Wednesday, September 30, 2009
American Family Association Spreads Misinformation About Healthcare
I am so infuriated by this new barage of falsehood from the AFA. They are now claiming, incredulously, that the proposed healthcare plan will ration coverage for senior citizens, and penalise those whom do not sign up for the public option. This is blatantly false. President Obama does not favor fining those who opt out buying insurance. The reason that Max Baucus suggested making health coverage mandatory, like auto insurance, is that many people do not seek insurance until they need it. The HMOs do not want to be saddled down with covering those with pre-existing conditions. Having everyone pay in to a health plan, would help to pay down the cost of covering everyone. And no one's care will be rationed either. I really do not get what conservatives are getting at. First they complain about the high costs of the government paying for medical expenses, then they claim that the elderly, and disabled, will be neglected. Also how can they claim to be christians when they bear false witness against others? I think that the religious leaders should stay out of public policy. After all this is not Iran. And they should not be speaking on things they know nothing about. They should just stick to God, and leave the government to our elected representitives.
Monday, September 28, 2009
"Black Lies, White Lies" Book
I've finished reading a remarkable book, by Tony Brown, called "Black Lies, White Lies". In it he lays out ideas as to how the Black community can empower itself economicly, and politicly. Interestingly, though he castigates the Black leadership for what he perceives to be socialism, his plans are actually like my own libertarian socialism. Though his system of thought can be more specificly described as being Black communalism. Mr. Brown bases this upon the Yoruba tribal concept of esusu., as well as the Japanese concept of "jichikai", which are mutual help organizations. Notabley, Tony Brown is a registered Republican. As a consequence he is oftentimes refered to as a "Black conservative". Now if his brand of conservatism is distinctly Black in nature, and I agree with his opinions, would that then make me a "White Black conservative"? It's something to think about. But as I stated above, I feel that though he likely does not realise it, Mr. Brown epitomises left-libertarianism. And also just as not all Democrats are liberals, not all Republicans need to be conservative. Whatever you want to call it, I feel that his principles of self reliance, and community investment, would not only be good for Blacks but for all Americans. And I wish him the best of luck in promoting his message in the Republican part, while I choose to do the same amongst Democrats.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Concerned Citizens Complain About Obama Praise Songs.
I just heard today about school children, at B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington Township, NJ, having to sing songs extoling Pres. Barack Obama. Some people are concerned that this promotes a personality cult of hero worship. Which would be similar to practices in authoritarian regimes, like in Stalin's Russia. Here are the songs in question, so that you can judge for yourself. All that I have to say is that I rather doubt that President Obama is encouraging such fawning. There are many American folk songs about historical figures. Take for example these two songs. Plus there was this song composed during Lincolns presidential campaign. Usually though important indivisuals are not glorified until after there deaths. So it runs the risk that this sort of thing will be thought of as idolising our country's leader. Just as long as we do not regard our President any higher than any other influential person, I feel that it is probally well intentioned. But that also no one should feel compelled to sing his praises. One should follow the convictions of conscience, just like in saying the pledge of allegiance to the flag. And also remember that the government is supposed to be of, by, and for the people. Our elected representitives, including the President are meant to be servants of the public, not the other way around. Our lives, and views, should matter too.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sen. Conrad Proposes a Co-operative Healthcare Option. Imagine my pleasant surprise to notice that I am not the only Democrat to come up with such an idea regarding health coverage. I feel that this alternate plan will be more positive, as well as cost effective, compared to the public option that is stirring up so much heated controversy. The Conrad proposal should also garner bipartisan support. It seems like the only possible Republican misgivings are in relation to funding it. Personally, the only reason why I even mentioned government subsidising healthcare, in a previous blog entry, is that I wish to allay left-liberal scepticism as to how adequate an entirely privately funded program would be. For example, farms in this country are routinely supported by federal subsidies. Yet, if it can be shown that the co-operatives are able to stand alone from the public sector, then all the better. I just consider this developement to be a progressive step towards realising my dream of eventually attaining libertarian socialism.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Pres. Obama to Address School Children. I just heard today that Pres. Barack Obama is going to be giving a televised address to our nations state school children, on September 8th. Now I do not know exactly what he will be saying. However, some fear that he will be attempting to indoctrinate, and/or influence students politicly. Even more frightening though, is a loyalty oath to the President, which children might be made to recite. Now as you may know, I am a registered Democrat. However I do not support these activities. I feel that it is reminescent of Hitler's Germany. As Americans our allegiance should be to the constitution, the people, and to any god/s of our choice. Not to any one person. We should also be allowed to feel free to disagree with the government, and it's policies. No one should be told how or what to think. The President is not any better, and/or higher, than anyone else. He is our servant, not the other way around. And if he were to take advantage of the powers given to him by us voters, he should be thrown out of office. Those of you who've been reading my blog from the beginning know that I started out as a Republican who opposed George W. Bush. And now that I am now a libertarian progressive Democrat, I shall likewise express dissent against Democratic officials, whenever I feel that they are wrong. I am an objective commentater. As we all should be, regardless of political affiliation. P.S. This might also be a good time to look into unschooling your children.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Pastor Anderson Curses Pres. Obama With Death. Here is yet another prime example of christian reconstructionist/dominionist damnation of our country, and it's President. This so called man of God tells his congregation to curse Pres. Obama. But here is what the Bible says. "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to
them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute
you;" Matt. 5:44 (King James Version) So then therefore we are not to curse those whom we dislike and/or disagree with. And here is what the Bible says about those in positions of leadership over us. "Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." Matt. 22:21 (King James Version) "
them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute
you;" Matt. 5:44 (King James Version) So then therefore we are not to curse those whom we dislike and/or disagree with. And here is what the Bible says about those in positions of leadership over us. "Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." Matt. 22:21 (King James Version) "
Romans 13 (King James Version)
1Let every soul be subject unto the
higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained
of God.
2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the
ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou
then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have
praise of the same:
4For he is the minister of God to thee for good.
But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in
vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that
doeth evil.
5Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath,
but also for conscience sake.
6For for this cause pay ye tribute also:
for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
7Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due;
custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour" One of the things which we are to render unto Caesar, who in our case is the President, is due respect. We are to pray that God will guide him to do what is right, and to let God deal with him. This is what the Bible says for a godly christian to do. Now if there happens to be a policy which you might feel is unwise, and/or even unjust, you should let your elected representitives know how you feel, in a civil manner. But as the "Law of Three" states, what ever you direct towards others you bring back upon yourself. So in other words, "what goes around comes around". This is what I have to say to any and all christians who may be reading my blog. And for all of my readership, I say that we should keep a watchful eye upon these people. They seem as if they might possibly rise up in a "holy war" upon the United States government, in order to impose a christian theonomy. As Rosie O'Donnell once said, "Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have a separation of church and state. We're a democracy here." And let all freedom loving Americans say amen.
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