This program I recently watched mainly pertains to the J20 protesters at Trump's inauguration . I wanted to post it here , both to inform anyone whom may continue to follow my blog of the continuing state of affairs here in the U.S.A. under the tyranny of the Trump administration , as well as to show that I am still alive and active , and haven't yet been arrested by the police powers that be . I will still plan on periodically updating my blog if I find any information that I deem to be fundamentally of vital importance . However , as I posted recently before , I feel that now more than ever I must be prudently cautious in my political opposition as a dissident . And so I expect that my posting to this blog of mine will prove to be more so sporadic than in past decades . But I still do feel that now more than ever all Americans whom love both freedom and fairness must stay vigilant and keep informed . Therefore I shall be maintaining this blog as both a source of continued information , and a source of prior inspiration , from both the years of the presidencies of George W. Bush , and Barack Obama . As you all will notice from reading my blog from the beginning , my specific perspectives on certain issues and individuals have evolved through the years , yet my commitment to personal liberty , and social justice has remained the same .
I'm a libertarian of the left, politically speaking . More specifically , I currently identify the most with Murray Bookchin's Communalism. I'm asexual , in regards to sexual orientation. I'm a person, who has both Asperger's and Tourette's syndrome , and as such am a self advocate for neurodiversity . My main pre-occupation is political philosophy. I'm a political activist who opposes, theonomy /theocracy ,and neoconservatism, among other things.