Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Ukrainian President , Zelensky, Suppresses Opposition Politicians

 I just now discovered that the president of Ukraine, who the western media wants people to rally in support of, has now started to crack down on prominent dissidents, in Ukraine.  Notably, a married couple with last name of Shariy. https://bykvu.com/eng/bukvy/ukrainian-president-volodymyr-zelensky-brings-in-sanctions-on-pro-russian-media-outlets-and-bloggers/  , https://solidaritaetsnetz.org/solidarity-network-calls-anatoliy-shariy-repressed-for-his-beliefs/ These public figures are not even Communist. As I under stand it , their party , Party of Shariy , is libertarian socialist.  And even though I do not always agree with this YouTuber's viewpoints , especially given his hard-line anti-revisionist Communist stance, I feel that The Finnish Bolshevik had hit the nail on the head, in regard to the current situation of war in Ukraine.  

1 comment:

RedKnight said...

An update