Monday, May 2, 2011

Some Simple Solutions to the Energy Crisis Here is a website which lists personal steps that can be taken to reduce the excess use of energy. Though the government should certainly take steps to promote the sustainable developement of renewable resources; much of what needs to be done depends upon the responsibility of private citizens. I've noticed how certain persons carelessly waste energy, such as by using ATVs just to take the trash to the end of there driveway for pick up. Such lazy wastefulness, besides contributing to global warming, also drives up the price of fuel, by increasing demand. So you should either walk, or use a bicycle, for transportation. You'll be healthier, and the air will be clearer. Personal sacrifices must be made for the common good, and so people need to stop being so spoiled, and learn to make due with less. Live more simply, so that others may simply live.

NATO Goes Beyond The Initial Scope of There Mission, in Libya. I feel that I can no longer stand in support of the western military action in Libya, as it has since gone beyond it's original purpose of securing the safety of the civilian population. The intentions of the NATO nations are clearly not motivated by altruism. Instead they seem hell bent upon extending there reach of power, and wealth. There needs to be a negotiated settlement of the conflict, one which respects the rights of the people of Libya, as well as guarantee the protection of the Gaddafi family.