Monday, July 20, 2020

Stormtroopers Kidnap Demonstrators   , >  It has been awhile since I have broken my hiatus to post on the course of events here in the U.S.A. , under the Trump administration .  Things have undoubtedly taken a turn for the worse since then .  The heavy heel of the shadow government has been running roughshod over the rights and wellbeing of we the people .  But even before the rise of Trump's totalitarian tyranny , there has been secret detention of foreign subjects .  Plus , even under the administration of the Democrat , Barack Obama , U.S. citizens had been apprehended , and charged with what essentially amounts to a thought crime , and guilt by association .   ( referenced in the video above )  So like the proverbial frog in the pot of boiling water , Americans , Democrats as well as Republicans , have complacently sat idly by , while our rights have steadily become eroded . Republicans fear Democrats , and Democrats fear Republicans , as being the greatest evil .  But the real enemy isn't any one party , but rather the ironfisted repression , inherent in the system of the political establishment .  I feel though that until such time as as a stateless society can be achieved , with personal liberty , and social equality prevailing , we as citizens must act to vote out such abusers of political power .  I will not presume to tell you all whom to vote for . I feel that any so called anarcho-capitalists / voluntaryists among my audience can be expected to vote for the Libertarian presidential candidate , Jo Jorgenson , and any Communalists would feel best served in voting for the Green , Howie Hawkins .  However , unfortunately , we do not live in a representative democracy , where the popular vote determines the outcome of presidential elections .  So those , such as myself , who have the misfortune of living in a swing state , might feel compelled to vote for the Democrat , Joe Biden , in order to at least try to safeguard whatever is left of the constitutional republic from any further erosion by the dictatorship of Donald Trump .  I don't judge anyone's choice , one way or the other . Just as long as you vote in accordance with your  conscience . This is what I did , in the last election , when I voted for the Green candidate , Jill Stein.  And in spite of all that has since transpired , I still have no regrets .  But come what may , we mustn't unequivocally trust and support any public officials , whether on the left or on the right .  We must stay ever vigilant in challenging the actions of those in government .  I will admit that I fear that if I give my vote yet again to the Green , it could be letting the perfect become the enemy of the good . However what we really deserve as a nation is more than a restoration of the status quo , but rather liberation from the prevailing powers that be .  So even more so , all of my anti-establishment radicals , who live in safe states , get out and vote for the candidate of the minor party of your choice , especially for the sake of all of us whom may feel coerced by current circumstance to cave in and give our votes to the other major party challenger to Trump's misrule , the Democrat , Joe Biden , no matter how doubtful , and dissatisfied we swing state voters might feel towards him .  Oh , and to those anarchist purists , who feel that voting for anyone , even Greens , and /or Libertarians , is somehow selling out , just let me assert that in my opinion not all regimes are alike .  A democracy , in my view , is definitely preferable to a dictatorship .  And I am not alone in my attitude either . For just some examples .   {  ,  ,  } I believe that we mustn't overlook abuses of power , but rather stand up and resist , by any and all means , necessary and proper .  And voting is one way to do so , in a peaceful manner .  So I choose to exercise my right to vote , as I deem most appropriate , so that hopefully I won't come to feel that I have cause to exercise the right of revolution . But just in case all else fails , here is a primer on how to nonviolently effect a democratic revolution , called " From Dictatorship to Democracy "  .  I won't post guidance on the use of revolutionary violence , as not only do I find it to be personally distasteful , but also due to the fact that in all likelihood I am already under surveillance .  Plus , the nonaggression principle , which I hold to , states that we are not to ever initiate force , even in order to enact social change , but only in self defense . 

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