Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Christian Terrorists Were Arrested by F.B.I.

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/30/us/30militia.html?th&emc=th Here is further proof that dominionists can be just as fanaticly extreme as there Islamist counterparts. This was what Rosie O'Donnel meant, when to made mention of radical Christians being a dangerous as radical Muslims. This is the extremist violence that can result from postmillenialist, Christian Reconstructionist, teachings. But while many, if not most of the Christian right are content to try and take power through ballots, some groups, like these prefer to resort to bullets.


Parabola said...

A man after my own heart. I think I'll be keeping a close eye on this blog.

RedKnight said...

Why thank you. I appreciate the support.

Anonymous said...

You are unbelievable. Good luck finding one out of a million Christians who would violently oppose anyone. This would squarely place him outside of Christianity.
I suppose you would say that anyone who claims to be Christian actually is.
Your blog is a waste of intellectual energy... really.

RedKnight said...

Unless you accept the "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy as being valid, yes I would say that anyone whom claims to be a Christian is one, as it pertains to personal religious identity. Just the same as I accept that people such as the Muslim Brotherhood are actually Muslims. Now this does not mean that I'd claim that all of their teachings are necessarily charecteristic of Christian, or Islamic, principles. But I do not feel that it is my place to deny that they are adherents of their respective faith traditions. Especially being that I myself am neither Christian, or Muslim, in the conventional sense of either terms. My faith is "al Hanafiah"(Deism). So whom am I to state whether or not someone else is an authentic adherent of a religion I do not myself practice? And I do not feel that any free expression is a waste. Which is why I added your comment to my blog post, and responded back to it. You might have just been trying to be a troll, and discourage me. Yet, I choose to treat your remarks with sincere consideration.