Monday, June 20, 2011
NAACP Condemns Neal Boortz's Violent Comments. I just heard on the radio this evening that a number of people found what Neal Boortz said to have been racially charged. I myself feel that they are implicitive, but not explicitly indicitive, of refering to inner city blacks. Here is why. 1. He refers to them as being urban. Whom else would you expect to find in an urban setting? And since Atlanta is a city itself, the word urban is redundant. 2. The word thug is historicly associated with perpetrators whom were of a colored people. It is borrowed into English from the Hindi word "thuggee". Dark skinned people from southern India would prey upon the priviledged light skinned people from the north. I also feel that his calls for "thugs" to be shot dead in the streets is ambiguous in context. Did he just mean that they should be met with deadly armed force in the course of armed robberies on there part, or does he favor retaliatory attacks upon the villages where they live? I think that some people are afraid that someone might become motivated by this to engage in vigilante actions. Sort of like in the book, and film, "Death Wish". Incidently, I know that Mr. Boortz is ideologicly a neolibertarian. So unlike other libertarians, he might not necessarily oppose taking the initiative in combating criminal gangs. Other libertarians, including left-libertarians, oppose the idea of commiting aggression for any reason. Though we certainly do recognise the personal right to defend oneself with purportionate force. But to single out an entire segment of people infringes upon the concept of indivisual responsibility. A particular group of people should not therefore be held to be guilty by association. I hope that Neal Boortz will clarify his remarks, if he did not intend for it to be taken to mean what some are insinuating.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Americans in Canada Are Being Denied Citizenship, As One Son Has Both Asperger, and Tourette Syndrome. So much for me potentionally going into exile to Canada, if some repressive right-wing regime were to take power here in America. (eyeroll) I feel that those with disabilities do not pose an undue burden upon the healthcare system, as long as they can contribute by paying taxes. So just because one has a recognised disability, it shouldn't mean that one should not be permitted to immigrate. Also though I myself likewise have symptoms of both A.S. , and T.S. , I have never taken any prescription medication as a result. So this might not even be an issue in this case either. So to summarise, socialised medicine creates an economy of scale, in which all adult citizens pay into. And which all citizens mutually benefit from, including autists, and/or other neuro-diverse people.
Touretters Face Continued Job Discrimination Now just how then are those of us with Tourette Syndrome supposed to be able to support ourselves financially, if we're not guarenteed earned income? If we are not granted employment opportunities, then we'd have not choice but to go on disability. But it is difficult to win an SSI claim, and besides we shouldn't be expected to. At least the subject of the above article doesn't suffer from coprolalia, unlike the man in this case. I just feel that all people should have the right, and duty, to work for a living. Something which was recognised under the Soviet constitution no less. "ARTICLE 118. Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right to work, that is, are guaranteed the right to employment and payment for their work in accordance With its quantity and quality. The right to work is ensured by the socialist organization of the national economy, the steady growth of the productive forces of the Soviet society, the elimination of the possibility of economic crisises, and the abolition of unemployment." And furthermore I believe that indivisuals should not expect to have the right not to feel offended. Coprolaliacs work, live, and shop, all around you. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt". So though some might not like me stating so, I feel that any woman whom complains when touretters blurt out the word "b***h" , and/or a black person whom gives grief over hearing a touretter utter the word "n****r", is behaving like the epiphets in question. For those with coprolalia do not intend to speak inappropiately. When this particular symptom strikes it happens in a blink of an eye, and often there is not enough time to do anything about it. This song describes the experience well.
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