Sunday, January 10, 2010

World Religions Contribute to Women's Oppression. In the above mentioned article, Nicholas Kristoff mentions how major religions can degrade, and abuse women. I would like to add that it is also children, which would also include teenagers, and even adults still living at home, that might also face patriarchal tyranny. There are instances in which fathers will brutally attack, and/or oppress there children, but not bother to harm there wives. Though usually women, as well as children, are in danger from overbearing men, who feel that they are divinely mandated to boss, and beat them. And about his observation about women clergy, in certain evangelical denominations. I feel that this does not make the doctrines any less potentially dangerous. In fact, in some cases, these women can function as a type of enemy within, undermining liberation. Plus, the men usually do not show any more deference, and/or reverence, towards female preachers, than they do towards laity. In fact, the domineering men may actually resent these religious leaders even more, for daring to rebuke them, when the need arises. Women in positions of authority must learn to back up there words with deeds, if they ever hope to withstand the onslaught of male chauvinist opposition. Lest they start something that progressive men, like myself, will have to finish. Possibly with brute force. But all would be oppressors must be made to realise that they shall not be allowed to prevail against the rights, and liberties, of the people. God or no God. All tyrants, both human, and divine, must be resisted.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Britanny Murphy Died.

Also a few days ago, while my internet connection was out, actress Brittany Murphy passed away. I remember her from"The Devil's Arithmetic". In which she played an adolescent Jewish girl, during the Holocaust, so convincingly that I actually thought that she was Jewish in real life. I also saw her star in the little known film, "Little Black Book". I received a DVD copy of this movie as a part of a prize package. I might otherwise never have seen it, since the description, and rating, on the back didn't make it seem all that great. But I was very glad that I did decide to watch it. Because it raised very good questions about the sensationalist media, and how it affects relationships, and also how due to both personal descisions, and circumstances, life has it's ups and downs. In both of these works, she gave very moving performances. I could really relate, and feel for the charectors she portrayed. My heart goes out to her husband, and family, over her untimely demise. She will surely be missed.

Nigerian Threatened to Blow Up Airplane.

If any of you were wondering why I hadn't commented sooner on this event, my internet service provider dropped my area from it's network. I just recently got high speed internet though, a few days ago, and I am loving it. Anyway, I feel that this case demonstrates well why we can not accurately profile potential terrorists. I mean just look at the guy. He isn't an Arab. He's an African. What people used to refer to as a Moor. And even if security were to single out all dark skinned people, Al Qaeda would then just simply utilise white caucasians in there operations. While certainly not as numberous in this country as there foreign origined, and African-American counterparts, there are white muslims. Not only do they derive from such countries as Albania, but some white westerners have actually converted to Islam, both mainstreme, and radical. Like Aukai Collins, John Walker Lindh, and even the musician formerly known as Cat Stevens. And the radical islamists only need a few people to reak havack upon us all. Also just as ethnic background can not be cited as a factor, neither can economic background. Just like Osama Bin Laden, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab's family is very wealthy. So it wasn't out of shear desparation that he decided to attempt a suicide attack. It was out of misplaced devotion to his God. And just as God is said to not be a respecter of persons, neither should we be. We must be ever watchful, and vigilant, against the enemies of our security, and our liberty. No matter there color, and/or class.