Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sarah Palin Raises Scare About Healthcare.,8599,1915381,00.html This is totaly outrageous what she alledges! There is no valid basis for her fears at all. First of all almost every nation in the world has public healthcare. And in none of them have those with disabilties been put to death. Not even in the U.S.S.R. did this happen. If this had been happening, Helen Keller wouldn't have become a marxist, and support the Bolshevik government. In fact the only country that I know of which outright destroyed mentally challenged indivisuals was Third Reich Germany. But when the United Kingdom, under there socialistic Labour party government set up government run health service, following World War II, there was no involuntary euthanasia. Now I personally might not entirely agree with every part of the proposed legislation. What I do promote are private healthcare co-operatives, and free/community clinics, which might also possibly receive government grants in order to help meet operating expenses. But to embellish concerns, especialy those which shamefacedly involve her infant son Trig, is appalling. She should know that it is a sin to bear false witness against others.

Why Can't Fundamentalists Simply Have Fun?

A few days ago, I attended a party, which I was invited to by a woman my sister and I know, named Valerie. Both she and my sister are Holiness christians. However, what Valerie neglected to tell me, in her invintation, was that she had invited a pastor from another church to come and speak. Now besides being put off by her deception by omission, I was also offended since I happen to be a deist. I think that she even knew this when she sent me the invite, through Facebook, and that this might have been why she arraigned it in the first place. Luckily for me, I was able to sneak away unnoticed, while they were assembled. Yet that was still time which I was cheated out of. I had expected to be attending a friendly gathering, not Vacation Bible School. Also before we were to start the three legged race, some wise guy asked if Valerie was trying to encourage homosexuality, with us being tied so close together. What homophobia many of these Holiness people have! Please, can't christians just have a good time without it turning into an evangelistic outreach? I've noticed that about anything you can imagine doing they attempt to christianise. Like for example, Valerie and her family are members of "Cowboys for Christ", there is also "Fellowship of Christian Athletes", and even christan clowning. Now just what exactly does any of these interests have to do with Christianity? Like I should know who amongst you are christian, just as you all know that I'm a deist. If I want to know anything about your religious beliefs, I will ask. In fact I once had friends who were Catholic. And I questioned them about what they believe until they probaly grew tired of it. And if I were to visit any friends who are muslim, would I have to expect to be exposed to there "salat"(prayer), and/or "dawah"(witnessing)? Or what about wiccan friends? Would I possibly encounter them casting spells? I feel that people should respect other people's sensitivities, and not subject them to religious activities. Especially against there will, and knowledge.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Special Needs Students Are Being Beaten in State Schools. As some people, especially in countries which have officialy banned corporal punishment, might not know, children in certain states in the U.S.A. are still subject to physical beatings, like with paddles, for various disciplinary infractions. Paddles, in case any of my readers might not know, are actually more like squared off wooden broad swords. Children are smacked with the flat side of it. From what I've read, this implement was originaly used on black slaves, because the masters wished to inflict the most pain possible, without needlessly shedding blood. In predominately muslim countries, women are still permitted to be hit by there husbands. And most notabley, in Singapore, convicted criminals may be caned. Yet in a supposedly free country, like America, which prides itself in being civilised, children are still permitted to be hurt by adults whom are in posistions of power over them, like parents or teachers. In my personal opinion, this is largely due to the fact that we are still largely a conservative christian country. And so just as Islamic countries condone domestic violence against wives who displease there husbands, we still enable people to assault minors. Now I know that not all muslims, and christians, choose to use brute force to correct the misbehaviour of there household subjects. But as long as public policy is influenced by religious statutes, I fear that people will be subject to abuses such as this. So therefore I feel that nations need to be governed by natural law, instead of by divine right. All indivisuals, of all ages and sexes, should be allowed to have freedom from fear, and feel secure in there person. Even behind the "Bible curtain", of the American South.