Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rogue Military in Colombia Kill Civilians There have been continuing violations of the human rights, and life, of common Colombian citizens, and/or activists. This situation should be rectified before if and when the "Colombia Free Trade Agreement" is ratified.

Christians in Iraq are Being Attacked. In post Baathist Iraq, christians, and other ethno-religious groups, are being terrorised by sectarian gangs. The occupation forces, and provisional government, instead of working alongside the Iraq Freedom Congress, has been suppressing them. The hope of a peaceful, and democratic, Iraq is being dashed by the forces who are supposed to be there liberators.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Cars Review"

I just saw a DVD of "Cars". I think that it has very good morals to the story. A race car, "Lightning McQueen" gets stranded in a small town, along historic Route 66. First he learns to take responsibility, after he tears up the road speeding, and has to repair it. Then he learns about fraternity, after getting to know the towns residents, including especially a retired race car, who is also the town's leader. Later "Lightning McQueen" shows respect by helping to push a wrecked vetern race car across the finish line. He loses the race, but gains his honor, and the admiration of other cars.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

White Supremacists Threaten to Massacre Blacks, and Assasinate Sen. Obama. This news is distressing. I fear that there may be even more threats of political terrorism, and/or violence. The level of hate mongering in my country is alarming. The ultra-Rightists have been slandering Obama, and stirring up hatred of blacks, and/or Democrats. I fear that there might be a civil war, and/or civil unrest, generated by the concerns of various groups about the government. There are conspiracy theories perpetrated by the Right and Left alike.

Ashley Todd's Attack Was a Fraud. I somewhat suspected that this alledged incident was faked. For those who have not heard about this, supposedly some black guy had robbed a white Colledge Republican official, and slashed a B into her face, after noticing that she had a John McCain bumper sticker. Here it turns out that she's mentaly disturbed. Even moreso than some other Republicans. (sorry, I just couldn't resist.:)) The reson why I had initially doubted this story was that I had read about a similarly unsubstantuated urban legend, about a gang initiation ritual, from

Friday, October 24, 2008

New York Times Endorses Obama, And So Now Do I. I have now decided for my blog to officialy endorse Sen. Barack Obama for President. For those who wonder what reasons I have for favoring Obama Over McCain, this article sums it up well. We need a President who will uphold the Constitution, as well as protect personal freedom, and promote social justice. Though both I as well as my caucus, the Democratic Freedom Caucus, would have prefered Bill Richardson to have been nominated instead, Obama is the best choice we Americans have. Which is why the Obama-Biden ticket will be getting my vote, come November Fourth.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nikki Blonsky Gets Into Fight At Airport With The Family Of A Model.,,20231966,00.html,,20230248,00.html Seriously, eventhough it may seem like the topic of a satire, Nikki Blonsky got into a scuffle with the Golden family. The Blonskys were returning from a vacation, when they got into an altercation. From the sounds of it, according to Nikki's account of what happened, Bianca and her brother, George, commited an anti-semitic hate crime against the Blonskys. I don't know why Miss Blonsky, and her father are being charged with assault. At the very most, both the Blonskys and Goldens are both guilty of disorderly conduct. I think that the law should just call it even, and leave them all alone to lick there wounds. This does bear the question though, if a black attacks someone of another race, does it constitute a hate crime? I'd advise all white colored people, especially Jews, to avoid fights with blacks. Or else you just may wind up being victimised twice, once by the assailants, and the other by the law. This is also one of the reasons why I tend to be philosophicly an anarchist. If there were no government, we could just settle disputes on our own. If the police can not manage to prevent violence, they should at least not punish people for it. No one should be punished for trying to protect themselves. Let's just let by gones be by gones, and let both familys get on with there lives in peace.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Watch List Or Black List Non-violent activists should not be lumped together with dangerous terrorists. Passive resistance has a long, noble, history in our country. And as I've stated before, when peaceful actions are impossible, armed revolution may sometimes be necessary. Are you and/or I on a terrorist watch list? You never know. I do know that I, like the nuns, believe in the principle of non-aggression. So if there is a problem between me and the government, it's there fault, not mine.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Republicans Accused Of Voter Registration Fraud.,0,1216330.story?track=ntothtml It's not just ACORN which has been alledged to have deceptively registered voters. A Republican group has now been accused as well. This is what can happen when you give voluteers a monetary incentive to register people. They will tend to mislead in order to receive more money.

Joe The Plumber Causes The Presidential Debate To Get Dumber. I can tell you from personal experience that the idea that a single worker can start up a buisness, and make a profit, all by himself is a pipe dream. My father once tried to do this, and it brought about the most trying time in our family's life. You see my father's place of employment, a dairy equipment refrigeration repair servive, had closed down, because the small family farms were suffering financialy. And so he thought to himself that he would continue to work on his own, only he would service homes instead of farms, plus he would also do plumbing as well. Well the thing was that the homeowners were also going through tough economic times, and so they had a hard time paying him as well. The buisness expenses exceded the profits, and we fell into debt. In desparation, we had to go on food stamps. Later on, since at the end of the year you must show that you are at least trying to get a better source of income, as a result of welfare reform, he got a job working in a furniture company. As Karl Marx mentioned in "The Communist Manifesto"
"The lower strata of the middle class -- the small tradespeople, shopkeepers, retired tradesmen generally, the handicraftsmen and peasants -- all these sink gradually into the proletariat, partly because their diminutive capital does not suffice for the scale on which Modern Industry is carried on, and is swamped in the competition with the large capitalists, partly because their specialized skill is rendered worthless by the new methods of production. Thus the proletariat is recruited from all classes of the population" None of the skilled tradesmen, it seems, wants to work for somebody else. They want all of the profits for themselves. But when everyone tries to be self-employed, there is less money to be made for all of the plumbing trade. What I think the plumbers, and other skilled laborers, should do is form there own guild, and share the profits amongst themselves. Only in partnership with other tradesmen can they hope to better there lives. They should therefore work in co-operation, instead of competition, with each other. And also, as Sen. Obama said in the the final debate, when the other workers are having a hard time with there livelihood, they can not afford to pay anyone else. So therefore the fate of the small buisness class is symbioticly interlinked with that of the working class.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hindu Nationalists Persecute Christians. Let it not be said that I only pick on the muslims and christians. These hindu tribesmen are making some serious bad karma. This is what can happen when religion and nation become intertwined. Any offense against one becomes an offense against the other also. This is also a case of genocide, as one tribe is christian, while the other is hindu. Both peoples should learn to tolerate the prescence of the other, and live in peace with them.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Election Information, In Regards To The Issues.

Here are links to the posistions of both McCain and Obama's plans. You should read them both before voting. Now I know that many of you will be abstaining from voting, and that others will be voting for minor candidates. But for those who are planning to get involved in the contest between the Democratic, and Republican nominees, here is information to help you come to a descision. Readers of my blog should also know that I officially have not endorsed either candidate. Neither one entirely exemplifies Left-libertarian principles. But, for what it's worth, the Democratic Freedom Caucus had endorsed Gov. Bill Richardson, whom has since endorsed Obama. I myself am also strongly leaning towards voting for Sen. Barack Obama. One word of advice though. Do not tell your family whom you plan on voting for, as they may react negatively to you. Seriously, I had let my family know that I favor Obama over Sen. Hillary Clinton, and over Sen. John McCain as well, and I've been getting hasseled, intimidated, and even threatened, ever since. So if your family is fiercely partisan, like mine is, you'd do well not to let them know about your politics. Anyway, as I promised ,here are the links.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

McCain Has Own Association With 60's Radical People should not be held guilty by association. One should be judged by one's own personal charector, not by the company one keeps.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Word of Faith Might Be Partialy Responsible For The Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis.,8599,1847053,00.html?cnn=yes The ways that certain Charismatic Christians give credit to God for everything, both good and bad, which happens in life is appalling. We people should take responsibility for our own lives. We must try and make informed descisions. Not act like every benefit is a blessing, or like every crisis is a curse. There are even some people who've told me that problems, like the high energy prices, are God's judgement upon us all, because of supposed vices, like homosexuality. What?! Those people need to crack open a book, other than just the Bible, and learn a thing or two about the economy, and science.

The Medicinal Uses of Marijuana. If one has the need of drugs, I feel that it is far better that it be nature made than man made. Not only has marijuana helped in the cases mentioned, it has helped manage symptoms of Tourette Syndrome as well. I mean if you're going to be using pharmacutical therapies anyway, why not use the most natural?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Don't Extradite Gary McKinnon Gary McKinnon is suspected of hacking into U.S. government installations. True it is an act of espianage. But he did it to try and uncover a conspiracy. He should, and will, be sentenced in his native U.K. But for him to be sent to the U.S. would not only be overkill, it might even endanger his civil right of due process under the law. The U.S. has an abismal record, when it comes to the rights of prisoners suspected of terrorist activities, especially when it applies to foreigners.