Tuesday, September 30, 2008
U.S. Military Prepares For Civil Disturbances
http://www.csindy.com/gyrobase/Content?oid=oid%3A16908 Federal armed forces are being mobilised to suppress possible popular uprisings. As we approach a world wide economic depression, the government apparantly fears a revolution. They are preparing for martial law, and/or a secret police. There must be due process, and rule of law. Or else we may all end up in detention camps. Once again Fascism is on the rise, after a great depression.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Clay Aiken Comes Out As Gay.
http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20228488,00.html This is just my personal opinion, and not the position of the libertarian Left as a whole. I think that it should not matter what Aiken's sexual orientation is. He's not in a relationship with anyone, as far as I know. So why would his son even need to know about his proclivities? I do hope that he will be an involved father. However, idealy, children should have two parents, and have both positive male and female rolemodel figures in there lives. Traditionaly, and usualy, these rolemodels are the mother and father, in a stable and loving heterosexual family. I feel that it would have been better for the boy to grow up with both parents at home. But that's just the way things are in life these days.
Paul Newman Passed Away.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/27/paul-newman-dies-at-83_n_129860.html Paul Newman was notable, not only for his acting, in such movies as "Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid", but for his philanthropy as well. His company "Newman's Own", donates all of it's profits to charitable and progressive causes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newman's_Own He was a known liberal, who supported Eugene McCarthy in 1968, and supported Ned Lamont's candidacy in the 2006 Connecticut Democratic Primary against Senator Joe Lieberman. He also favored gay rights, and same sex marriage, though he himself was straight.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sarah Palin Was Annointed Against Witches.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/max-blumenthal/the-witch-hunter-anoints_b_128805.html Here is even more alarming information about this relatively unknown Governor of Alaska. It would seem that not only might we all have cause to worry about the revival of the Inquisition, but the Salem Witch Trials as well. That some people, in this supposedly enlightened age still believe in such ignorant superstition is shocking. I was reluctant to believe this at first. Especialy since there had been false rumors that John Ashcroft, an U.S. Attorney General, who is also Pentecostal, believes that calico cats are of the Devil. http://www.snopes.com/critters/gnus/calico.asp
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ultra-Orthodox Extremists, In Israel, Threaten Women's Rights.
http://www.meretzusa.org/take-action/letters/tell-israels-speaker-of-the-knesset-womens-rights-are-everyones-rights If any of you think that this post is going to be about abortion, you'd be wrong. This is about much more basic rights. Certain religious fundamentalists are trying to impose there strict standards upon Israeli women. These rules are very similar to rules in Islamic countries. Like that women may not sing in public, which by the way was originaly how the counter-tenor voice was developed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Countertenor Women are expected to cover up there entire bodies, from head to toe. They are even being segregated on public busses. Israel is supposed to be democratic and modern, in comparison to the rest of the Middle East. But now the ultra-orthodox Rabbis are behaving like Muslim Mullahs, in nations governed by Shariah.
School Boy Is Threatened By BB Gun.
http://www.visaliatimesdelta.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080924/NEWS01/809240309 All children should be able to have a safe learning enviroment. The boy who threatened the other boy in question, should be expelled, and sent to a re-education facility. The faculty should be permitted to be liscenced to carry firearms. I myself also have Tourette/Asperger Syndrome. We should not be lumped together with the behaviouraly disturbed. The neuro-diverse should be allowed to attend the state schools. The emotionaly disorded might not be. All students have indivisual needs which must be met, according to there level of ability.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
American Media Covers Up For State Sponsored Terrorism In Bolivia.
http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/19-09-2008/106412-mediaterrorists-0 Once again the Yankee imperialists try to destablise a regime which they do not like. The people should be able to choose there representitives in free and fair elections. Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change necessary.
Non-Resistance Can Jeopardise Revolution.
http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/106380-0/ Preferably change should come about peaceably. However we should not have to feel like we must always put up with the aggressive actions which threaten our personal security, and/or liberty. If we are not prepared to counter the brutality of those in authority, we might just end up on the couch, with our throats in the grips of death. We should learn to ascertain the threat level posed by our adversaries. And show apropriate descretion in dealing with it. If and when we do have to respond accordingly, we must strike first, strike fast, and strike hard. This is the way to achieve quick, and successful, victory. Otherwise they may overwhelm us, and overcome us, before we can react to there attack.
Douglas Wilson Advocates Dominionism.
http://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2007/07/christopher-hitchens-douglas-willson.html Douglas Wilson, who recently debated Christopher Hitchens http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/mayweb-only/119-12.0.html, is an ultra-Right-wing political christian. If he, and those like him, were to ever get there way, America would become a christianised version of countries like Iran. Certainly state religion is not good for the world, as it violates personal freedom, including the freedom of the will. We must not think of christians as being naturaly any better than there muslim counterparts. Christianity is much more than just Christmas trees, and Easter eggs. It has through out it's history also meant, in practice, destruction, and/or oppression.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Georgians Condemn There Country's War With Russia.
http://www.solidnet.org/cgi-bin/agent?parties/0330=georgia,_unified_communist_party_of_georgia/988georgia26aug08.doc http://english.pravda.ru/world/ussr/10-09-2008/106332-Georgia_opposition_Saakashvili-0This War is pointless, and uncalled for. What's worse was that the government of Georgia had assistance from the U.S.A. The Americans should tend to there own affairs, and leave the rest of the world alone. It's really none of the U.S.'s buisness, meddling in other sovereign nation's problems.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pres. Bush Snubs War Widow
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/8/29/15044/7160 This is an outrage. Americans of all beliefs and backgrounds couragously serve our country. There sacrifices should be appreciated by all patriotic citizens. They are all fighting to defend our freedom, including the freedom of religion.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Activists Act To Try And Stop The Demolishment Of A Village, In Israel.
http://www.indymedia.org/en/2008/08/910958.shtml The Israeli government is a racist regime. If any other people were to behave as they do, and or try and set up a separate homeland for themselves, they'd be tarred as being a part of a hate group. People of all religions, and races, deserve equal human rights, within there land of residence. The Jews should not have special priveledges. I can only hope that the zionists can be resisted peaceably, rather than fought forcibly. But I believe that the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves by any and all means necessary. Through passive resistance, as a first resort, and through armed resistance, as a last resort. For no force should be allowed to threaten life, and/or personal possessions.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Jordin Sparks Defends Jonas Brother's Promise Rings
http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1594549/20080910/jordin_sparks.jhtml http://www.usmagazine.com/news/jordin-sparks-defends-jonas-brothers-purity-rings-on-vmas http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20224098,00.html First off, kudos to both "The Jonas Brothers", and Jordin Sparks, for commiting themselves to sexual purity. It's refreshing to see young celebrities/pop stars not follow the "sex, drugs, and rock n roll, lifestyle." However I do not believe that we need to wear a "promise ring" in order to save ourselves for marriage. First of all, I feel that promise rings are self righteous. It's like "look at me, I'm a virgin". When for all we know, it could just be for show. Just like when I was a teenager, and W.W.J.D. wristbands were in fashion. Now were all of the youths wearing them godly people? Many maybe, but certainly not all of them were. A lot of teens are given these accessaries by there parents. So it's moreso there parents imposisition, than there own expression. And secondly, promise rings, like other jewelary, can cost quite a bit of money. Not all girls, and/or boys, can afford them. Frankly, we'll be doing good just to be able to afford an engagement/wedding ring. I also happen to believe that one's spirituality, and sexuality, is personal, and needn't be shown off to the entire world. What's in the heart is the most important thing. And we can not know what's in there heart, and therefore whether or not they're sincere. Hopefuly they will someday find someone to share both heart and body with though.
9-11 "Patriot's Day"
http://www.socialist-alliance.org/page.php?page=36 Today commemerates the tragic suicide attack upon the World Trade Center, and Pentagon. It was one of the events which touched off the age of terror which we now live under. The Islam practiced by the Al Qaeda terrorists is reactionary, and medeival, in nature. But this also reminds me of Guy Fawkes Day http://www.infoplease.com/spot/guyfawkes.html, which is when we remember when Catholic terrorists attempted to blow up the English Parliment. Note however how Roman Catholicism has adapted, and modernised itself, since then. I can only hope that some day Islam might likewise come to peaceful terms with the western world. The U.S.A. currently has two congressmen who are muslim, Andre Carson, and Keith Ellison. People around the world sould realise that we give opportunities for success, and freedom, to people of all faiths, and/or beliefs. It's this american way, and american dream, which we all should struggle to defend.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Federal Government To Take Charge Of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/06/business/06fannie.html This planned action is charectoristic of Fascist style corporatism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporatism. Under the Bush administration, America is fast becoming more and more Fascistic. Fortunately George W. Bush is a lame duck President. Here is what Democratic Nominee, Barack Obama has responded to the crisis. http://my.barackobama.com/page/community/post/stateupdates/gG5WRk I myself feel that banking/financing should be nationalised, within the public sector, just like energy, and healthcare.
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