslim standpoint, this diminishes the sincerity of the prayer. Which since the "Shahadda" is the profession of faith necessary for conversion, technicly this was also a forced conversion, according to Shariah law. On a related note, this sort of thing has already occured, unfortunately, in California.
Fireworks Cause Air Pollution. The unfortunate fact is that the brillant displays, which herald the advent of Independence Day, cause enviromental harm. I do not feel that it is patriotic to cause longterm damage our country's atmosphere, just so that we might have some temporary thrills. We need to ensure a bright future for the next generations.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Ingrid Betancourt is Now Free. Ingrid Betancourt has just recently been rescued by the Colombian military, along with three american contractors. Fortunately, as far as I know, no one was killed in the attempt. This is good news. Hopefuly Colombia can now move forward towards a better and brighter future.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
If Only Robert Mugabe Were White If Robert Mugabe were a white tyrant, everyone would rightly view him as being a racist dictator. As it is, some people are going easy on him, because of Africa's history of colonial aparteid. Oppression for any reason is wrong. And sadistic abuse of power is never justified.
Friday, June 27, 2008
July, 4th, America's Independence Day Coming up in a few days will be the "Fourth of July", in which American's like myself celebrate our nation's independence from British Imperialism. Eventhough I may not always like what America's leaders do, domesticly or foreignly, I do believe in celebrating the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Which has inspired countless others to likewise cast off the chains of oppression, and liberate themselves from tyranny. It is the promise of the "american dream" that all might have the opportunity to better themselves, and improve there society. We have not always lived up to our ideal though. There has been both discrimination, and exploitation of disadvantaged people, throughout our history. But we as citizens have the freedom and duty to change things for the betterment of all.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ohio State Legislature to Propose Legislation Regarding "Pit Bulls" I feel that any law which automaticly persecutes a breed of canine is racist in nature. Just because Saffordshire Terriers (Pit Bulls) are stereo-typicly given a bad reputation, by society, is no reason to discriminate against them, in relation to other dod breeds. To do so would in my opinion, be like the Nuremberg Laws, in Nazi Germany. Genocide of canines is little better than genocide of humans, in principle. I'm sure that some might also argue similar restrictions on the negroid race (blacks), due to the high crime rates attributed to them. However no one would ever suggest that we ever place restrictions on them, and or exterminate them. Laws must be crafted which are fair for dogs and there owners, plus protect the public safety. All dogs, regardless of breeding, which attack a human being, should at minimum be locked up, and/or put to sleep. But unless there is just cause, an indivisual domesticated canine should be able to live it's life in peace and freedom. Notably, Ohio defines as domesticated any canine with at least one domesticated ancestor Sort of like a grandfather clause for dogs. I remember, when I was a boy, seeing a dog which was 99% wolf, and getting to pet it. Dogs which are partialy of wild descent are not currently regulated as stringently as Staffordshire Terriers might someday be.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
U.S. Supreme Court Forbids Execution of Rapists of Children. I spport this ruling, not only because I feel that the death penalty in general is unnecessary to prevent crime, and punish criminals, but also because sex crimes, as heinous as they are, do not merit capital punishment. After sufficient rehabilitation, some sex offenders may ever be released back into society, just as long as they are continued to be monitored by the state. Also I suspect that the application of the death penalty, in this instance could also be disproportionately used against people of colour. I believe that the legislation allowing for the execution of rapists was drawn up following Reconstruction, because the white southerners feared freed slaves might try to seduce there women. During segregation, blacks were lynched for even flirting with a white woman. Can you imagine what would happen if they arrested one suspected of raping one? Also if statutory rape is treated as equivalent to unconsensual sexual relations, a black man could even be killed for volutarily having sex with a white maiden. People wrongly convicted of murder are sometimes executed. We do not need to destroy the lives of wrongly convicted sexual predators as well. Castrate them maybe, but not execute them.
American Military Academies Unfairly Promote Christianity/Religion The partiality/favortism shown towards organised religion, by the administration of the military academies, is alarming. If push were to come to shove, the officers could stage a coup, and depose the elected government, in order to establish a dominionist theocracy. The soldiers are to be duty bound to support and uphold the U.S. constitution, not any particular religious group. If any of them have a greater loyalty to a supposed divine authority, it is a threat to the american people. Not all of whom are christian, let alone evangelical.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
ParaMilitaries Jeopardise Peace Auc ( is reminescent of the FreiKorps ( in Weimar Germany. There actions threaten a just peace between rival social classes. For there to be social stability and tranquility, there needs to be fair play, and good faith, with the government. Which currently is a bourgeois dictatorship. Hopefuly, and preferably, this crisis can be resolved peaceably. But yet still, it may require a social revolution, by the workers and peasants.
Forgotten Children All children, including those with special needs should receive an adequette education. Whether at home or at school. If at school, then services should be fully funded by the government. If at home, then they should be given support by the state school system. Touretters, and others, should be enabled to live as independent a life as possible, and not have to rely upon the welfare state for support. Not only would institutionalising be unfair to those of us whom would be losing our liberty, but also for the tax payers whom would be paying for our care. For if we can not be allowed to be self-relient, we would have to free load off of others.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Lebanon's Military Should Be Treated Fairly. If The U.S government insists upon giving foreign aid to the Jewish state of Israel, it should also aid Lebanon's government in combatting the stronghold which Hezbollah holds over part of the country, so that Israel doesn't feel the need to invade. Israel's military intervention, justified or not, enables Hezbollah to present themselves as being protectors from zionist expansion. Of course as an anarchist, I'm against foreign aid, as well as organised government. But we mustn't be seen as favouring one nation over another.
Barack Obama Attends and Addresses Apostolic Church of God.,obamachurch061408.article I just recently found this out. I'm not sure now if I'll be voting for him or not. Near where I live, an off shoot of this denomination, was involved in a murder It seems funny that I'm considering not voting for him because of his new Apostolic affiliation, instead of like other people who won't vote for him because they erroneously think he's muslim. But I'd sooner vote for a muslim, like Keith Ellison, than for any Pentecostal. I see no reason, why I should make an exception for Sen. Obama, just because he's a black Democrat, instead of a white Republican. He wouldn't be the only Democratic member of the Senate with Pentecostal/Holiness connections however. Jon Tester is COG, Anderson, Ind. I'm not trying necessarily trying to discourage anyone from supporting the candidacy of Obama for President, or tell you how to vote. I'm just somewhat concerned about the Dominionists infiltrating the Democratic party as well as the Republican, especially since I'm a registered Democrat now myself. Here were his remarks, when he addressed the congregation.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
U.S. Supreme Court Grants Constitutional Protection to Gitmo Prisoners I agree with the descision. The alledged enemy combatants should have the right to due process, which is an inalienable right to all of humankind, from nature and/or nature's God. At the very least, they should have the right to Habaeus Corpus. As well as the Geneva Convention. Otherwise we'll have "star chambers". Even Adolf Eichmann was given a trial in Israel, before he was executed. Justice should now be done in the battle against militant muslim terrorism.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Vile, Violent, education for death.
A few days ago, I was playing with my six year old cousin, Joey. He wanted to play with his pro wrestling action figures. Now I do not approve of the no holds barred standards of modern day professional wrestling. I feel that it is similar to the gladiatoral competitions, in ancient Rome. But what I experienced next was even more provocative. I was handed a white wrestler, and Joey likewise had one. He then took out a ninja figurine. He said that the two of us were going to attack the ninja. I asked why. He said that the ninja is evil. I asked what is so evil about him. He told me that the ninja wants to take over the world. And that besides, I wouldn't want to be the ninja, because the ninja isn't as powerful as the wrestlers. Later on it hit me. This was how Hitler and his Nazis were able to convince the German people to go along with the Holocaust. First they tell the people that the enemy(like the Jews) are evil. Then you tell them that the enemy is trying to take over you. Then finally they claim that, even if you still doubt that the supposed enemy is an evil threat to the nation, the enemy deserves to be defeated, because they are inferior untermenschen, while we are a master race of supermen. I can just imagine what it would have been like if television were to have existed in the 30's and 40's. In Nazi Germany, like our "Power Rangers", they may have had something called, "The Aryan Troopers". And they'd have them swoop down like knights in shining armor, to fight against caricatures of Jews, and/or other groups which the Fascist regime found to be undesirable. It works on adults too. As Hermann Goering said, "Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war. Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country whom determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." Oh, and if you're wondering what I did in response to Joey's similated battle. I used my wrestler to stop the fight, and help the ninja to escape. Because just like any good samurai knight, I believe in placing rectitude above obedience, in accordance with the chivalrous code of bushido.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Communists Criticise New Indiana Jones Movie. The newest installment of the Indiana Jones series needn't have featured the Soviets as the villains, despite what Steven Spielberg says. Instead it could have had ODESSA attempt to reclaim power, with the patronage of some Right-wing South American military dictatorship. And Indy could try to keep them from attaining the Crystal Skull, which is believed to hold extraterrestrial powers. You see the current plot doesn't make any sense. The Communists, being officialy atheistic, would not have believed in metaphysical power. I also feel that they would have respected the cultural autonomy of the indigenous population, and not attempt to raid them of there ancient artifact. So in my opinion, this movie is like a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hayekian Socialism This editorial review of Friedrich Hayek illustrates how a libertarian form of socialism could be possible, without government planning of the economy. I agree that we can still learn a lot, and gain perspective from the Old Right. And vice versa. The political Right might benefit from the libertarian Left as well.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Gambian President Threatens Homosexuals With Death This is what happens when organised religion takes control of a nation. Supposed divine authority takes prevelence over human liberty. If the dominionists ever succede in taking over the U.S.A. however, this is what we can expect. Which is why there needs to be equal rights for all, and special priveledges for none.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
KraftMaid Lays Off Over 400 Workers Recently KraftMaid, a cabinet factory, laid off some workers. The down turn in the economy has caused a ripple affect, partially caused by the subprime lending crisis. A few things in this article stands out to me. 1. The workforce is non-union. Therefore they have no representation, or contract protection. 2. The company is laying off workers in order to stay "competitive". As you probally know, if you've been reading my blog, I advocate private co-operative enterprise. Instead of trying to one up rival firms, I believe that industry should work together for the common good of the people. But in the mean time, labor should be organised into unions, as to gain the most favorable results. I wish the displaced workers the best, as they make this difficult transition in there lives.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
When the Left was Right I myself seek an alliance with "principled conservatives". We have so much in common, in terms of our libertarian sense of voluntarism, and non-intervention.
German Medical Group Gives Award to Nazi Doctor,2144,3366676,00.html,2144,3366676,00.html This is an outrage. No one whom even clollaborated with the Nazi euthanasia program should he so honored.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Rodney Smith "Gypsy Preacher" To all detractors, who are of the opinion that Romany Travelers are untrustworthy and/or dishonourable, here was one Gypsy man at least who was a minister of the Gospel. His name was Rodney Smith. He was born in a camp at Epping Forest. His family sold baskets, tinware, and clothespegs, for a living. His home was a wagon. So from a young age he was used to traveling. Which served him well, in his later life as an evangelist. So as you can see, Romany come from all walks of life. From fortune tellers, to christian preachers. Only it seems that mainstream society values the contributions of itinerate evangelists over other traveling people.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Funamentalist Latter Day Saint Children Were Wrongfuly Removed From There Polygamous Families. case was reminescent of how the Yenish were seized by the Swiss, and also how the Amerindians were sent to the Carlisle Indian School. These actions were intended to forcibly assimilate minorities into the predominate society. What the government should do instead, is to help to improve the lives of outcast people, and assist them in reaching there fullest indivisual potential. Unless they are either convicted of a crime, and/or there welfare is being jeopardised, the state should permit them to live there lives as they please. Bourgeois prejudices must be overcome, if we are to ever become a tolerant and free society.
Songs with the Word Gypsy in Them
And here, just for fun, are songs with the word Gypsy in them. I am just so obsessed with Gypsies. I picture them as being fun loving, and free. Of course most of them are now at least semi-sedantary now. As it's more difficult to make a living practising the old arts and trades of a Gypsy. Still they have a very interesting and colorful history. Gypsies have inspired the dreams of many people. "Gypsy"- by Stevie Nicks "On the Road Again" "Love Potion Number Nine" "The Gypsy Cried" "Embraceable You", And probally the most best known songs about Gypsies. Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves". The Gypsies(Romany) even have there own flag. (see above) I think I'm done posting about Gypsies for awhile. I just happen to have a certain affinity for them, as I'm a scavenger of aluminum, and an amateur pennywhistler, who hopes to busk someday. I can only hope to be as good a Traveler as the Gypsies historicly were, and are. By and large Gypsies only wish to help you, and make you happy. Except for Gypsy moths, which I refered to in an earlier post. So show some appreciation.
The Challenge of Gypsy Moths These are one type of Gypsy you don't want camping out near your house. They are destructive to trees. They are also a pesky flying insect. There population must be strictly controled, lest they reak havoc upon our woodlands. For those whom wonder why I decided to capitalise the "Gypsy" in moth, I've received instructions from a supposed Romany organization, that I should capitalise Gypsy. So to be politicly correct I will. In this post at least. LOL So here is my negative commentary on moths whom are also Gypsies.
Friday, May 23, 2008
CIW Labor Union and Burger King Reach Agreement This is an update to a previous blog post. Burger King has finally settled with the farm workers. This is a positive developement, which would make Cesar Chavez proud. While I still promote the idea of agricultural co-operatives, this is a step in the right direction.
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