Thursday, February 26, 2009
Obama Nominates David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General.
I just got word, from my conservative sister Amy, that Pres. Obama will be asking the Congress to confirm David Ogden as Deputy Attorney General. As far as I know, Mr. Ogden has no experience prosecuting cases. In fact, he has defended some pretty disgusting clients. Notabley those suspected of violating laws against pornography, including child pornography. Now I know that many prosecutors were at one time or another criminal defense attorneys, and that a good advocate uses even the weakest arguements in order to get the best deal for there clients. But there is no valid legal defense, in my view, for the exploitation of children. Or for that matter a moral defense for the degradation of women. Eventhough I do not think that the government should ban all pornography outright, or even could if it had wanted to. I do feel that certain laws should be in place, in order to protect people, especially children, from abuse, and or exploitation, like for instance laws against hardcore pornography. And as a deputy attorney general, Mr. Ogden might be called upon to enforce these restrictions. At the very least, Congress should ask him if he'd be willing to uphold even laws he personally disagrees with. We need to have justice officials that will maintain law and order, without partiality.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Remarks Upon The Presidents Remarks to Congress. Overall I felt that him speech was sensible. Without going into much detail, he seemed to be saying that the government should work together with buisness, in order to build up private enterprise. But what can you expect. Pres. Obama is a social liberal, and as such believes that the government should involve itself in trying to solve social problems. Rather than trusting private persons, and institutions to work things out on there own. He feels therefore that the federal government has a positive, proactive role to play in dealing with the financial crisis. And I myself feel that, for the time being at least, perhaps there does need to be a welfare state, before we can have a stateless, and classless, society. Just as Karl Marx said of the "worker's state", in regards to socialism, so might the welfare state be, in regards to social democracy A social revolution, even a non-violent one, is not forthcoming. So I think that the best we can all hope for is bourgeois socialism, for our bourgeois nation. Untill such time as the state is abolished all together, and social welfare is replaced by mutual aid I therefore feel that the government should encourage voluntarism, and gradually phase out government social programs.
Fury Raised Over New York Post Political Cartoon. Over the past few days, outrage has been raised over this political cartoon. I personally feel that it is offensive, but yet not necessarily racist, in nature. It is very irreverent to compare our elected leaders to apes. Whether or not we agree with some of there policies, and I sure don't often agree with the descisions of the federal government, they are still in positions of respect, and should be treated as such. However this is nothing new. Pres. George W. Bush has been compared to a chimpanzee as well. So all I can say in response to this is, welcome to the White House President Obama. You have arrived. Though unlike the above mentioned picture, the New York Post cartoon shows the chimp being shot. This could therefore be taken to mean that the officials who crafted the economic stimulus bill deserve to die as well. But in response to the contraversial cartoon, people have called not only for Mr. Sean Delonas to be fired, but for him to be arrested as well. I feel that this is an overreaction. Do liberals really want to be known for censoring unpopular/disrespectful opinions/persons? Do we wish to bring him before the House Unamerican Activities Commitee, and blacklist him. This is a type of McCarthyism that we've always faulted Republicans for. We Democrats should show more tolerance, even for distasteful expression. Unless there is an overt, direct threat, indivisuals should not be punished for there disloyal sentiments. Otherwise we'll risk becoming a totalitarian police state, with re-education camps for dissidents.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Navahoes Suit U.S. Government. Here is further proof that our government functions as a "dictatorship of the bourgeois". The U.S. government cheated the Navaho, in order that the coal company could undercut the royalties rightly owed to the tribe. This therefore shows me that the government serves the class interests of big buisness. Big government and big buisness are intertwined as far as I'm concerned. No matter which party is in power, the federal government seems to serve special interests over the public interest.
Prominent Commentators Call For Bank Nationalization. As I've been saying repeatedly, the banking system should be nationalized. Only I do not think that it should only be temporary. It's rightfuly ours as American tax payers. It's our money the federal government used to bail out the banks. We paid for it, and so we should all own it. The credit crisis, in my opinion, shows that the banks should not be trusted to private ownership. The American people should not have to keep cleaning up the messes caused by private in competance. Investers should not be allowed to gamble with our money.
McDonalds Denies Worker Medical Compensation. Here is a clear case of someone being attacked on McDonalds property, and a consciencious employee being seriously wounded in the process. While this is certainly not something one would expect to have to deal with, this is in my mind not much different than if it were a hold up. A patron was being assaulted by another patron, and an intervening employee was feloniously assaulted as a result. Therefore, indirectly at least, he was injured on the job. If McDonalds does not give him a well deserved compensation, I hope that the public will take up a collection for him.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Update On A Prior Story About Nikki Blonsky.
As I mentioned in a previous blogpost, the families of Nikki Blonsky, and Bianca Golden, got involved in a violent altercation, at an airport. Well, both Blonsky and Golden were cleared. However Ms. Blonsky's father still has been legally charged in the incident. He was able to be released on bond, however. Until his trial, which is set for Sept. 17.,,20218613,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines As always, I will be keeping you abreast of what's happening.
Rihanna Alledgedly Beaten By Boyfriend Chris Brown.
R&B star "Rihanna" was said to have been assaulted by her current love interest, Chris Brown. Here is what her father said about what happened.,,20259316,00.html I also hope that she will be more aware of signs of domestic abuse, and will help other women to be better prepared as to what to do to avoid, and deal with domestic violence. And here is what Chris Brown's father said.,,20259160,00.html I am appalled and shocked that his father thinks of it as being just an indiscretion. Domestic violence is a serious problem that doesn't just happen suddenly. It developes over time. There are warning signs that people should be aware of, before they potentionaly are mistreated by there significant others. Here is what Chris Brown himself has to say for himself.,,20259349,00.html Hopefuly he will be able to eventually overcome his personal/emotional issues, and become a better person as a result. But whether or not Rihanna would, or even should, take him back later, remains to be seen. I will be keeping you all updated as to any further developements in the case.
Islamist Militants Have Established Training Camps in the U.S.A.
While it may see unthinkable in our post 9-11-01 age of terror, an islamist hate group has set up bases of operation here in America. They first came here during the 80's, when they were regarded as being "holy warriors" against the "evil empire", of the Soviet Union, which was militarily occupying Afganistan at the time. Now however, this group, also known by it's arabic name of Al Fuqra, is openly hostile to America and it's democratic freedoms. Here is an even more information of there history in the U.S., and there terrorist activitys. I feel that the federal government must shut down this group. Unlike those like myself, who espouse non-violence, and abide by the non-aggression principle, these extremists openly threaten the security of the entire nation. This does not mean however that we law abiding private citizens should not prepare for our own personal self defense. I myself am trained in the rudimentary basics of Isshin Ryu Karate, and also believe in the right to bear arms, in self-defense. It's just that the muslim terrorists are not just trying to defend themselves, but are wanting to advance a fanatical theocratic agenda.
Monday, February 16, 2009
"Ashanti" Movie, and African Slavery
Just the other day, I saw this film, called "Ashanti It is about the arabs/muslims, and there participation in the slave trade. Foreign powers, both western christian as well as middle eastern muslim, have been enslaving africans for centuries. Notabley amongst the european slavers were the Dutch Calvinists. The calvinist Afrikaaners also dominated, and enslaved the indigenous peoples of South Africa. Here is the biblical references used to justify slavery. But arab muslims also took part in the slave trade. Here is what the Quran says about slavery. The christians had there cotton fields, and the muslims there oil fields. And both have at one time or another owned slaves. And believe it or not, slavery still exists today. All empires have been built upon the backs of slave labour. But yet I also feel that if the dominionists, and/or islamists, are able to gain power in the world, bondage will increase, and freedom will suffer as a result. This is because the clericalists place the power of there god over and above the rights of man. As for the artistic merit of the before mentioned film. I felt that it was disturbingly believable, and noteworthy, in it's attention to the modern slave trade in the continent of Africa. Except the one scene in which a captive witch doctor uses voodoo to kill a slaver. Unless the power of suggestion is all that strong, I do not believe that one could kill someone with a voodoo doll. But slavery is an ongoing problem in the world today, especially in regards to the continuing war in the Sudan.
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