Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wolves Face Threats From Federal Government. I find the targeting of wolves to be a crime against the natural order. Wolves are a part of a healthy eco-system. There preying upon wild game helps to keep the animal population in balance. And I would even argue that they have an even greater natural right to hunt than humans even, as they actually need meat to survive. Now I know that wolves will likely still exist, under the current laws. For there are wolf sanctuaries. Plus, here in Ohio, the law defines a dog as any canine with at least partial domesticated anscestry. So an animal which is 99% wolf, under our state's law, is classified as a dog. I happen to have a dog who's part wolf to some degree, so this particularly matters to me. But wolves should also be permitted to roam free in there natural habitat. Wolves are living creatures, not some trophies for some cruel sport. Now this does not mean that people should not be recognised as having the right to defend both themselves and there livestock from predators. As much as I am fond of both canines, and felines, if a cougar, coyote, and/or other wild cats, and dogs, attack one's family, I believe that the right to self defense enables one to kill them. But people should not go out looking for monsters to destroy. Just as we can not kill every terrorist in the world, we also can not kill all potential animal threats as well. The best in both cases is to simply keep them from invading our homes, and homeland. For this is a part of upholding reverence for life, for animals, and humans alike.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Phillie Police Club Man Outside Resturant From what I've seen on Youtube of the beating, and read, this is a clear example of undue force. Now I'm not sure if the cops side of things is true or not; but to bludgen someone like that should not be used as a first line of defense. And also police, as peace officers, should be familiar with methods of subduing, such as jujitsu. To brutally beat down on Askia Sabur like that is just overkill in my estimation. Plus, what do you suppose would happen if some ones child were injured like that, by his or her parent, and the parent were to use the excuse that the child attacked him first? And just to make it really interesting, lets say that the child were Caucasian. Do you think that such an explanation would fly? I'd certainly like to think not. But it seems to me that this is what the oppressor replies with, whenever they are charged with brutality. They'll act as if it's the fault of the victim, rather than there own personal responsibility, no matter how outlandish it might actually seem, and be. I sure hope that justice will be done in this case. And I also wish for all of the people of Philidelphia, Pennsylvania, to be able to feel safe in there own neighborhood, including namely the African-American population. And I think that those who've been reading my commentary here will know that I support community policing , and civilian firearm ownership, as long as the persons are liscenced, and the guns are registered, anyway. Whites in the country are permitted to have guns for there protection. And they need them too, as there is usually only one town constable on duty in there small towns. And the state troopers are stationed too far away to be of any real good. I have lived in PA.; so I know of which I speak. So why shouldn't law abiding, and responsible, blacks also be afforded the same liberty to protect themselves, not only from criminals, but rogue police as well? None that I can see. In fact this I feel is the reason for the second amendment, which guarentees our right to bear arms. And we do not rightly need anyone elses permission to defend ourselves, under the law, with or without armed force. Lastly the state should remember that it is supposed to be the servant of the people, not it's master. The city is not the police department's personal plantation. In fact, it rightly belongs to the people who live there, and the government only exists by the consent of the governed.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Pentecostal Pastor Plans On Publicly Burning Qurans in Bon Fire While I'd rather he not use such an incendiary act; I recognise this man's inherent right to do this. It's not much different from people openly burning a flag; or from Marilyn Manson burning a Bible. But yet it is also as counterproductively futile as the bishops burning Tyndale's translation of the Bible. The money spent for books to burn will only go to print even more of them! But I am still glad to be living in a free country, where people may get away with blaspheming other's religion. Though I also remember with caution the words of Heinrich Heine, whom stated that where people burn books they will later burn people.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Right-Wing Prpogandists Defame Debunkers I just today received an e-mail from which was indirectly sent to me by someone whom I suspect is a dominionist. He obviously has his own agenda, which is to subject our country to his politicised religion. Yet he audaciticly charges that is not a reliable source of information; simply because it is run by a couple who supposedly both Jewish, and liberal Democrats. Well, this is a fallacious arguement called "Bulverism". Just because the Mikkelsons might wish to debunk defamatory rumours about Pres. Obama does not make them untrustworthy, just as long as they can demonstate there determination with information. I find this to be just one more case of how certain so called conservatives can be just as deceitful as Goebbels.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Opposition Rises Over Planned Islamic Community CEnter I wonder if we should then also bar any churches from building on sites where Amerindians were slaughtered by Christian invaders. I just recently read a book, titled "The True Story of Pocahontas". It details how the English transgressed, and attacked, the Powhattan. So I think that if the planned site is not built, neither should there be any churches in Jamestown, VA. I do understand the concerns of the protesters though. But do we really want to become like the People's Republic of China; where all religious bodies must register, and be approved by the Bureau For Religious Affairs? So though I both hope, and trust that it will be checked out by concerned citizens; I support there right to construct a MUslim meeting place.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Republican Candidate for Governor of Minnesota Has Ties With Homophobic Hate Rock Group. Best Buy, and Target, are in hot water after it was revealed that they made contributions to a candidate whom then gave money to an extremist supposedly Christian rock band Now Target recently apologised for this misguided action; but it just goes to show how extreme certain mainstream politicians have become. And if this were a black meatal band that had lyrics that encouraged the killing of Christians, and some Democratic candidate was discovered to have supported them, I wonder if this person would be able to get away with saying that they are simply exercising there freedom of speech. I think not. Already you have Marilyn Manson being blamed for various school shootings, rightly or not. I wonder therefore if alledged GLBT students were to be attacked after listening to the so called music of this band would the band get blamed for it's incendiary rhetoric? Oh yeah, dominionism is simply all about changing hearts; don't make me laugh. This is just further proof that radical Islamists and dominionists are kindred spirits.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tyranical Pastor Oppressively Beats Alledged Sexual Abuse Victim. Now this is particularly outrageously oppressive. And it also illustrates the lack of due process concerning corporal punishment. It's all at the discretion of the clerical/parental authority. I think that probally Singapore has more propper procedere in administering canings than this so called church group does. And Singapore is an authoritarian, right-wing, predominantly Muslim, country. I feel that youth that are suffering under such an abusive situation should rebel. If there is ever a right to revolt; this is the time for it. Minors, and/or other people under the yoke of such religious based oppression should fight back with all due force. Trust me when I tell you this; these unjust authority figures are essentially a bunch of bullies. All it takes is for a determined group of people to stand up to them, and resist them, in order for them to back off.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Woman Attacks Her Autistic Children With Deadly Force. This is yet another instance of intolerance of neuro-diversity. Certain ignorant people tend to think of autists as being less than human; because a number of us seem to them to be in our own world. Now I have charecteristics of Asperger syndrome; so I'm what's known as high functioning. Therefore it's not as apparant that I'm even on the autistic spectrum. I'm not really what one thinks of when they think of autism. But I feel that all indivisuals should have the right to live, and be treated with dignity, no matter there level of functioning. We all have something unique to offer the world, if given the chance. Now these two young children will never get the chance to live, love, and pursue happiness; all because of there mother's shallow selfishness. She felt that she should have the power of life and death over them; and that her life was more important than there's.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Neo-Nazi Takes Matters Into His Own Hands. This sort of thing is what can happen; when the rule of law breaks down, and armed mobs of people take charge. Ethnic paramilitary forces clash, in the abscence of a central authority. And here people say that anarchism would bring chaos. I feel that until anarchy does come into being, and autonomous communities are set up, there should be an armed federal force enabled, and authorised, to combat criminal gangs. The military is already being used to suppress the activities of insurgents abroad. So why not utilise them to restore order at home as well? The only reason is the "Posse Commitatis" act; which was enacted after the Civil War in order to end the military occupation of the south. But predictabley enough, in the abscence of the federal blue coats, groups like the Ku Klux Klan gained a stronghold. But certain other countries have gendarmes; and I feel that the U.S.A. should seriously consider having them as well.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Dominionists React Against Planned Islamic Community Center. So much for religious tolerance, and freedom. And I think that we all could imagine how they'd react if we were to be suspicious of any of there churches. They'd claim that it would be another example of supposed liberal intolerance. Well, I am fed up with the hypocrisy of the Christian Reconstructionist right. They complain about not allowed to disturb bystanders of an Arab festival, by passing out literature; but then try to interfere with the construction of a place of worship, and fellowship. So I am of the opinion that we on the left should not even care if we are viewed as being bigotted. We stand for justice, and democracy; and should therefore be intolerant of the enemies of freedom.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Pres. Obama Offends Jonas Brothers. Now can you imagine what would happen if the racial roles were reversed? If it were a white President talking about a black male singing group? Might the President have something against interracial relationships? If so I'd find it to be ironic, as he himself is the product of such a union. From what I've heard about them, the Jonas Brothers are good, Christian, guys. So I do not think that they'd try to take advantage of the Obama girls. See, that's the biggest problem with the President's remarks. He did not specify what he meant about ideas. Did he mean not to get any ideas about seducing his daughters? Probally. Did he mean not to get any ideas about dating his daughters? Possibly. We just can not know what exactly he was getting at, by his remarks. Either way, I feel that it was embarrassing for them to have to hear the President refer to them in this manner.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Grand Valley Elementary Teacher Unconstitutionaly Searches Second Grader
I found out today that my foster brother/first cousin, Joey, got written up over an incident involving a trading card. A first grader gave him a Yu Gi Oh Machina Force card. So Joe put it in his pocket, for the time being. Well somehow, his teacher got wind that he had something in his pocket, and asked him about it. He replied that he had nothing in his pocket. So in addition to getting into trouble for possession of illicit contraband, as trading cards have reportedly been banned on school grounds, following some knife attacks over Pokemon cards, he was also cited for lying about it. I have two points to make about this. 1. This in my estimation constituted an illegal search, under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. So unless she had permission from the principle to look for specific items, like a weapon, or drugs, she had no business looking at what he had in his pocket, as it was a paper which was on his person at the time. 2. By the same rational, since people fight over money, and it is said that the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil, all currency should be unlawful to exchange as well. Then we'd all be living in an anarcho-communist society. So why is it that adults don't appear to think that the same rules which apply to minors, should also apply to them, and vice versa? School children should not have to give up there civil rights upon entering the schoolhouse doors. And members of the student body should not be faulted for victimless offenses, in accordance with the "harm principle".
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Arizona Plans on Checking Up On Suspected Undocumented Aliens. Whatever happened to presumption of innocence? As a "halfbreed" myself, I am especially alarmed by this proposed legislation. As I've mentioned before, in another blog post, the more native you look, the more likely it is that others will think you look foreign. But those of us of Amerindian descent were here first. It's the white Europeans who were the immigrants. I'm actually somewhat glad that my paternal grandmother isn't here to have to put up with the hassle of having to show ID. And if I were any darker complected, I'd probally really have to show proof of citizenship, beings that I am still a young adult. It's like in Nazi Germany, in my opinion.
Harold Estes Calls Pres. Obama UnAmerican.
I was just recently forwarded this as an e-mail. Here is my reply back. To begin with, let's look at what another U.S. President has said. President Adams signed this peace treaty with the Barbary States. See how shocking it would seem today. Especially this part. " Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen (Muslims) ; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Muslim) nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries". Also I've communicated with folks on the old right ,many of whom also professed Christianity. They've told me that they feel that America has been going down the wrong path, and that we as a country should avoid entangling alliances, as Thomas Jefferson mentioned in his first inaugural address, and also that we should not go out looking for monsters to destroy, as John Quincy Adams said . So I am glad to stand with these "unAmerican" Presidents in advocating a foreign policy of non-interventionism, as well as a secular state
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Kitty Werthmann Distorts History, and Threatens the Obama Administration. This is yet another example of someone who purports to have experienced life under Fascism, yet makes glaring historical errors. Here was a prior example. Anyone who knows about World War II history like I do knows that this account is false. Here was what I posted in reply, when my sister forwarded this to me.
Well for one thing we do not have a parliment, like the Reichstag in Germany. If
we had, Nancy Pelosi might be our Prime Minister right now. Now wouldn't
just scare you. As for the allegations, and comparisons mentioned
you E-mail.
Historicly- 1. Hitler was never popularly elected. See in
european countries,
they have a thing called a coalition. Which means
at least two parties
share power, in order to form a majority
together. The President
before Adolf Hitler was Paul von
Hindenburg. He appointed
as chancellor, which is sort of like vice-president. After
in office, the following year, Hitler became president,
and then delared
himself to be the Fuhrer (leader) or Germany. Hindenburg
was a member of the
National People's Party. And
Hitler was, as you should already know, a member of the National Socialist
Party. So as you can see, if you even bothered to read the links I posted (I
just hate it when people do not even bother to read my links), Hindenburg's
party formed a partnership with Hitler's party, and Hindenburg's party's
opponants formed a coalition arround the candidacy of Wilhelm Marx, who as far as
I know
was not related to Karl Marx. So there is no direct parallel between this
Presidential election, and the one in Weimar Germany, since Hitler was never
directly elected to the office, and instead succeded to it. It would be like
John McCain were to die, and Sarah Palin were to then become President.
i'm sure you'd like. (Palin becoming President I mean, not McCain
dying) Except
that Sarah Palin and John McCain are of the same party. 2.
Hitler did not use
the term "zionist" to refer to the Jews. The zionists
were those who wanted for
the Jews to settle in the land of Palestine.
Initialy the Nazis also just wanted
for the Jews to be expatriated to
Palestine. Adolf Eichmann was placed in charge
of this this effort. Which
incidently is like how you have said you'd want for
all liberal/leftists to
have to leave America. 3. Do you really think that
any President, no
matter how vain, would ever have school children sing praises
to him?
However some people feel that the requirement of the Pledge of
Allegiance is
like this.
I myself do not entirely agree with all of the information contained in the
before mentioned link. But the similarities are shocking.
Politicly- 1. Every country in the world, besides us, has some form of
health care. And none of them have ever forcibly euthanised people.
And besides
Obama's health plan involves a public-private partnership,
between the insurance
companies, and the welfare state. It is not therefore
socialised medicine, like
they have up in Canada, "the true north, strong
and free". 2. Funny you should
mention nationalisation of industry. Actually
Hitler, like all other fascists,
did not exactly take over the entire
economy. Both the dictionary, and
encyclopedia, descride Fascism as
government control, but not ownership, of
private industry. Currently
however the federal government is going to own stock
in the banks.
This has happened under the Bush administration 3. Regarding abortion,
Obama has never sanctioned the destruction of infants, and/or viable
with disabilities. Believe me, if he had, I could not in good
conscious vote for
him. Especialy since I myself am neuro-diverse. I would
be very upset to hear of
foetuses geneticly identified as abnormal being
destroyed. And if we ever were
to become like Nazi Germany, in it's eugenics
policies, not only would I have to
fear, but you would as well. For not only
might I be forcibly sterilised, so
would you. Since they wouldn't want to
chance you possibly giving birth to
someone with a condition like Tourette's
Syndrome, and/or autism. If you are
pro-life, and therefore believe that
life begins at the very least by
conception, you will be disappointed in
John McCain as well however. I heard him
say in the final debate, that as a
federalist, he would allow the states to
decide whether or not to allow
abortion. So Sen. Mccain feels that it is a
states rights issue, instead of
a human rights issue. We'd then have We'd then
have both "life states" and
"choice states". Just as we once had "free states"
and "slave states". 4.
Religious leaders may give positions on issues. They just
may not officialy
endorse candidates and/or parties, and keep there tax exempt
status. 5. Here
was what Barack Obama said after the backlash in response to his
comments. . Now here was what Mrs. Werthmann posted. First of all, the plebiscite to approve of the annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany was held after the Germans had already invaded. And I suspect that the results were rigged, as it was reported to have been 99.73 percent in favor. Secondly of all, even before Hitler's third reich took over Austria was a Fascist country. The only real difference between Austria's Fascism and Germany's was that Austria claimed that there policies were based upon Catholic social teachings, while the National Socialists were secular. The real danger is that a christofascist regime will come to power, like it did in Austria, shortly before Hitler took it over. And ultra-rightists like Werthmann will contribute to this happening. So we must all watch out for the rise of clerical fascist forces, who would destroy the vestiges of democracy in America. The real prime enemy are Christianazis, not progressives.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Christian Terrorists Were Arrested by F.B.I. Here is further proof that dominionists can be just as fanaticly extreme as there Islamist counterparts. This was what Rosie O'Donnel meant, when to made mention of radical Christians being a dangerous as radical Muslims. This is the extremist violence that can result from postmillenialist, Christian Reconstructionist, teachings. But while many, if not most of the Christian right are content to try and take power through ballots, some groups, like these prefer to resort to bullets.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Society is Broken, comments about a piece by David Brooks.
I must first state that I am pleasantly surprised to read such a favourable assessment of current social conditions. While Mr. Blond might not know it, his prescription is exactly what libertarian socialism is all about. Which is mutual aid, and workers having a share of the market, and profits, at the there places of employment. Specificly this refers to mutualism. There are other forms of libertarian socialism that do not feature a market economy. Like for example anarcho-communism, which has a gift economy, in which goods and services are distributed free of charge. I tend to view myself as being a philosophical anarchist without adjectives . So I do not personally favour any one socio-economic system over another. But if a presumabley red Tory, like Phillip Blond starts espousing left-libertarian views, perhaps we should somewhat reassess our political allegiances, and support at least some self proclaimed conservatives.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Pennsylvanian Islamic Convert Accused of Part in Murder Plot. As you've might of heard about, a white caucasian convert to Islam was implicated in a conspiracy to assassinate a Swedish cartoonist, whom had drawn a picture of Muhammed riding atop a dog. Dogs are widely regarded as being unclean animals by Muslim fundamentalists. I feel that this serves to illustrate that some of the most fervent of religious extremists are converts, as they might not know any differently about the tenets of there faith, and they also may feel that they have something to prove. Now does she look like what you might expect a militant radical Islamist to look like? I consider this to be just another case of an impressionable American being fanaticised by her religious influences.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Christians Call For War Over Abortion.
First of all I'll say this. No baby, no murder. I've seen pictures of zygotes, and I do not view them as constituting indivisual human life. Speaking of wars in the Bible, here are passages in which God supposedly authorises the killing of babies. And these are just two examples. During modern day warfare. children, as well as other civillians, are killed as a part of collateral damage. Which is why I'm so opposed to wars like the one that's currently been occuring in Iraq. Note that these pictures are not for the faint of heart. But if you have the stomach for it, look and you'll see what I mean. Arguabley, abortion only destroys potential life, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Wars of aggression destroy actual life. Which is why those who are sincerly pro-life should vote against pro-war candidates, not just pro-choice ones. This part of her blog post really troubles me. "Abortion is not just against Americans, but Christians, and God Himself. It is a war that every pro-choice person is declaring, and fighting, against Americans, Christians, and God." If you were to replace the word Christian with the word Aryan, you'd have neonazi propoganda. If I didn't know the author of this piece personally, she's my sister, I'd suspect that she's an adherent of Christian Identity. Plus to have a war there must be more than one side. Should we really be surprised when certain Christians are killed, when they use such incindiary rheteric? If you were to accept the "Bush Doctrine', which I don't by the way, such killings might be deemed justified. Lastly, here is a link that addresses what the Bible, plus Christian and Jewish religious leaders, say about abortion. P.S. Rain is also a blessing from God. But when you receive an abundant amount of it, you should put on some rubbers.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
World Religions Contribute to Women's Oppression. In the above mentioned article, Nicholas Kristoff mentions how major religions can degrade, and abuse women. I would like to add that it is also children, which would also include teenagers, and even adults still living at home, that might also face patriarchal tyranny. There are instances in which fathers will brutally attack, and/or oppress there children, but not bother to harm there wives. Though usually women, as well as children, are in danger from overbearing men, who feel that they are divinely mandated to boss, and beat them. And about his observation about women clergy, in certain evangelical denominations. I feel that this does not make the doctrines any less potentially dangerous. In fact, in some cases, these women can function as a type of enemy within, undermining liberation. Plus, the men usually do not show any more deference, and/or reverence, towards female preachers, than they do towards laity. In fact, the domineering men may actually resent these religious leaders even more, for daring to rebuke them, when the need arises. Women in positions of authority must learn to back up there words with deeds, if they ever hope to withstand the onslaught of male chauvinist opposition. Lest they start something that progressive men, like myself, will have to finish. Possibly with brute force. But all would be oppressors must be made to realise that they shall not be allowed to prevail against the rights, and liberties, of the people. God or no God. All tyrants, both human, and divine, must be resisted.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Britanny Murphy Died.
Also a few days ago, while my internet connection was out, actress Brittany Murphy passed away. I remember her from"The Devil's Arithmetic". In which she played an adolescent Jewish girl, during the Holocaust, so convincingly that I actually thought that she was Jewish in real life. I also saw her star in the little known film, "Little Black Book". I received a DVD copy of this movie as a part of a prize package. I might otherwise never have seen it, since the description, and rating, on the back didn't make it seem all that great. But I was very glad that I did decide to watch it. Because it raised very good questions about the sensationalist media, and how it affects relationships, and also how due to both personal descisions, and circumstances, life has it's ups and downs. In both of these works, she gave very moving performances. I could really relate, and feel for the charectors she portrayed. My heart goes out to her husband, and family, over her untimely demise. She will surely be missed.
Nigerian Threatened to Blow Up Airplane.
If any of you were wondering why I hadn't commented sooner on this event, my internet service provider dropped my area from it's network. I just recently got high speed internet though, a few days ago, and I am loving it. Anyway, I feel that this case demonstrates well why we can not accurately profile potential terrorists. I mean just look at the guy. He isn't an Arab. He's an African. What people used to refer to as a Moor. And even if security were to single out all dark skinned people, Al Qaeda would then just simply utilise white caucasians in there operations. While certainly not as numberous in this country as there foreign origined, and African-American counterparts, there are white muslims. Not only do they derive from such countries as Albania, but some white westerners have actually converted to Islam, both mainstreme, and radical. Like Aukai Collins, John Walker Lindh, and even the musician formerly known as Cat Stevens. And the radical islamists only need a few people to reak havack upon us all. Also just as ethnic background can not be cited as a factor, neither can economic background. Just like Osama Bin Laden, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab's family is very wealthy. So it wasn't out of shear desparation that he decided to attempt a suicide attack. It was out of misplaced devotion to his God. And just as God is said to not be a respecter of persons, neither should we be. We must be ever watchful, and vigilant, against the enemies of our security, and our liberty. No matter there color, and/or class.
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