It's being reported today, all over the news outlets, about a man in his mid twenties, whom laid siege to a movie theator, which was about to show the latest Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises". Now even before this senseless tragedy, I was planning on reporting on the controversy surrounding this film, mainly from the left, but also somewhat from the right. Here's what I posted on my Facebook about it.
"Now here's a twist. Just this afternoon, by chance, as I was in the barn, after returning from walking my dog, I heard Rush Limbaugh saying how he thinks that the new Batman movie might be used as proganda against the Romney campaign.http:/.../ Being that the villain's name is Bane, which is also similar to the name of the company Mitt Romney once helped run. But, as Bane the villain is a steroid fueled muscleman, unless people want to assert the idea that Bain Capital is an example of capitalism on steroids, I'm not seeing it. Anyway, I think that any true comic book fan should know that it's Green Arrow who's the left-wing superhero, not so much Batman, whom in my opinion is not all that political at all. P.S. If you're wondering what I was doing having Rush Limbaugh's program on in the barn, my family uses such talk radio to try to scare away raccoons from potentionally geting at our Rhode Island Red chickens." I'm relieved that the authorities were able to apprehend the culprit, and take him alive, so that he will be made to account for his actions. I have found that when a perpretrator is killed in the process of commiting a violent crime, the public will want answers, and will tend to play the blame game. Coincidently, I was aquainted on-line with another killer in Colorado. A young man named, Matthew J. Murray, aka "The Nightmare Child". So I know a bit first hand what it's like to know someone whom end ups doing something like this. And no matter what factors might contribute to the situation, the only one who's ultimately to blame is the person whom did the deed. Not Christians, and not anti-christians. Not even music, movies, and/or other media. Though I suppose that it goes without saying that Colorado is known as an evangelical mecca. Sort of like what Utah is to Mormons. So it's statisticly likely I think that many of the slain were Christians, even without him deliberately targeting them as such. The only other point I have to make is that I feel that even in a free society, such armaments should not be made readily available to the general public. I think that military grade equipment should be stored in an armory, for use by a people's militia, and that civillian firearms should be registered, and the owners liscenced, just like with automobiles. it's just common sense precautions, in my view.
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