Well for one thing we do not have a parliment, like the Reichstag in Germany. If
we had, Nancy Pelosi might be our Prime Minister right now. Now wouldn't
just scare you. As for the allegations, and comparisons mentioned
you E-mail.
Historicly- 1. Hitler was never popularly elected. See in
european countries,
they have a thing called a coalition. Which means
at least two parties
share power, in order to form a majority
together. The President
before Adolf Hitler was Paul von
Hindenburg. http://www.blogger.com/Well He appointed
as chancellor, which is sort of like vice-president. After
in office, the following year, Hitler became president,
and then delared
himself to be the Fuhrer (leader) or Germany. Hindenburg
was a member of the
National People's Party. http://www.blogger.com/Well. And
Hitler was, as you should already know, a member of the National Socialist
Party. So as you can see, if you even bothered to read the links I posted (I
just hate it when people do not even bother to read my links), Hindenburg's
party formed a partnership with Hitler's party, and Hindenburg's party's
opponants formed a coalition arround the candidacy of Wilhelm Marx http://www.blogger.com/to, who as far as
I know
was not related to Karl Marx. So there is no direct parallel between this
Presidential election, and the one in Weimar Germany, since Hitler was never
directly elected to the office, and instead succeded to it. It would be like
John McCain were to die, and Sarah Palin were to then become President.
i'm sure you'd like. (Palin becoming President I mean, not McCain
dying) Except
that Sarah Palin and John McCain are of the same party. 2.
Hitler did not use
the term "zionist" to refer to the Jews. The zionists
were those who wanted for
the Jews to settle in the land of Palestine.
Initialy the Nazis also just wanted
for the Jews to be expatriated to
Palestine. Adolf Eichmann was placed in charge
of this this effort. Which
incidently is like how you have said you'd want for
all liberal/leftists to
have to leave America. 3. Do you really think that
any President, no
matter how vain, would ever have school children sing praises
to him?
However some people feel that the requirement of the Pledge of
Allegiance is
like this. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html
I myself do not entirely agree with all of the information contained in the
before mentioned link. But the similarities are shocking.
Politicly- 1. Every country in the world, besides us, has some form of
health care. And none of them have ever forcibly euthanised people.
And besides
Obama's health plan involves a public-private partnership,
between the insurance
companies, and the welfare state. It is not therefore
socialised medicine, like
they have up in Canada, "the true north, strong
and free". 2. Funny you should
mention nationalisation of industry. Actually
Hitler, like all other fascists,
did not exactly take over the entire
economy. Both the dictionary, and
encyclopedia, descride Fascism as
government control, but not ownership, of
private industry. Currently
however the federal government is going to own stock
in the banks.
This has happened under the Bush administration 3. Regarding abortion,
Obama has never sanctioned the destruction of infants, and/or viable
with disabilities. Believe me, if he had, I could not in good
conscious vote for
him. Especialy since I myself am neuro-diverse. I would
be very upset to hear of
foetuses geneticly identified as abnormal being
destroyed. And if we ever were
to become like Nazi Germany, in it's eugenics
policies, not only would I have to
fear, but you would as well. For not only
might I be forcibly sterilised, so
would you. Since they wouldn't want to
chance you possibly giving birth to
someone with a condition like Tourette's
Syndrome, and/or autism. If you are
pro-life, and therefore believe that
life begins at the very least by
conception, you will be disappointed in
John McCain as well however. I heard him
say in the final debate, that as a
federalist, he would allow the states to
decide whether or not to allow
abortion. So Sen. Mccain feels that it is a
states rights issue, instead of
a human rights issue. We'd then have We'd then
have both "life states" and
"choice states". Just as we once had "free states"
and "slave states". 4.
Religious leaders may give positions on issues. They just
may not officialy
endorse candidates and/or parties, and keep there tax exempt
status. 5. Here
was what Barack Obama said after the backlash in response to his
comments. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-04-12-obama-comments . Now here was what Mrs. Werthmann posted. http://realneo.us/content/america-truly-greatest-country-world-dont-let-freedom-slip-away-kitty-werthmann First of all, the plebiscite to approve of the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany was held after the Germans had already invaded. And I suspect that the results were rigged, as it was reported to have been 99.73 percent in favor. Secondly of all, even before Hitler's third reich took over Austria was a Fascist country. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austrofascism The only real difference between Austria's Fascism and Germany's was that Austria claimed that there policies were based upon Catholic social teachings, while the National Socialists were secular. The real danger is that a christofascist regime will come to power, like it did in Austria, shortly before Hitler took it over. And ultra-rightists like Werthmann will contribute to this happening. So we must all watch out for the rise of clerical fascist forces, who would destroy the vestiges of democracy in America. The real prime enemy are Christianazis, not progressives.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Kitty Werthmann Distorts History, and Threatens the Obama Administration.
http://crooksandliars.com/node/31614 This is yet another example of someone who purports to have experienced life under Fascism, yet makes glaring historical errors. Here was a prior example. http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/hymn-to-hitler/blog-294106/ Anyone who knows about World War II history like I do knows that this account is false. Here was what I posted in reply, when my sister forwarded this to me.
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There are some nice straw-men in there.
Great post. And there is more that supports your remarks. The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the Nazi salute (and the swastika -although an ancient symbol- was used to represent crossed S-shapes for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party).
Francis Bellamy (cousin of author Edward Bellamy) was a socialist in the Nationalism movement and authored the Pledge of Allegiance (1892), the origin of the stiff-armed salute adopted much later by the National Socialist German Workers Party. See the work of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry. http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html
See the image at http://rexcurry.net/pledge_of_allegiance.jpg
See the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvDwL553pVM
American national socialists (including Edward Bellamy), in cooperation with Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, popularized the use of the Swastika (an ancient symbol) as a modern symbol for socialism long before the symbol was adopted by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) and used on its flag. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html
See also http://rexcurry.net/45th-infantry-division-swastika-sooner-soldiers.html
The Bellamys influenced the National Socialist German Workers Party and its dogma, rituals and symbols (e.g. robotic collective chanting to flags; and the modern use of the swastika as crossed S-letters for "Socialism" under German National Socialism). Similar alphabetical symbolism was used under the NSDAP for the "SS" division, the "SA," the "NSV," et cetera and similar symbolism is visible today as the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen"). http://rexcurry.net/bookchapter4a1a2a1.html
The Bellamys wanted the government to take over all food, clothing, shelter, goods and services and create an "industrial army" to impose their "military socialism." See the video documentary at
It is the same dogma that led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million killed under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. http://rexcurry.net/socialists.html
Today, the flag symbolizes authoritarianism in the USA. The historical facts above explain the enormous size and scope of government today, and the USA's police state, and why it is growing so rapidly. They are reasons for minarchy: massive reductions in government, taxation, spending and socialism.
Wow, this is certainly an older post of mine. In the interest of free expression, I published your reply. However there is some inaccuracy, and guilt by association in your comment. For one, the swastika predates the socialist movements. It was first used by Indians, and by extension, Hindus, and Buddhists, among other peoples around the world. http://reclaimtheswastika.com/history/ Also, if one is to attribute abuses of political power to the ideology; then it would follow that you'd have to attribute religiously motivated attrocities to the religions themselves. And I'm a socialist of sorts, and I'm certainly not personally responsible for everything done in it's cause.
My son has asperger's, so I understand how you can focus so intently on the trees and yet fail to see the forest. The details of Werthmann's story are not the point; the point is that Hitler's dictatorial regime came to power slowly, with the silent assent of the populace - remember "he made the trains run on time"? BTW - if you want your blog to be taken seriously, may I suggest some formal training in grammar? Reed-Kellogg could prove very useful to you.
1. I resent highly your condescending remarks. Dismissive sentiment, such as your's is why I'm somewhat reluctant to share my self-diagnosed status, of someone who has Charecteristics of Asperger Syndrome. In the interests of free discourse though, I publish nearly all comments made to my blog posts, except perhaps spam, and or blatant flamebait. 2. We aspies are not some politicly monolithic group. If you were to check out the politics, philosophy, and religion, section of the "Wrongplanet.net" forum, you would see that born out. Plus I myself have undergone various metamorphosises, in my political views, since I first became interested in the subject, at the tender age of 11. 3. Exaggerating about the policies of various politicians, and parties, is not helpful, or responsible. I try to be very careful, and considerate, when posting on my blog. For instance, I don't make the claim that all Republicans, and/or conservative minded Christians, want to turn America into a mirrored image of Iran. While there might be various tendencies within the Christian right that concern me, I try not to overblow it. Not only because I value sincere honesty, but also because the more someone "cries wolf", the less likely it is for others to believe him. 4. Hans Asperger, though he was a Nazi Party member, had a much more positive view of the potential of those with autism, as assets to society, than you seem to. Here is what he wrote about folks like me. http://www.neurodiversity.com/library_asperger_1944.pdf It's in it's original German though. Sorry to say I could not find the document it it's entirety in English. 5. I'm rather sorry that your son has you for a mother. You seem to discount persons, and opinions off hand, which do not agree with your preconceived notions. We autists are not incompetent, or unintelligent. We merely have personality traits that typicly differ from those of neuro-typicals. 5. Actually English was one of my best subjects in School. But then again, my mother homeschooled me,for the most part, so perhaps that has something to do with it. ;)
I think you missed the point, there is more than 1 way to skin a cat.
Again, if you considered training in grammar (or even spellchecker), you wouldn't have posted the word "your's" in your flame, among other things. Sorry I struck a nerve regarding your Asperger's; but as you yourself admit "We merely have personality traits that typicly differ from those of neuro-typicals". One of these that I have personally witnessed in my son (a Christian and Staunch Conservative) is a tendency to focus on Details to an extent that it detracts from Understanding the Whole. This common trait of Aspies is obviously evident in your anti-Werthmann rant. Since you've stooped to trying to flame me, I won't be revisiting your blog. I have enough experience with Aspies to know when discussion is pointless. Whether you post this or not, I wish you well. And I stand by my recommedation - if you want to be taken seriously as a writer, learn English grammar.
Again, if you considered training in grammar (or even spellchecker), you wouldn't have posted the word "your's" in your flame, among other things. Sorry I struck a nerve regarding your Asperger's; but as you yourself admit "We merely have personality traits that typicly differ from those of neuro-typicals". One of these that I have personally witnessed in my son (a Christian and Staunch Conservative) is a tendency to focus on Details to an extent that it detracts from Understanding the Whole. This common trait of Aspies is obviously evident in your anti-Werthmann rant. Since you've stooped to trying to flame me, I won't be revisiting your blog. I have enough experience with Aspies to know when discussion is pointless. Whether you post this or not, I wish you well. And I stand by my recommendation - if you want to be taken seriously as a writer, learn English grammar.
And regarding “I'm rather sorry that your son has you for a mother”. Predictable. When the direct attack fails, attack the family. But enough about me and mine, let’s take a look at the “Red Knight” and his “self diagnosed Asperger’s syndrome”. Just guessing, but I see a high school student who made pretty good grades and was a dungeon master at D&D. Not a lot of friends, and not very good with the girls, he was a loner – a nerd. He figured college was going to be the place where he would bloom, but when he got there it was tougher than he expected. He ‘just couldn’t make it work’, and after changing his major from math to poli-sci to history, he finally dropped out (or flunked out). Now, it couldn’t have been HIS fault that college didn’t work for him; it had to be Something Beyond His Control. He cast about on the internet for Why Nerds Fail, and found Asperger’s syndrome – it explained his social failures and included an inability to process neuro-typical teaching methods – Eureka! Today, he lives in his parents’ basement and desperately seeks anonymous affirmation of his pseudo-intellectual social / political musings by blogging. Very Sad. How am I doing so far? Regarding my son, he parlayed his intelligence with his Aspie characteristics (literalism and attention to detail) into a successful career in mechanical engineering. He hasn’t the time-or the inclination-to waste words with a wannabe pundit. Me? I’m disabled, so I entertain myself by watching TV, surfing the web, and occasionally tweaking failed nerds. You’ll have to forgive me, it’s my guilty pleasure…
Good post - I've just been dealing with someone who has been talking about her remarks as "fact".
As I said to a friend, with any eyewitness account, you always look for the "agenda" of the person telling the tale. The fact Kitty is being called to tell her testimony at right wing Republican events, gives you a clue. The fact she's not going into schools, or even being invited to schools is also another clue.
In actual fact a lot of the initiatives she thinks are "the footsteps of Fascism" have been done elsewhere, and didn't lead to world war. Heck, Roosevelt's New Deal and Hitlers work scheme share a lot of similarities. Are we going to start accusing Roosevelt of being like Hitler now? Really?
I also dislike the phrase she uses of herself as a "Hitler survivor". Overdramatic phrase for someone who obviously just went along with the Nazi regime.
There are other eye witness testamonies to be found out there.
@TestSheep Thank you for your remarks, which concur with my own impressions. Another thing that the American government did, which parralels what Hitler's government did was the interstate highway system. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/reichs.cfm Yet, I do not think that there were any persons denouncing Pres. Eisenhower as being naziesque. Sometimes even other bad persons might have worthwhile ideas, and accomplishments. One should be careful not to through the baby out with the bath water.
Now to address the further comments of this annonymous poster. 1. One of the supposed syereotypical traits of those with Asperger Syndrome is lack of empathy. We are reputed to be blunt, and straight to the point. But I was not trying to personally flamebait you. I'm just grateful that my mother appreciated my opinions, and did not consider me to be less competent than others. And also, Albert Einstein has been thought by many to have been autistic too. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/3326317/Albert-Einstein-found-genius-through-autism.html Now had it been known at the time he presented his theory of relativity that he was autistic in some way, I imagine that just like you, his detracters would have attributed his ideas to being symtomatic of his condition. And thereby dismissed it as being invalid.
2. As to your profile of me, you're a bit off. I actually have as a comorbid dyscalculia, which is a mathmatical learning difficulty. So, I did not do well in every subject, only subjects that particularly interested me. I've never played "Dungeons & Dragons". My parents are evangelicals, and like many such people at the time, had concerns about D&D. I wasn't even permitted to watch the cartoon show. I do however enjoy as a hobby, political simulation, as one might imagine. Though, for most of my life, I did have trouble making friends, growing up as a child, due in part to my odd mannerisms, and my chubby body build. Not entirely though. I did meet some people, and became friends with them. But my family moved quite a bit. So I wasn't able to keep in touch with them. And currently, I mostly just have friends on-line. Which suits me well enough I think. As to my love life, at least you aren't like this one other poster, who seems to presumptively regard me as being a licentuous libertine. I should be so lucky to even have the opportunity to have sexual relations with anybody. But I do not personally believe in having casual promiscuitous sex. And I suppose that the reason why I do not have a girlfriend, or for that matter a boyfriend, is because in addition to lack of opportunity to meet people, I currently lack steady fulltime income. I'm hoping to successfully find work, after earning my driver's liscence. Due to various circumstantial problems, I haven't yet. My younger sister, whom is three years younger than I, I'm currently 29, got her liscence not too long ago herself. But she doesn't have employment anywhere either. I think though that women tend to expect men to be able to personally provide for them, given the overall patriarchial, rather than matriarchial, nature of our society. But no matter. I am satisfied to wait unto such time when, and/or if, the right one comes along.
3.. I happen to conclude that I have Asperger Syndrome however, not due to any of these personality traits, and life experiences, but due to two things. For one I've taken an on-line test for A.S., and it said that it's likely that I have it. And also, especially more so when I was a young boy, I've stimmed http://autism.about.com/od/autismterms/f/stimming.htm by flapping my hands. My parents, back in the 80's were a bit concerned about this. So they took me to a neurologist. But due to Asperger's Syndrome not being widely known, if at all, during this time, he thought that it probally was Tourette's Syndrome, and further said that I might grow out of it. But there are crucial differences between tic disorders, and stereotypic movement disorders http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereotypic_movement_disorder. Plus, I was a toddler, of about 2-3, when this took place. So I feel that I have sufficient criteria for self diagnosis. I've never been to college. I do have a certificate in private investigation, from a distance learning program, as far as post high school education goes, but I haven't really done anything with it yet. Oh, and I also was enrolled in a criminal justice course, from another correspondence school company, but I later dropped out, after I found out that not all of the course material was going to be pertainent to the subject matter itself, but would include such things as higher maths, as part of liberal arts requirements. I only wish that I had known this in advance, before enrolling. Due to my before mentioned dyscalculia, I felt ill prepared for the demands of the program. But, after I earn, and have saved up enough money, I plan on studying to become a paralegal, as I feel called to this vocation, for whatever reason. I do have a narrow interest in all of the various social sciences. As I'm sure you probally already are aware of those with Asperger Syndrome, such as myself, are known to have a preoccupation with a particular subject. But it has been hard to narrow it down to a particular major. I feel that paralegal training would be most suitable for me though, as it would be vocational, rather than so much academic, in nature. As to my living arrangement, I don't exactly live in my parents basement. I actually have a used trailer, which I use as both storage, and living space. But I do oftentimes sleep in my parents living room. Especially after my father was injured in a vehicular accident, and will have to use a wheelchair for awhile, until he fully recovers. My mother likes for me to be inside the house, during the night, in case he mightwant to have me help him with anything. Also, I suppose that it's good that my sister, and I, are still living at home, since we have living with us my 10 yr. old cousin, who has Reactive Attachment Disorder, among other things. So it's helpful that we are both still there to help tend with him, especially if he gets out of hand. So now I've just revealed more about my personal life, and self, than I ever did before, on this site.
Also, I actually am aware of various persons refering to Hitler, when encouraging people to vote, in general. However, Adolf Hitler was never elected president of Germany, let alone by a landslide. http://democraticpeace.wordpress.com/2008/12/16/what-hitler-was-not-elected/ In my own personal political observations, when I first became interested in politics, when I was 11, I remember the fears expressed that then Pres. Clinton was a would be dictator, especially after the Waco siege http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege. Then Pres. George W. Bush was thought to be despotic, after the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act was passed, in the wake of 9-11. I myself feel that the difference between the Democratic Party, and Republican Party, as a whole, in regards to fascism, is that Democrats tend to be like Juan Peron, while Republicans tend to be like Augusto Pinochet. But I suppose that there are still both good Democrats, and good Republicans, amongst the rank and file. And I feel that people should vote for whoever they deem to be best, even if they vote for minor party candidates, such as Greens, and Libertarians, for example.
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