Saturday, July 13, 2024

FMR. Pres. Trump Was Wounded in an Attempted Assassination

 I just recently heard of this attempt on Fmr. Pres. Trump's life , in Butler , Pennsylvania . < > Those who interpret the Book of Revelation to be literal might take this incident to have prophetic significance . < > As can be expected , the lily livered liberals , in the Democratic party are coming out to denounce this daring deed against a would be dictator , whom if elected would place me on a hitlist , I have no doubt . If only assassination could spare this nation any further bloodshed , as the result of a potential civil war . However , this rarely , if ever , happens in human history . Usually violence only begets further carnage . And that's if an attempted assassination even succeeds in the first place . I mean , for example , Hitler survived multiple attempted assassinations . Which only serves to reinforce the idea of the figure in question enjoying the favor of the protective hand of Providence . And if the mission were to have succeeded , folks would then be deeming the radical left Antifa militants to be dangerous enemies of the state , without people ever knowing of the atrocities of the Holocaust , and World War II , that arguably could have been prevented , if only someone had been able to preemptively take out such a terrible tyrant. No , had Hitler been killed , he would have been hailed as an anti-Communist martyr . And the Communists , who unlike the center-left liberals are about the only ones with the guts to turn to the use of bullets , rather than just using ballots , to accomplish objectives , as is deemed necessarily called for , would have been all the more so castigated , and persecuted , instead of popularly lauded for having the courageous determination to risk making the ultimate sacrifice in carrying out an assassination , in the service of the population of the nation . <  > 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Police Clamp Down on Protesters at Columbia University

 I have just read of the seemingly aggressive suppression of the heated demonstration against Israel's ferocious actions in Gaza . Sentiments have become heated on all sides , and everyone has self righteously proclaimed that they are on the side of God , and/or justice . I just feel that, more than demonstration , what is needed is good faith communication . People need to gain a larger fairer perspective on the situation in Israel/Palestine , and how it is impacting the lives of all of its inhabitants , Christian , Jewish , and Muslim alike . Personally , I think that Israel must rightly recognize the equal rights of its non-Jewish citizens , and residents , to that of the Jewish population in the land , and end the apartheid and genocide . As a number of Jewish thinkers have though out time expressed , such as for a few examples Martin Buber , Albert Einstein , and Hannah Arendt their must be justice for all , in the promised land , Arab , Jew , the Goyim , and Zerah Israel alike , regardless of background or belief . But in turn the Palestinian resistance among which are the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine , and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine , must commit to just conduct in their fighting back against the reactionary Zionist onslaught , in accordance with just war theory , not only for the sake of sound ethics , but also for the sake of good optics . And I believe that Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs , especially our comrades on the left , should join in solidarity with one another . I consider this group , Standing Together , to be a good example to follow going forward . Lastly , in addition to these articles on the events that had transpired at Columbia University , I shall leave you with these two music videos I like , pertaining to life in Israel/Palestine . < , , >