Sunday, August 17, 2008

National Religious Broadcaster's Convention Blocks Evangelical Enviromental Group. This incedent illustrates how Christianity, in America, has been politicised and hijacked by the ultra-Right. Protection of our natural enviroment should be something people from all faiths should support. With religion and politics so interlinked, can you blame those of us on the Left, for being critical of certain denominations? I think that in the unlikely event that I come to accept the tenets of the Christian faith, I will choose not to be that open about it. Because I probally wouldn't be very accepted by the politico-religious establishment anyhow. Jesus, who was rejected by the religious leadership of his day, said that you can not serve God and mammon, at the same time. Lest you love one and hate the other. It would appear that some of his followers would rather have temporal power than stand for the right things.

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