Wednesday, January 2, 2013

People debate gun control measures, in the aftermath of shootings.

I've noticed that lately various people, from both sides of this issue, are concerning themselves with gun control, since the senseless, tragic, killings, by such persons as Adam Lamza, and James Holmes. I myself have mixed views, on this subject, as one might imagine. First off, here are some posts I'd made about it, on my Facebook page, which in the interests of annonomity, I've made private, in regards to this blog. 
"And now some words from Fm. Pres. James Madison, on the second amendment, and gun control. Also thses articles from "The Daily Beast" The framers of the Constitution were actually concerned about such incidents as the "Whiskey Rebellion" , and also "Shay's Rebellion" And so the Federalists crafted the Constitution, in order to strengthen the powers of government." "
I just recently read posts on Facebook, made by people who feel that school shootings such as what took place in Conn. , are a fairly recent developement, and even is a sign of moral decline. Well, as a student of History, just let me tell that they are wrong. Murders took place back in the "good old days" too. And even if the would be shooters were to hear that murder is ungodly, and/or unjust, as I'm sure they all had, at some point in their lives, human nature with it's base impulses would still remain the same. There is a good story which illustrates the existance of both yetzer ha ra (bad nature), and the yetzer ha tov (good nature) So that's my commentary on this tragedy, seeming as just about every other person on Facebook has already posted something on it. P.S. Sometimes, as I well know, from on-line aquaintance, someone might react violently in adverse response to religious upbringing, which he deems to have been oppressive So not all religions are positive. Some might actually be repressive, if not abusive, cults. But as long as persons have free will, and we all do, and there's no one who can completely suppress that, these sorts of things might continue to happen. For man has ill will at times, not just natural virtue. So we'll all just have to cope with it the best we can, and try to make the best of it."
  Now with that being said, I do respect the general right of the people collectively to bear arms, in defense of both life, and liberty. In regards to a perverbial future anarchic society, I like to imagine that the possession, and use of firearms will be confined to a citizen's militia. Sort of like what has been had in countries such as both present day Switzerland , and the former Czechoslavokia I am of the opinion that as long as the guns are all registered,  it's owners liscenced, and/or authorised to possess them, and are operated safely, and away from all residential areas, the right to bear arms should not cause any undue amount of violent crime. Now I know that on one end, there will be anarcho-pacifists who might contend that all weapons are invalid, and that we should all just take the high road by not using violence for any purpose. There are actually anarchist based intentional communities, such as most notably "Christiania" And on the other end, there will be anarchists whom feel that there should be a recognised indivisual right to bear arms, without any preconditions. As to the former, while I respect the right to particular communities to make their own standards concerning conduct, in accordance with self determination, I myself advocate the principle of non-aggression, rather than non-resistance. I feel that the lives of good natured persons should be considered to be of more value than of any aggressive adversary that might attack. And in regards to the latter, would you seriously want to afford the same right to bear all manner of weapon to such ilk as neofascists, islamists, and/or dominionists? Because I sure don't. I feel that the common good, and defense, of the people should take precedence over the permissive liberties of various persons. But of course, indivisual intentional communities may rightly set their own standards in dealing with the issue of weapons possession, and use.