Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chuck Norris Calls For Right-Wing Revolution. For those out there who doubt that radical Christianity is as dangerous as radical Islam, take a look at this. Chuck Norris is strongly hinting that the christian Right should consider rebeling against the federal government, in order to set up there own theonomy in Texas. My one cousin, Adam, claims that christian reconstructionists like himself aren't violent, and use persuasion, rather than coercion, to attain power. Well, this obviously is not always the case, historicly, or politicly. Of course, no serious activist will overtly call for violent action, in order to advance a cause. But that doesn't mean that there aren't fanatics who support the ideology. And whether or not they come to power through ballots or bullets, it will still result in the death of our personal freedom, under the natural law. So we must all be ready to face off against the reactionary religious Right. Preferably by voting, but if necessary by fighting. And I'm prepared to take Chuck Norris on. I've received good basic training in Isshin Ryu Karate. So I feel that if I were to have to, I could hold my own against him. If he thinks that the Left are wimps, he has another thing coming.

Somali Sufis Fight Back. In a way, I am certainly glad that there are mujahedin to fight the lesser jihad, against extremists. However, from what I've read, this group still favours an islamism of a more moderate variety than that promoted by the political Wahhabists. It would be like favoring paleoconservative constitutionalists against christian theonomists. So while I support there struggle against religious terrorism, and even Sufism over Wahhabism, I would rather Somalia be a pluralistic democracy, rather than an Islamic theonomy.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Couageous Boy With Cancer Defies Judicial Tyranny, to Avoid Chemo. As you all might have heard, Daniel Hauser has escaped with his mother, in order to avoid his being forcibly administered chemo therapy, and radiation. The intrusive judiciary had violated young Mr. Hauser's right to personal autonomy, and his parents power of custodial authority. Daniel Hauser rightfuly has ownership of himself, under the guardianship of his parents. The descision as to how to best handle his cancerous condition should rest with them alone, not the state.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thirteen Year Old School Girl is Strip Searched. This is an outrageous violation of this young lady's right to privacy, as well as bodily integrity. What if officials were to suspect that drug mules are smuggling contraband narcotics in there vaginal cavity? Would you feel comfortable allowing your daughters to be searched for illegal drugs down there? And this wasn't even a search for banned substances. This was a search for Ibuprofin, which incidently was not found on her person. Some vengeful enemy probally told on her, out of spite, just to humiliate her. This action, perpetrated by state school officials, was a gross overreaction. Even minors should have civil rights.

Police Foil Plot to Bomb Synagogues, and Attack Air Base. One thing that is first apparant to me is that none of these perpetrators are Arab. Most, if not all, are black. One is a Haitian. Haiti is not a predominately muslim country. So as you should all be able to see, we can not accurately profile potential terrorists based upon ethnic background. Since most muslims in this country are actually black, most of whom converted to Islam. And many Arabs, and Persians, are christians who've come here to escape persecution. A problem with some of the converts to Islam is that they are being indoctrinated by extremist preachers. These new believers do not know any better, and on top of that are eager to prove themselves as dedicated muslims. They are therefore ideal candidates for terrorism. And also many prison inmates are readily converting to Islam as well. Since these men already have a record of violent crime, they might think nothing of commiting more violence, in the name of there new found faith. The American people need to realise that many born muslims are good natured, and that some converts might become misguided in there religious zeal. One notable example of what I'm talking about is Aukai Collins Though, as far as I know, he did not commit atrocities, he was recruited to jihad, after being converted while in prison. Oh, and incidently he's white too. Just like John Walker Lindh So in conclusion, islamists can come in all colours, from different backgrounds. And we need to encourage people, muslims in particular, to speak out against militant extremism, and inform the propper authorities about any possible terrorist plots.

Madonna Plans on Adopting Another Child. Pop star Madonna is yet again seeking to adopt a child from Malawi, this time a girl. I feel that this is part of an alarming trend of putting material extravagance above the good of the family unit. The material girl, Madonna, seems to think that she is better suited to have children than the natural born family. In my personal opinion, this is no better than those who prey upon orangutans, in order to sell there young as pets. It seems to me that foreign adoptions are desired for the exotic nature of it. People want to possess a child who is from some remote country, because it seems fashionably chic. Well I say that there are plenty of actual orphans, in domestic lands, whom need to be placed with suitable homes. There are children of all ethnicities too. So why should people be scouring the globe in search of black children, when there are hundreds of identical children in our own country desparately in need of a family? Of course, one should not adopt based upon race. Children are indivisual human beings, not novelty items, and/or fashion accessories. And this topic hits home for me personaly. You see, my foster brother/cousin was given up to be adopted, by my one half-uncle and his wife, to there friends. We were not informed about this arrangement. We did not find out about what was going on until we received a call asking for us to take him off of there hands, because he was becoming too much for them to handle. Joey, my birth cousin, has Reactive Attachment Disorder. This condition is common amongst children who grew up in inadequate social conditions. So after finding that he was more than they bargained for, they eventually decided to do the right thing, and return him to his rightful family. In fact there lawyer said that if he had known that Joey had extended family still living, he wouldn't have even processed the adoption. I for one am pleased that our family has now been reunited, in spite of the difficulties. But one thing that we have in this country, which they probally don't have much if any of in Malawi, is a social safety net. Families here in America are able to receive food stamps, and/or other public assistance. These social welfare programs help poor families to stay together, instead of being broken up, and sold off. Now of course as a libertarian, albeit one of the Left, I would perfer if we all were able to depend upon mutual aid, rather than having to rely on the welfare state Eventhough, as a matter of fact, churches have also helped our family before, when we were in need. Especially the Roman Catholic church. Catholics in particular, value families, and try to do whatever possible to keep families together, and help those in need. As I understand it though, they also receive grants from the government, so they're not entirely a private charity.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Christian Zionism is Un-Scriptural. Now usually I do not post topics dealing with matters of religion, as I do not wish to mix religion and politics together. I only times I've ever dealt with religions, on my blog, is when it pertains to clericalism. However this article gives a detailed description of just what is wrong with zionism, from a christian standpoint. Christian Zionism is oftentimes connected with the christian right. These neoconservatives collaberate with Likudniks, in support of right-wing Israeli policies. I feel that America should end it's one sided support of Israel, and should instead impartialy deal with conditions in the region. Both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs alike should be allowed to have a secure existance in there homeland.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Miss California Faces Controversy Over Revealing Photo. Miss California, Carrie Prejean, who aroused controversy over her stated opposition to same sex marriage, has aroused something of a different sort, if you'll pardon my pun. It turns out that, when she was seventeen, she modeled semi-nude. Now, unlike with the Miley Cyrus story, I will only post a link to the photo, rather than posting the photo directly to my blog, lest any of my readership take offense. I will say though that only in a country like America would this sort of thing even be shocking at all. In parts of Europe, it is not at all uncommon for people, women included, to go topless on the beach. So this sort of picture is no more risque than what you might find on "Pravda Online", from which I sometimes post stories from. But regardless as to whether or not you find this sort of thing to be inappropiate, it certainly isn't dressing as becometh the Lord. This revelation should tarnish her personal testimony, and reputation.