Saturday, November 29, 2008
People Clash Over School's Re-enactment of Thanksgiving Feast.,0,1458033.story Many Americans do not know about the whole story, surrounding the Pilgrims, and the Amerindians. Here are a couple links for reference. So as we can all clearly see, the first Thanksgiving was a celebration of the destruction of the indigenous pagan population. This was one of the first instances of genocide, and or murder, by the early day dominionists. And yet many christians are not aware of there church's bloody past, and continue to view themselves as being the victims in History. Well, they have not always been innocent. They have been just as unjust as there islamist counterparts, whenever they have attempted to blend there religion with the nation. Church and state does not mix together, anymore than manure and ice cream. We must remember the past attrocities, as not to potentionaly have them be repeated. P.S. Note that also, as I have documented in my blog before, christians have faced persecution, both then and now. It's just that they also, in my opinion, tend to have a martyr's complex. Which causes them to hold a paranoid fear that the "World" is out to get them. But I think that most people, in the U.S.A. at least, only want to live in peace with christians, just as long as they return the favor. The problem is not that they have religious freedom, but that they have held religious power over others. Power which rightfuly belongs to God, not any man.
Islamist Terrorist Group Holds Jewish Centre Hostage. A few days ago an islamist group attacked buildings in Mumbai. India was lately been the sight of violent attacks upon rival religious groups. Earlier I had blogged about Hindu attacks upon christians. Now it appears that, for whatever reason, certain muslims have chosen to target Hasidimic Jews. Ironicly both the hindutvatists and the islamists have much in common, in so much as they both seek a religiously dominated society. All religious groups should be able to enjoy both freedom of religion, and freedom from fear. I hope that the Indian government will decide to adequately deal with the problem of religious chauvinism. And as my sister, Amy, said to me, they will have alot to answer for on judgement day.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Religious Right Gone Whiny. (My Critique of Another Blog's Post) This blog post will be in response to this post, which was written by my cousin, Adam. First off let's address the issue of squadism Through out history, rightly or wrongly, militant activists have engaged in street fights with each other. An early example of this was the Red Front, which battled with the S.A. The problem with this tactic is that those on the authoritarian ultra-Right tend to have what I'd like to call a martyrs complex. Basicly they will act like total jerks, and try to provoke confrontations. Then if and when they get there butts whooped, they feel that they have born there cross. Eventhough it's partialy there own fault that they are treated so roughly. Yet in the end, they are still able to play the victim. Well I'm here to tell you that it's the clerical fascists, like the dominionists among others, who are the persecutors, not the persecuted. Just remember though, you all, we should not be initiating force in dealing with our adversaries. Aggression is not only wrong, it is also just plain stupid. Plus it makes us look bad. Lastly it was not only pro-proposition 8 supporters who were attacked. Opponants were as well. So remember, be on guard, but do not pick fights with the bone headed reactionaries.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Hezbollah Forms Islamo-Fascist Equivalent To Hitler Youth. This is just as the Nazis had in Germany, and to be fair, the Communists had in the Soviet Union. This is an organisation that promotes indoctrination, rather than education, in an attempt to control the minds of the next generation. The fanatical islamists like to start them out young.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
SPLC Helps To Win Judgement Against The Klan. Ironicly, it appears that the more ethnicly american you look, the more likely people might think you're foreign. I myself, am about 5% amerindian, and even I sometimes have gotten people commenting on how I look. They wonder if I was adopted, which I wasn't. Surprisingly, I just seem to look more ethnic than the rest of my family, according to certain people. It was the amerindian that was here first. Yet those of us of native descent are oftentimes made to try and prove that we really are citizens of our native homeland. We have to bring photo ID to vote. We must have Social Security cards to work. We even have to produce an original copy of a birth certificate, in order to get a drivers liscence/learners permit. The white caucasians should remember just what an American is. The American people have come from many different backgrounds. It's no more a white christian country than a black muslim country. All various groups should feel free to live here, in peace, and freedom.
Bus Driver Chokes Mentally Challenged Boy. On a personal note, I myself have had coprolalia, as someone with Tourette Syndrome. I'm alright now, but for a time I was having symptoms of situational coprolalia. So I somewhat know what it's like to deal with having neuro-psychiatric difficulties. This boy, while he may have been causing a commotion, and disrupting things, was not a threat to anyone. The driver should have shown more patience, and self control, in handling things. Especially since stress only makes the symptoms worse. And when we display coprolaliac utterances, we don't get to choose the word/s we use. It's not something that can be controled entirely. It just happens instantaneously, just like that. You barely have time to react, if and when you feel it start to come on. So if someone with this particular problem shouts out something like "black b**ch", do not take it personally. It's just as traumatic for us, if not moreso, than it is for y'all.
DEA Tries To Extradite Canadian Seed Distributers. The U.S. federal government should have no juristiction outside the American border. If the government doesn't want cannabis seeds to be exported into the U.S., Customs should stop it, not the DEA. Cannabis has industrial uses, besides it's use as a recreational drug. Cannabis is just a plant. It's what you do with it that matters, not the plant itself. Also people shouldn't be extradited for distributing materials from where it's legal, to a place where it's restricted. It would be like if we were to allow some foreign dictatorship to imprision American citizens who smuugle Bible into countries where that is not allowed. It's bad enough that Americans are being excessively punished, under our draconian laws. Canadians should only be subject to there own laws. If the United States government doesn't like it, they can all just shove it. Now go and put that in your hemp pipe, and smoke it.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Green Party Clarifies Stance on Israel, Amid Dershowitz Criticism. The mischarecterisation of anti-zionists as being anti-semitic is inaccurate. One can oppose the zionist regime in Israel, and it's policies, without being hostile towards Jews. And besides Meretz-Yachad is also a Green party. Anti-zionists are no more anti-Jewish, than anti-fascists are anti-white.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
"Pan's Labyrinth" Review's_Labyrinth This week, I borrowed "Pan's Labyrinth" from the library. It's about a Princess, named Moanna, who is reincarnated as a girl, named Ophelia, in Falangist Spain. She encounters various monsters. But the worst monster is her step-father, who is a Captain in Franco's army. First he kills two farmers, for having an almanac with a quotation he did not like, and a rifle, which the farmers had used to hunt rabbits. Then he tortured a wounded prisoner, as a part of interrogation. Lastly he decided to cut rations in half, so that the villagers would not have any food to spare for the resistance. The Priest, who supports the Captain's descision, told him that God already has the people's souls, and does not care about there bodies. But Ophelia has to learn a valuable moral lesson as well, before she may be reunited with her father, the King of the Underworld. She must learn when to obey, and when not to. When she was sent to retreive a knife, she was told not to eat anything there, lest she die. Well, she ate some grapes, and awakened a monster, who came after her. For this transgression the Faun, who in my opinion looked more like a satyr, banished her from the Kingdom. Later on however the Faun changes his mind, and gives Ophelia one last chance to prove her worthiness. He tells her to bring her baby brother with her, and to do whatever he tells her, without question. She agrees to do this. But when she gets to the portal, the Faun instructs her to give him the boy, so that he might spill his blood, in order to open the portal. Horrified she refuses to allow her brother's innocent bllod to be shed. Then the Captain catchs up with her, and shoots her. Ophelia's soul is then transmigrated back to her father, the Underground King. And the Captain is shot by the resistance. The only bad thing about this film, is some of the foul language used. The people who need to see it the most might not want to, because of the profanity used. I think though that the theme of the story is a good one, because it helps to illustrate the oppression of christo-fascist dictatorship. And it also demonstrates that obedience to authority is not always right. Especially since, if the dominionist Right ever comes to power, we would have the same situation. Lastly, I think that this film shows that just because someone is against abortion, it does not mean that they are neccessarily pro-life. The Captain was against abortion, eventhough his wife became very ill as a result of her pregnancy, because he wanted a son to carry on his family name. He even told the Doctor that if only one of them could be saved, to choose the baby's life over the woman's. But as I've mentioned above the Captain brutaly killed all who opposed him, and the Fascist dictatorship, of Francisco Franco. So all of you remember this, especially those registered as Republicans, here in the U.S. Make sure that the candidates you vote for not only respect human life, but human liberty as well. Because the two go hand and hand.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Barack Obama Wins The Election. Barack Obama won today's Presidential election. No matter who had won however, you will always be able to count on me to unbiasly, and criticly, comment upon there administration. In the end I just couldn't bring myself to vote for Sen. Obama though. Because he, like John McCain, voted in favor of the bail out, he's not as much a non-interventionist as I had thought, and lastly I think that he might approve of publicly funding abortions. Now whether or not the person reading this is pro-life or pro-choice, I feel that if abortions are to be allowed, they should at least be privately funded. So that the tax payers are not made to contribute against there will to something which they might disagree with moraly. I don't think I'll post for whom I voted for though, as some of you might disagree with my choice, and possibly stop reading my blog. I like it that indivisuals of all political ideologies read my blog, friend and foe alike. The most important thing is that you all vote according to your conscience. And I just could not in good conscience vote for Obama or McCain. I'm a libertarian-Democrat though, if that tells you anything about how I might have voted. But I'm just relieved that the campaign season is over. It had been a long bitter race. And the McCain-Palin campaign, and the Republican National Commitee were being very unkind, and untruthful, toward Barack Obama. So personaly, I am happy for President elect Obama. He deserves the respect, and support, of all loyal, patriotic Americans. So congratulations to Barack Obama. I wish he, and my country, the best of success. As we all together as a people try to deal with the chalenges we will all face together. P.S. As an added treat, for all us registered Democrats, here is our theme song. Enjoy.
Monday, November 3, 2008
U.S. Army May Be Used As Domestic Police. If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you'd notice that I cite sources from the Right, as well as the Left. This is one of these times. Chuck Baldwin, who wrote this article, is running for President as a candidate of the Constitution Party. If any of you are looking for a good christian-conservative to vote for, who's a tradtionalist, but not a dominionist, he's your man. As for the linked article I re-posted here. If the President, whomever he might be, has the power to utilise the armed forces, in this way, it would not only be the end of Posse Comitatus Act, but the possible begining of martial law as well. Hopefuly whomever is elected, by the People, will protect not only our national security, but our constitutional liberty as well.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Louis "Studs" Terkel Has Passed Away.,0,3592218,full.story Here was a very intriguing person. Studs Terkel was a radio broadcaster in the city of Chicago. He'd comment on social issues. Kind of like I do on this blog of mine. Also like me, he was a leftist. And here's an interesting tidbit, he never learned to drive. I also have not gotten my driver's liscence yet. He provided a lot of interesting living history, and will be missed by all of his many admirers.
Sarah Palin, and Barack Obama, Were Both Hung in Effigy. These incidents further show the violent intolerance of segments of both the Right and Left. These threatening displays should not be allowed to exist. It's like shoughting fire in a crowded theator. I hope that the police will keep a close eye on both of the perpetrators. I don't know whether or not these people were just joking or not, but it certainly wasn't at all funny.
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