Saturday, May 31, 2008

KraftMaid Lays Off Over 400 Workers Recently KraftMaid, a cabinet factory, laid off some workers. The down turn in the economy has caused a ripple affect, partially caused by the subprime lending crisis. A few things in this article stands out to me. 1. The workforce is non-union. Therefore they have no representation, or contract protection. 2. The company is laying off workers in order to stay "competitive". As you probally know, if you've been reading my blog, I advocate private co-operative enterprise. Instead of trying to one up rival firms, I believe that industry should work together for the common good of the people. But in the mean time, labor should be organised into unions, as to gain the most favorable results. I wish the displaced workers the best, as they make this difficult transition in there lives.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

When the Left was Right I myself seek an alliance with "principled conservatives". We have so much in common, in terms of our libertarian sense of voluntarism, and non-intervention.

German Medical Group Gives Award to Nazi Doctor,2144,3366676,00.html,2144,3366676,00.html This is an outrage. No one whom even clollaborated with the Nazi euthanasia program should he so honored.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Rodney Smith "Gypsy Preacher" To all detractors, who are of the opinion that Romany Travelers are untrustworthy and/or dishonourable, here was one Gypsy man at least who was a minister of the Gospel. His name was Rodney Smith. He was born in a camp at Epping Forest. His family sold baskets, tinware, and clothespegs, for a living. His home was a wagon. So from a young age he was used to traveling. Which served him well, in his later life as an evangelist. So as you can see, Romany come from all walks of life. From fortune tellers, to christian preachers. Only it seems that mainstream society values the contributions of itinerate evangelists over other traveling people.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Funamentalist Latter Day Saint Children Were Wrongfuly Removed From There Polygamous Families. case was reminescent of how the Yenish were seized by the Swiss, and also how the Amerindians were sent to the Carlisle Indian School. These actions were intended to forcibly assimilate minorities into the predominate society. What the government should do instead, is to help to improve the lives of outcast people, and assist them in reaching there fullest indivisual potential. Unless they are either convicted of a crime, and/or there welfare is being jeopardised, the state should permit them to live there lives as they please. Bourgeois prejudices must be overcome, if we are to ever become a tolerant and free society.

Songs with the Word Gypsy in Them

And here, just for fun, are songs with the word Gypsy in them. I am just so obsessed with Gypsies. I picture them as being fun loving, and free. Of course most of them are now at least semi-sedantary now. As it's more difficult to make a living practising the old arts and trades of a Gypsy. Still they have a very interesting and colorful history. Gypsies have inspired the dreams of many people. "Gypsy"- by Stevie Nicks "On the Road Again" "Love Potion Number Nine" "The Gypsy Cried" "Embraceable You", And probally the most best known songs about Gypsies. Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves". The Gypsies(Romany) even have there own flag. (see above) I think I'm done posting about Gypsies for awhile. I just happen to have a certain affinity for them, as I'm a scavenger of aluminum, and an amateur pennywhistler, who hopes to busk someday. I can only hope to be as good a Traveler as the Gypsies historicly were, and are. By and large Gypsies only wish to help you, and make you happy. Except for Gypsy moths, which I refered to in an earlier post. So show some appreciation.

The Challenge of Gypsy Moths These are one type of Gypsy you don't want camping out near your house. They are destructive to trees. They are also a pesky flying insect. There population must be strictly controled, lest they reak havoc upon our woodlands. For those whom wonder why I decided to capitalise the "Gypsy" in moth, I've received instructions from a supposed Romany organization, that I should capitalise Gypsy. So to be politicly correct I will. In this post at least. LOL So here is my negative commentary on moths whom are also Gypsies.

Friday, May 23, 2008

CIW Labor Union and Burger King Reach Agreement This is an update to a previous blog post. Burger King has finally settled with the farm workers. This is a positive developement, which would make Cesar Chavez proud. While I still promote the idea of agricultural co-operatives, this is a step in the right direction.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"Jesus Camp" just saw this, on the "Biography channel", of all places. My mother was down stairs at the begining of it. She said that it seemed like "devil worshipping witchcraft". My family is Holiness. So if she finds them to be creepy, you know it must be true. Of course I'm sure that the little girl "Rachel" would have thought that the church they attend, the Bible Methodist, is "dead". But then it hit me. My mother is right! They are engaged in spiritual incantations, and there god is a devil. Becky Fischer said that if Harry Potter were alive during Bible times, he'd be killed. This just goes to show me that these people are the "Deatheaters", and there lord is "Lord Voldemort". What struck me as profound however, was not just how wacky the "Jesus Camp" was, but how namby pamby all the rest of us are in comparison. The pentecostal dominionists act out, demonstrate, and propogandise, while we by and large do nothing. For example, when Rachel, and/or Levi were handing out tracts, everyone either accepted it gratefuly, or just blew them off. No one actually engaged them in conversation. No one ever told them that there god is a malevolent tyrant, or that dominionism is the enemy of democratic freedom. But you might say that they're just cute little kids. Well so were the "Hitler Youth". Would you all have the same response to the Gaede twins? These children are just repeating whatever they were told. They know no different. They need to know that there is another better way to think and live. If the roles were reversed, we might be homeschooling our children, in order to keep them out of the christianised public schools. And we might also be sending our children to "atheist camp". Becky Fischer also said that she hopes that this documentary shakes up the "extreme liberals" Well, I for one want to be extreme, instead of lilly livered.We should fight fire with fire, only more nicely. There also were some funny scenes as well. Not only did Rachel place an incantation over her bowling ball and it went into the gutter. But during the credits, while "Spirit in the Sky" was playing, she was witnessing to some black men, and afterwards said to Levi "I think they're muslim".

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Romani Face Difficulty in Europe Never has there been more antiziganism, since the time of the Third Reich. The gypsies should have the right to live there lives in freedom. They're not hurting anything. So they should just be left alone.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Teen Boot Camp Torture There needs to be due process, before juveniles are sent to disciplinary programs. Also the programs need to be accredited, and regulated.

Veterans Describe Attrocities Commited in Iraq Modern total warfare has cheapened the worth of human life, including the population of the country we were supposed to have liberated. It's all become about victory at any cost. But what does it profit us if we gain the world, yet in the process lose our national soul. This war has never been about freedom, but about power.

For Israel an Anniversity. For Palestinians a C The whole truth must be given about the perdictiment of the conflict between artabs and Jews. The Jews must not be allowed to get away with conducting themselves like the white supremacists, which they criticise. They must be held to account for there misdeeds, and not be regarded as sacred cows.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Zimbabwe Cracks Down on Anglican Churches I believe that all religious groups and people should have freedom of conscious and practise. As long as they are not threatening the peace and order of society. All law abiding indivisuals should have freedom. I very much hope that Zimbabwe will someday soon have democratic change.

Plan of Attack This book objectivly documents the events leading up to the Iraq War. It lists prominent officials reactions to the rational for war. It lets the reader draw there own conclusion about the correctness of the foreign policies which preceded the war. It includes inside information, about what went on behind the scenes.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Miley Cyrus Poses for Provacative Photo,miley042808.article,miley042808.article I feel that the photo is tastefuly done. It only shows her back, not her breasts. It shows no more skin than what you might find in a shower advertisement. I find it to be artistic, rather than erotic. Though some, like her pentecostal church, might consider it to be immodest.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Missouri May Require Proof of Citizenship Before Registering Voters. The people of Missouri will be voting on a ballot initiative, which if passed would require stingent proof of citizenship, before allowing people to register. I myself feel that anyone with a Social Security number and/or photo I.D. should be allowed to vote. These new requirements would risk disenfranchising potential voters, especially native-americans, whom look like latinos.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day Motherhood is a fulltime job. Let's give them the recognition, and respect they deserve. So to all mothers, and mother figures, cheers.

Sponge Bob Painted Onto Chimney Why are they wasting taxpayers money on removing this work of art. Now if it were something obscene and/or offensive I could understand. But a cartoon character? I'm not advocating vandalism, by the way. I just feel that it's better to just leave well enough alone. Everybody sing!

"Captain: Are you ready kidsKids: Aye Aye Captain.Captain: I can't hear
you.Kids: Aye Aye Captain!Captain: OHHHHHHH Who lives in a pineapple
under the sea?Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!Captain: Absorbant and yellow
and porous is he!Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!Captain: If nautical nonsense
be something you wish!Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!Captain: Then drop
on the deck and flop like a fish!Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants!Captain:
Ready?Captain and Kids: SpongeBob SquarePants, SpongeBob SquarePants, SpongeBob
SquarePants!Captain: SpongeBob SquarePaaaaannttss!!!Captain: HA HA HA HA !!!!"

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bush Administration Denigrates Our Constitution The President swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. But it seems like all he cares about is holding power over us, and keeping anyone else from trying to do the same. Well, many people fought and died so that we could have a free, representitive form of government. To them, and me, the U.S. Constitution is not just a piece of paper. It is the very foundation of the Republic.

Thr3e This psychological thriller unintentionaly demonstrates the insanity which can exist within Christianity. Christianity separates nature in different opposing componants. Light from darkness. The spirit from the flesh. G-d from Satan. Instead of recognising that they are all just two sides of the same coin. That the spirit and flesh are one. And that one persons god is another's devil. This dualism is especialy excessive amongst exclusive sects, which seclude there members from the real world. And instead replace it with an illusionary one. One notorious example of this was of Matthew Murray. Religious believers need to find a more well balanced view of the world, if they can ever hope to become well adjusted.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Toyota Autoworkers are being Exploited. Workers at Toyota are being treated bin a degrading, and inhumane way. If it were livestock being abused in this way, instead of labor, theowners would be prosecuted. Humanity should not be regarded as being like a commodity. Which is why I feel that there should be "worker self management"'_self-management

Cinco De Mayo Today is Cinco De Mayo, a time when chicanos/Mexicans celebrate victory over french imperialism. We should all recognise the brave sacrifices that were made to combat exploitation and domination by global capital.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Communal Community Threatened by Danish Government No regime should be allowed to shut down socialist societies based upon the voluntary consent of the residents. Chistiania is self governed by voluntary exchange, and association. It is no threat to the surrounding country.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

May Day Today is May Day. It is a day in which we socialists celebrate as Labour Day. We remember the sacrifices which our comrades have made to liberate, and improve the lives of workers. So in commemoration, here is a song.