Sunday, December 20, 2009

Navy Commander Refers to Himself As a "Christian Warrior". Can you imagine the uproar that would most certainly ensure if someone in the U.S. military were to refer to himself as being an Islamic warrior, or a white aryan warrior? The men and women in our armed forces are supposed to be defending America, and it's constitution, not any particular religion, and/or race. They are also not supposed to be trying to advance there beliefs through warfare. As even the Bible states,
10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;).
Whenever a soldier goes off to war, he's to do so in the name of the United States, not in the name of any God. Those whom we have entrusted with securing our land, and it's freedoms, should not have divided loyalties.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Uganda Prohibits Homosexual Conduct, Under Guidance of American Missionaries. Now not only are some African Christians targeting alledged witches, they are now starting to persecute gays, and lesbians, as well. It's bad enough with predominately Islamic countries in the northern part of Africa repressing human rights, in the name of religion. But now evangelical missionaries, from my own country of America, are encouraging southern Africans to oppress people as well. I feel that foreign governments should not give Repressive Tolerance to such totalitarian sects. They should instead bar them from entering the sovereign borders of there nations, and undermining democratic principles. And people in the free world should keep in mind that this is what we too might become, if the religious reactionary Right were to gain control of our nations. Governments should be governed according to the will of the people, not according to the supposed will of God. Indivisuals have an inherant inalienable right to exercise free will. As long as it does not infringe upon other's rights, and wellbeing, one should be allowed to do as one pleases, according to one's own conscience. To live, and let live. Religions which deny this basic truth must not be permitted to propogate there beliefs, in the interest of a Free society .

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Why I Feel Fossil Fuels Should be Rationed.

I am just fed up with neighbors of mine using ATVs for routine travel, even for taking out the trash. Not only is this bad for physical fitness, it also contributes to global warming, and high gas prices. Petrol, unlike ethanol, is a finite natural resource, which must be conserved. I was born in Oil City, Pennsylvania, home of the first oil well in the U.S.A. It used to be a boom town, until the oil field ran dry. Then the boom went bust. We should not be drilling like there's no tommorow. The production of gasoline,needs to be carefully planned, in order to conserve essential oil reserves. Which is why I feel that there needs to be a rationing of all fossil fuels. Especially since we're still at war. During World War II, there was rationing. And I think that there should be ration cards issued again. Humvees need fuel more than SUVs, and/or ATVs. And citizens used to be willing to sacrifice for this country, and especially for those who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. If they are willing to give up blood, we on the homefront should be willing to reduce oil consumption.